Simple Google bot made with various apis
You must have Node installed to run this bot.
$ git clone
$ npm install
Create a discord bot token here and replace it where you see TOKEN_HERE, replace PREFIX to your prefered prefix.
config.json example
"prefix" : "g!",
"token" : "TOKEN_HERE"
Invite your bot to your discord server using the link given. Make sure to replace <client-id>
with your bots client id.<CLIENT ID>&scope=bot&permissions=0
To start your bot, simply open up command prompt in your bots directory and then type the following.
$ node app.js
Discord.js - Node Module used.
Google - Node Module used.
Google-Translate-api - Node Module used.
Node - JavaScript run-time environment.
- OblivionSan - @OblivionSan | Discord Server | Website