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Cookbook to install and configure telegraf

This was influenced by SimpleFinanace/chef-influxdb

Note: Some inputs will require other packages be installed and that is out of scope for this cookbook. ie. [netstat] requires lsof

Tested Platforms

  • CentOS 6.8 and 7.3
  • Ubuntu 15.04 and 16.04
  • Amazon Linux
  • Windows 2012R2
  • Mac OSX 10.12.x and 10.13.x


  • Chef 12.5+


This cookbook can be used by including telegraf::default in your run list and settings attributes
as needed. Alternatively, you can use the custom resources directly.


Key Type Description Default
node['telegraf']['version'] String Version of telegraf to install, nil = latest '0.10.0-1'
node['telegraf']['config_file_path'] String Location of the telgraf main config file '/etc/telegraf/telegraf.conf'
node['telegraf']['config'] Hash Config variables to be written to the telegraf config {'tags' => {},'agent' => {'interval' => '10s','round_interval' => true,'flush_interval' => '10s','flush_jitter' => '5s'}
node['telegraf']['outputs'] Hash telegraf outputs {'influxdb' => {'urls' => ['https://localhost:8086'],'database' => 'telegraf','precision' => 's'}}
node['telegraf']['include_repository'] [TrueClass, FalseClass] Whether or not to pull in the InfluxDB repository to install from. true
node['telegraf']['inputs'] Hash telegraf inputs {'cpu' => {'percpu' => true,'totalcpu' => true,'drop' => ['cpu_time'],},'disk' => {},'io' => {},'mem' => {},'net' => {},'swap' => {},'system' => {}}
node['telegraf']['perf_counters'] Hash telegraf performance counters {{ 'Processor' => { 'Instances' => ['*'] 'Counters' => ['% Idle Time','% Interrupt Time','% Privileged Time','% User Time','% Processor Time','% DPC Time',],'Measurement' => 'win_cpu','IncludeTotal' => true}}

Custom Resources


Installs telegraf and configures the service. Optionally specifies a version, otherwise the latest available is installed. The default installation type is package. For windows this defaults to chocolatey_package. If Chocolatey is not installed the resource will install this for you. Alternatively you can use the installation type file which will download and install the package.

telegraf_install 'default' do
  install_version '0.10.0-1'
  install_type 'package'
  action :create


Writes out the telegraf configuration file. Optionally includes outputs and inputs.

telegraf_config 'default' do
  path node['telegraf']['config_file_path']
  config node['telegraf']['config']
  outputs node['telegraf']['outputs']
  inputs node['telegraf']['inputs']
  perf_counters node['telegraf']['perf_counters']  


Writes out telegraf outputs configuration file. You can call this several times to create multiple outputs config files.

telegraf_outputs 'default' do
  outputs node['telegraf']['outputs']


Writes out telegraf inputs configuration file.

telegraf_inputs 'default' do
  inputs node['telegraf']['inputs']

You can call this several times to create multiple inputs config files. You'll need to specify different names for each telegraf_inputs resource, so they'll create separate config files.

For example, to add the nginx input:

node.default['telegraf']['nginx'] = {
  'nginx' => {
    'urls' => ['https://localhost/status']

telegraf_inputs 'nginx' do
  inputs node['telegraf']['nginx']
  service_name 'default'
  reload true
  rootonly false

Note that there are three optional parameters for this resource that could've been left out in this case:

  • service_name [default: 'default'] if you need to override which service should be restarted when the config changes;
  • reload [default: true] whether to restart the service when the config changes;
  • rootonly [default: false] whether to restrict access to the config file so it's not world readable;


Writes out telegraf performance counters configuration file for windows hosts only.

telegraf_perf_counters 'default' do
  perf_counters node['telegraf']['perf_counters']

You can call this several times to create multiple performance counter config files. You'll need to specify different names for each telegraf_perf_counters resource, so they'll create separate config files.

For example, to add a network interface performance counter:

node.default['telegraf']['network_interface'] = {
  'Network Interface' => {
    'Instances' => ['*'],
    'Counters' => [
      "Bytes Received/sec",
      "Bytes Sent/sec",
      "Packets Received/sec",
      "Packets Sent/sec",
    'Measurement' => 'win_net',

telegraf_perf_counters 'network_interface' do
  perf_counters node['telegraf']['network_interface']
  service_name 'default'
  reload true

For more examples visit influxdata/telegraf/plugins/inputs/win_perf_counters

Note that there are three optional parameters for this resource that could've been left out in this case:

  • service_name [default: 'default'] if you need to override which service should be restarted when the config changes;
  • reload [default: true] whether to restart the service when the config changes;

License and Authors

Copyright (C) 2015-2017 NorthPage

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.