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Docker Lune

Docker files for Lune.

Available images:

  • Debian: nicell/lune:debian
    • Default. Uses the debian:stable-slim base image.
  • Distroless: nicell/lune:distroless
    • Barebones image. Uses the base image. No shell, package manager, or other tools are included.
  • Binary only: nicell/lune:bin
    • Contains only the Lune binary. Used for adding Lune to other images.

Run Lune

Enter the Lune REPL:

docker run -it nicell/lune repl

Enter the container shell:

docker run -it nicell/lune sh

Run a server.luau file:

docker run --init -it -p 3000:3000 -v $PWD:/app nicell/lune run app/server

The --init flag is required to properly handle signals such as SIGINT from CTRL+C. -p 3000:3000 maps the container port 3000 to the host port 3000. -v $PWD:/app mounts the current directory to the /app directory in the container.

Dockerfile Usage

FROM nicell/lune

# Port your app listens on


COPY . .

# Run server.luau
CMD ["run", "server"]

Custom Base Image

You can use the nicell/lune:bin image to add Lune to any base image.

FROM ubuntu
COPY --from=nicell/lune:bin /lune /usr/local/bin/