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Tags: NoleHealth/fork-Binance.Net



Toggle 8.1.2's commit message
8.1.2 - Fixed quoteQuantity not being passed on after checking trade …

…rules, Fixed Blvt stream address and moved it to Spot, Updated CryptoExchange.Net


Toggle 8.1.1's commit message
8.1.1 - Fixed parameter order trailing delta in PlaceOrderAsync


Toggle 8.1.0's commit message
8.1.0 - Added LeveragedTokens user limit endpoint, Added Staking endp…

…oints, Added USD futures transaction history download endpoints, Added USD futures algo orders endpoints, Added margin order rate limit endpoint, Added interest margin data endpoint, Added symbol collection overloads for GetPricesAsync, GetBookPricesAsync and GetTickersAsync, Added symbol parameter for subaccount transfer, Added margin account types for subaccount transfer, Added TrailingDelta support, Added quoteQuantity minimal notional value TradeRule validation, Renamed GetAllBookPricesAsync to GetBookPricesAsync


Toggle 8.0.13's commit message
8.0.13 - Added TierAnnualInterestRate to BinanceFlexibleProductPositi…

…on, Changed GetFlexibleProductPositionAsync asset parameter to be optional, Updated CryptoExchange.Net


Toggle 8.0.12's commit message
8.0.12 - Updated CryptoExchange.Net which fixed an timing related iss…

…ue in the websocket reconnection logic, Fixed TrailingDelta symbol filter serialization, Added seconds representation to KlineInterval enum


Toggle 8.0.11's commit message
8.0.11 - Added trailing delta symbol filter parsing


Toggle 8.0.10's commit message
Various fixed


Toggle 8.0.9's commit message
8.0.9 - Fixed Spot MiniTicker subscription having swapped base/quote …

…volume properties, Fixed exception getting thrown when CancelOrderAsync on USD futures fails


Toggle 7.2.7's commit message
Fixed permission deserialization issue in GetAccountInfoAsync


Toggle 7.2.6's commit message
Updated TransferType enum to match new API