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Go Reference

What is Sweet?

Sweet is a Software Engineering Exercise for Typing. In other words, it's a touch typing exercise command line interface specifically designed for programmers.


Using go

Assuming you have go installed, you can use the following command:

go install

Downloading an executable

  1. Go to the releases page.

  2. Download the executable with the matching operating system and architecture in the file name and its corresponding checksum file. The executables in the release are shown in the format sweet-<os>-<architecture>.

  3. Verify your downloaded executable using the sha256sum command. Note that the checksum and the executable should be in the same directory and have the same basename.

# with <sweet_executable> and <sweet_executable>.sha256 in the current dir 
sha256sum <sweet_executable>.sha256 --check
# <sweet_executable>: OK

If the checksums do not match, do not run the file. Please report an issue if something is wrong.

  1. Use chmod to make the executable actually executable.
chmod u+x <sweet_executable>
  1. Move the executable to a directory that is included in your $PATH, and rename it to sweet.
mv <sweet_executable> <somewhere_on_path>/sweet

You're now ready to use sweet!

Via your system's package manager



Run a typing exercise


This runs a random exercise from sweet's exercises directory. Once complete, you'll see the results of your exercise. Here's an example:

results of portfolio-site-burger.css:
wpm:                 50
uncorrected errors:  1
duration:            31.418805317s
mistakes:            13
accuracy:            90.51%
most missed keys:    g (2 times), o (2 times), : (1 time)
 96 ┤       ╭╮  ╭╮         ╭╮
 86 ┤  ╭╮   ││  ││         ││
 77 ┤╭─╯│  ╭╯│╭╮││╭╮       ││╭─╮
 67 ┤│╭╮│  │╭──╮╭──╮       │││ │
 58 ┤╭╯││╭╭─╯││╰╯││╰──╮ ╭──╮│╭──╮
 48 ┼╯ ││╭╯  ╰╯╰╯│││  ╰─╯╯│╰─╯ │╰───
 38 ┤  ╰─╯       ╰╯│╭──╮│ ╰╯││ │││╭╮
 29 ┤   ││         ││  ╰╯   ╰╯ ╰╯││╰
 19 ┤   ││         ││            ││
 10 ┤   ││         ││            ││
  0 ┤   ╰╯         ╰╯            ╰╯

            ■ raw wpm   ■ wpm

By default, exercises are located in $HOME/.config/sweet/exercises. If this directory doesn't exist, it will be created, and some default exercises will be added.

Add more files to the exercises directory if you'd like to include them in the random exercise rotation!

Using a specific language

sweet -l [extension]

Selects a random file within the exercises directory that matches a given extension. If no matching extension is found, then the program ends with an error.

With a different exercises directory

Use the $SWEET_EXERCISES_DIR environment variable.

$SWEET_EXERCISES_DIR="~/.exercises" sweet

With a specific file

sweet [file]

If your file is really large, use the -s and -e flags to select the starting and ending lines of the exercise, respectively.

sweet [really-large-file] -s 100 -e 110

Using piped input

Use the - filename to create an exercise with standard input.

curl | sweet -

You can still use the -s and -e flags if you want to filter your exercise input.

curl | sweet - -s 381 -e 385


If you notice any bugs, or have general feedback regarding your experience using sweet, please post an issue in our GitHub repo. You may also email me at [email protected].

Wanna contribute a change to the code? Please fork the repository, and then submit a pull request!



Contributor instructions

Running the application

go build .


Running unit tests for a module

go test ./{{module-name}}

Running unit tests for all modules

go test ./...

Building and reviewing test coverage

go test -coverprofile coverage {{module-path}} && go tool cover -html=coverage

Building a release version

Creates a release to GitHub, and updates the listing.

# Assuming you're currently on the commit you'd like to release
git checkout main
git tag {{version}}
git push origin {{version}}

Creating a new command

  1. Create new file called {{command}}/{{command}}.go
  • package {{command}}
  • const CommandName = "{{command}}"
  1. Create a function in new file called Run
  • should return an int
  • should accept []string as first parameter for args
  • should accept any other inputs it needs
  1. (optional) Add {{command}}Cmd variable of type *flags.FlagSet
  2. Create a test file {{command}}/{{command}}_test.go
  3. In sweet.go, add func signature from step 2 to Commands struct
  4. In Run in sweet.go, add a case to the switch subCommand statement
  5. In Main in sweet.go, add the Run function from your new {{command}} module to the defaultCommands struct.
  6. Valiate flags in the &cobra.Command's struct, then pass valid params to the Run function

By now you should have a new command that you can run and test like its own standalone application.

Writing e2e tests

See e2e/ and e2e/ for examples.