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Form version MODX Extra by MODX version requirements

Form is a snippet to handle forms in MODx. It will validate the form and triggers actions like sending an email if the validation succeed. It does not generate the form, but it can repopulate it if it fails validation

System settings

Setting Description
form.encrypt If yes the forms will be saved encrypted.
form.encrypt_key The encryption key to save forms encrypted. Default is "Yes".
form.encrypt_method The encryption method to save forms encrypted. Default is "openssl".
form.use_pdotools If yes and pdoTools is installed all chunks will be parsed by pdoTools.

Snippet parameters

Parameter Description
action The action of the form. This can be an URL, ID of a resource, or resource. If set to resource the action will be set to the current resource. If set to an ID of a resource or resource the current URL parameters will be merged in this action URL.
method The method of the form. This can be POST or GET. This parameter will be available as the [[+method]] placeholder. Default is POST.
submit The submit action of the form. Default is submit.
prefix The prefix of the placeholders, this prefix will used if you not work with the tpl parameter. Default is form.
validator The validation rules of the form. This must be a valid JSON.
validatorMessages The custom validation messages for the validation rules. This must be a valid JSON. If empty the default validation messages (in the lexicon file) will be used.
errorMessage The custom error message of the global error. Default is An error has occurred in the form, please complete the form and try again..
successMessage The custom success message. Default is empty.
plugins The plugins of the form. This must be a valid JSON.
success The success action of the form, if the validation is succeed the form will be redirected to this action. This can be an URL, ID of a resource, or resource. If set to resource the success action will be set to the current resource. If set to an ID of a resource or resource the current URL parameters will be merged in this action URL. If empty the form will not be redirected after a succeed validation.
failure The failed action of the form, if the validation is failed the form will be redirected to this action. This can be an URL, ID of a resource, or resource. If set to resource the failed action will be set to the current resource. If set to an ID of a resource or resource the current URL parameters will be merged in this action URL. If empty the form will not be redirected after a failed validation.
tpl The template of the form. This can be a chunk name or prefixed with @FILE or @INLINE. If empty all placeholders will set with the prefix to be used after the snippet call.
tplSuccess The template of the form if the validation succeed. This will replace the form template if not empty.
tplFailure The template of the form if the validation failed. This will replace the form template if not empty.
tplError The template of an error. Default is @INLINE <p class="help-block">[[+error]]</p>
tplErrorMessage The template of the global error. Default is @INLINE <div class="form-group form-group--error"><p class="help-block">[[+error]]</p></div>. The bulk error is available as the [[+error_message]] placeholder.
tplSuccessMessage The template of the success message. Default is empty.

Build-in validators

Validation rule Description
validateIf This field will only be validated if a specifield field is valid.
required The field needs to contain a value.
blank The field needs to be empty.
equals The field needs to be equal to a specified value.
equalsTo The field needs to be equal to a specified field.
minLength The minimum amount of characters (or checkboxes).
maxLength The maximum amount of characters (or checkboxes).
betweenLength The minimum and maximum amount of characters (or checkboxes).
minValue The minimum value (or checkboxes).
maxValue The maximum value (or checkboxes).
betweenValue The minimum and maximum value (or checkboxes).
regex A custom regex to validate the field.
email The field needs to be a valid email adress.
phone The field needs to be a valid phone number. The domain will be validated by a regex that can be changed with the system setting.
domain The field needs to be a valid domain (without a path/segments). The domain will be validated by a regex that can be changed with the form.validator.domain.regex system setting.
url The field needs to be a valid URL. The URL will be validated by a regex that can be changed with the form.validator.url.regex system setting.
ip The field needs to be a valid IP.
iban The field needs to be a valid IBAN. The IBAN will be validated by a regex that can be changed with the form.validator.iban.regex system setting.
number The field can only contain 0-9 characters (also , and . are allowed).
alpha The field can only contain a-z characters.
alphaNumeric Combination of number and alpha characters.
date The field needs to be a valid date.
minDate The field needs to be a valid date and later then a specified date.
maxDate The field needs to be a valid date and earlier then a specified date.
betweenDate The field needs to a valid date and between 2 specified dates.
file The field needs to have a valid upload (UPLOAD_ERR_OK).
fileExtension The valid need to have a valid upload with a specified extension.
fileSize The valid need to have a valid upload with a specified file size.
age The field needs to have a valid date and calculates the age that needs to be older then a specified age.

Example validation parameter with pdoTools/Fenom:

{'!Form' | snippet : [
    'validator'             => [
        // Name field required.
        'name'                  => 'required',
        // Phone field required and phone validator.
        'phone'                 => ['phone', 'required'],
        // Email field required and email validator.
        'email'                 => ['email', 'required'],
        // Content field required.
        'content'               => 'required',
        // Age field required and age validator with the minimum age of 18.
        'age'                   => [
            'age'                   => 18,
            'required'              => true
        // License field required and minLength for 8 if the age field has the minimum age of 18.
        'license'               => [
            'validateIf'            => [
                'age'                   => [
                    'age'                   => 18
                'validator'             => [
                    'minLength'             => 10,
                    'required'              => true
    'validatorMessages'     => [
        'required'              => 'This field is required'

Plugins (Hooks)

A form can handle plugin/events, in FormIt know as hooks.

Each plugin will be triggered multiple times:

  • onBeforePost, gets triggered before the form renders.
  • onValidatePost, gets triggered during the form validation (after the validation rules).
  • onValidateFailed, gets triggered after a failed form validation.
  • onValidateSuccess, gets triggered after a succeed form validation.
  • onAfterPost, gets triggered after form validation (doesn't check if the form validation is valid).

Build-in plugins/hooks

Plugin Description
recaptcha Validated the form data with Google Recaptcha (V2 and V3 supported).
save Saves the form data encrypted into the database (custom manager component).
email Sent the form data by email to specified emails (multiple emails supported, email to administrator, email to client etc).
uploads This will handle uploads, it will move the uploads to a media source (and will prefix the uploads with the current upload time).

Example ReCaptcha plugin/hook with pdoTools/Fenom:

{'!Form' | snippet : [
    'plugins'               => [
        'recaptcha'             => [
            'version'               => 'v3' // Can be v2 or v3.

Example email plugin/hook with pdoTools/Fenom:

{'!Form' | snippet : [
    'plugins'               => [
        'email'                 => [
            'subject'               => 'Title of the email.',
            'emailTo'               => 'The e-mailadress to sent the email to.',
            'emailToField'          => 'The name of the field to get the e-mailadress to sent the email to.',
            'emailFrom'             => 'The e-mailadress to sent from.',
            'tpl'                   => 'The template of the email.'

You can send multiple emails by by add a number (or reply) to the email. For example email, email2, email3 or emailReply. So the default email you can send to the administrator of the website, and email2 or emailReply you can use to send a reply email to the visitor.

{'!Form' | snippet : [
    'plugins'               => [
        'email'                => [
            'subject'               => 'Title of the email.',
            'emailTo'               => 'The e-mailadress to sent the email to.',
            'emailToField'          => 'The name of the field to get the e-mailadress to sent the email to.',
            'emailFrom'             => 'The e-mailadress to sent from.',
            'tpl'                   => 'The template of the email.'
        'email2'                => [
            'subject'               => 'Title of the second email.',
            'emailTo'               => 'The e-mailadress to sent the second email to.',
            'emailToField'          => 'The name of the field to get the e-mailadress to sent the second email to.',
            'emailFrom'             => 'The e-mailadress to sent from.',
            'tpl'                   => 'The template of the second email.'
        'email3'                => [
            'subject'               => 'Title of the third email.',
            'emailTo'               => 'The e-mailadress to sent the third email to.',
            'emailToField'          => 'The name of the field to get the e-mailadress to sent the third email to.',
            'emailFrom'             => 'The e-mailadress to sent from.',
            'tpl'                   => 'The template of the third email.'

Custom plugins/hooks or validators

You can make class based plugins or validators. To load them you can create a plugin that will be fired on the onHandelForm event.

  • Form adds FormPlugin to the plugin/hook classname call. For example, ExampleFormPlugin or TestFormPlugin.
  • Form adds FormValidator to the validator classname call. For example, ExampleFormValidator or TestFormValidator.


{'!Form' | snippet : [
    'validator'             => [
        'name'                  => [
            'test'                  => [ // Classname will be called TestFormValidator
                'option_1'              => 'value 1',
                'option_2'              => 'value 2',
                'option_3'              => 'value 3',
    'plugins'               => [
        'test'                  => [ // Classname will be called TestFormPlugin
            'option_1'              => 'value 1',
            'option_2'              => 'value 2',
            'option_3'              => 'value 3'

if ($modx->event->name === 'onFormHandle') {
    include_once MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/site/elements/form/testformplugin.php';
    include_once MODX_CORE_PATH . 'components/site/elements/form/testformvalidator.php';

class TestFormPlugin extends DefaultFormPlugin
     * @access public.
     * @return Boolean.
    public function onValidatePost()
        // This test plugin will fired on the onValidatePost form event.

        return false;

class TestFormValidator extends DefaultFormValidator
     * @access public.
     * @param Mixed $value.
     * @param Mixed $properties.
     * @param Array $values.
     * @return Boolean|String.
    public function validate($value, &$properties = null, array $values = [])
        // This test validator will fired when validating a form.

        return false;

Custom plugins

Example custom plugin:

The following code is an example how to use a snippet as plugin. The key in the plugins array is the name of the snippet thats needs to be triggerd. The value of the key are the properties that are parsed to the snippet. The name of the snippet will be prepended with form, in this case the name of the snippet will be formMailChimp.

With pdoTools/Fenom:

{'!Form' | snippet : [
    'plugins'               => [
        'mailchimp'             => [
            'list_id'               => 'The id of the MailChimp list',
            'double_optin;          => true

     * Custom snippet with the name: MailChimp.
     * Available parameters:
     * @param $event, the name of the event (onBeforePost, onValidatePost or onAfterPost).
     * @param $properties, the properties of the plugin. In this example it contains 'list' and 'double_optin'.
     * @param $form, the form object. $form->getCollection() contains the values object, $form->getValidator() contains the validator object.

    // Gets triggered before the form renders.
    if ($event === FormEvents::BEFORE_POST) {
        $form->getCollection()->setValue('email', '[email protected]');
        return true;
    // Gets triggered during the form validation (after the validation rules)
    if ($event === FormEvents::VALIDATE_POST) {
        $email = $form->getCollection()->getValue('email');
        if (empty($email)) {
            $form->getValidators()->setError('email', 'E-mailaddress is required.');
            return false;
        return true;
    // Gets triggered after a succeed form validation.
    // CURL to the MailChimp API, $properties['list_id'], $properties['double_optin'].
    if ($event === FormEvents::VALIDATE_SUCCESS) {
        $state = curl...
        if (!$state) {
            $form->getValidators()->setError('email', 'An error has occurred during the MailChimp api call.');
            return false;
        return true;
    return true;

Form template (chunk)

All form values are stored in an array that is available as the values placeholder. You can access a value by the name of the field with [[+values.FIELD_NAME]].

All the validation errors are stored in an array that is avaible as the errors placeholder. You can access an error by the name of the field with [[+values.FIELD_NAME]]. The error returns an array with two keys:

  • Error, the first occurred error of the field.
  • Errors, all the occurred errors of the field.

To display the first occurred error of the field [[+values.FIELD_NAME.error]].

Available placeholders:

Placeholder Description
action The action of the form, this is an URL.
method The method of the form, this can be POST or GET.
active The state of the form, if the form is submitted the state is true otherwise false.
valid The validation state of the form, if the form is valid the state is true otherwise false.
error_message A global error message if the form validation is failed.
success_message A global success message if the form validation is succeed.
errors All the error of the form if the form validation is failed.
values All the values of the form.
submit The submit value of the form.
plugins The output of the plugins (for example rendering the Recaptcha HTML).

Example chunk with pdoTools/Fenom:

<form novalidate action="{$action}" method="{$method}" class="form {$active ? 'form-active' : ''}">
    <!-- Name field -->
    <div class="form-group required {$_pls['errors']['name']['error'] ? 'form-group--error' : ''}">
        <label for="name">Name *</label>
        <div class="form-control-wrapper">
            <input type="text" name="name" id="name" class="form-control" value="{$_pls['values']['name']}" /> {$_pls['errors']['name']['error']}
    <!-- Phone field -->
    <div class="form-group required {$_pls['errors']['phone']['error'] ? 'form-group--error' : ''}">
        <label for="phone">Phone *</label>
        <div class="form-control-wrapper">
            <input type="tel" name="phone" id="phone" class="form-control" value="{$_pls['values']['phone']}" /> {$_pls['errors']['phone']['error']}
    <!-- Email field -->
    <div class="form-group required {$_pls['errors']['email']['error'] ? 'form-group--error' : ''}">
        <label for="email">E-mail *</label>
        <div class="form-element-wrapper">
            <input type="email" name="email" id="email" class="form-control" value="{$_pls['values']['email']}" /> {$_pls['errors']['email']['error']}
    <!-- Content field -->
    <div class="form-group required {$_pls['errors']['content']['error'] ? 'form-group--error' : ''}">
        <label for="content">Question *</label>
        <div class="form-control-wrapper">
            <textarea name="content" id="content" class="form-control form-control--textarea">{$_pls['values']['content']}</textarea> {$_pls['errors']['content']['error']}
    <!-- Recaptcha plugin output -->
    <div class="form-group {$_pls['errors']['recaptcha']['error'] ? 'form-group--error' : ''}">
        <div class="form-control-wrapper">
            {$_pls['plugins']['recaptcha']['output']} {$_pls['errors']['recaptcha']['error']}
    <!-- Submit button -->
    <div class="form-group">
        <div class="form-control-wrapper">
            <button type="submit" class="btn" name="{$submit}" title="Submit">Submit</button>


MODX Revolution Form Component







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