- 🤓 I'm a graduate in Mathematics
- 🔭 I’m currently working on Coding Skills
- 🌱 I’m currently learning Web Development
- 👯 I’m looking to collaborate on Front-end Projects
- 💬 Ask me about JavaScript & React.js
- 📫 How to reach me: [email protected]
- ⚡ Fun fact: I am foody
- Amazon UI
A responsive and sleek UI clone of the most popular e-commerce website, Amazon.
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, ReactJS, LocoMotiveJS, and SwiperJS - Title Crafter
A brand name suffix generator helps to create awesome brand titles
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript - PlayStation UI
It is an amazing UI clone of the most popular websites like PlayStation, Having a sleek and responsive layout achieved by CSS Grid properties.
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, ReactJS, and SwiperJS - Weather App
A minimalistic WeatherApp provides the weather data of any city, Adaptable for all screen sizes.
Tech Stack: HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and WeatherAPI
- JavaScript BrainStorming ⚡
I covered the basics of JavaScript in this repository using my knowledge. Written many code snippets to improve problem-solving tactics.
Check the repo, If you have suggestions create a pull. - File Organizer Utility 😋
File Organizer is a utility that helps manage and organize files inside separate folders.The complete guide is available on documentation.import { Clutter } from "../clutter.js"; Clutter("index.js")