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  @page SubGHz_Phy_PingPong Readme file

  * @file    Applications/SubGHz_Phy/SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/readme.txt
  * @author  MCD Application Team
  * @brief   This application is a simple demo application software between 2
  *          LoRa Objects: a STM32WL Nucleo board and whatever other LoRa Radio
  *          board embedding SubGHz_Phy_PingPong application too
  * Copyright (c) 2020-2021 STMicroelectronics.
  * All rights reserved.
  * This software is licensed under terms that can be found in the LICENSE file
  * in the root directory of this software component.
  * If no LICENSE file comes with this software, it is provided AS-IS.

@par Description

This directory contains a set of source files that implements a Ping-Pong application
between two PingPong Devices.

The PingPong Device can be
   - a STM32WL Nucleo board
   - a LoRa Radio expansion board or a B-L072Z-LRWAN1
The applications aims to show a simple RX/TX RF link between the two PingPong devices,
one will be called Ping the other will be called Pong.
By default, each PingPong Device starts as a master and will transmit a "Ping" message, and then wait for an answer.
At start-up, each PingPong Device has its two LEDs blinking.
When boards will synchronize (Tx window of one board aligned with Rx window of the other board)
the Ping Device (board receiving "Ping" msg) will blink green LED and the Pong Device (board receiving "Pong" msg) will blink red LED.
The first PingPong Device receiving a "Ping" message will become a slave and answers the master with a "Pong" message.

Logs via hyperterminal complement LEDs indicators.


@par Keywords

Applications, SubGHz_Phy, PingPong, SingleCore

@par Directory contents

  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/dma.h                                          This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the dma.c file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/gpio.h                                         This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the gpio.c file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/main.h                                         : Header for main.c file.
                                                                                This file contains the common defines of the application.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/platform.h                                     Header for General HW instances configuration
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/rtc.h                                          This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the rtc.c file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/stm32wlxx_hal_conf.h                           HAL configuration file.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/stm32wlxx_it.h                                 This file contains the headers of the interrupt handlers.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/stm32wlxx_nucleo_conf.h                        STM32WLxx_Nucleo board configuration file.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/stm32_lpm_if.h                                 Header for Low Power Manager interface configuration
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/subghz.h                                       This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the subghz.c file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/sys_app.h                                      Function prototypes for sys_app.c file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/sys_conf.h                                     Applicative configuration, e.g. : debug, trace, low power, sensors
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/sys_debug.h                                    Configuration of the debug.c instances
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/timer_if.h                                     configuration of the timer_if.c instances
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/usart.h                                        This file contains all the function prototypes for
                                                                                the usart.c file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/usart_if.h                                     Header for USART interface configuration
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/utilities_conf.h                               Header for configuration file to utilities
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Inc/utilities_def.h                                Definitions for modules requiring utilities
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/App/app_subghz_phy.h                         Header of application of the SubGHz_Phy Middleware
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/App/app_version.h                            Definition the version of the application
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/App/subghz_phy_app.h                         Header of application of the SubGHz_Phy Middleware
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/Target/mw_log_conf.h                         Configure (enable/disable) traces
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/Target/radio_board_if.h                      Header for Radio interface configuration
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/Target/radio_conf.h                          Header of Radio configuration
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/Target/timer.h                               Wrapper to timer server

  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/dma.c                                          This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of all the requested memory to memory DMA transfers.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/gpio.c                                         This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of all used GPIO pins.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/main.c                                         : Main program body
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/rtc.c                                          This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of the RTC instances.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/stm32wlxx_hal_msp.c                            This file provides code for the MSP Initialization
                                                                                and de-Initialization codes.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/stm32wlxx_it.c                                 Interrupt Service Routines.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/stm32_lpm_if.c                                 Low layer function to enter/exit low power modes (stop, sleep)
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/subghz.c                                       This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of the SUBGHZ instances.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/system_stm32wlxx.c                             CMSIS Cortex Device Peripheral Access Layer System Source File
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/sys_app.c                                      Initializes HW and SW system entities (not related to the radio)
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/sys_debug.c                                    Configure probes pins RealTime debugging and JTAG/SerialWires for LowPower
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/timer_if.c                                     Configure RTC Alarm, Tick and Calendar manager
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/usart.c                                        This file provides code for the configuration
                                                                                of the USART instances.
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/Core/Src/usart_if.c                                     Configuration of UART driver interface for hyperterminal communication
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/STM32CubeIDE/Application/User/Core/syscalls.c           STM32CubeIDE Minimal System calls file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/STM32CubeIDE/Application/User/Core/sysmem.c             STM32CubeIDE System Memory calls file
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/App/app_subghz_phy.c                         Application of the SubGHz_Phy Middleware
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/App/subghz_phy_app.c                         Application of the SubGHz_Phy Middleware
  - SubGHz_Phy_PingPong/SubGHz_Phy/Target/radio_board_if.c                      This file provides an interface layer between MW and Radio Board

@par Hardware and Software environment

  - This example runs on the STM32WLxx Nucleo boards. Both NUCLEO-WL55JC1 (HIGH-BAND) and NUCLEO-WL55JC2 (LOW-BAND) are suitable.

  - STM32WLxx Nucleo board Set-up
    - Connect the Nucleo board to your PC with a USB cable type A to micro-B
      to ST-LINK connector.
    - Please ensure that the ST-LINK connector jumpers are fitted.

  - Configure the software via the configuration files:
    - sys_conf.h, radio_conf.h, mw_log_conf.h, main.h, etc

  -Set Up:

             --------------------------  V    V  --------------------------
             |   PingPong Device      |  |    |  |   PingPong Device      |
             |                        |  |    |  |                        |
   ComPort<--|                        |--|    |--|                        |-->ComPort
             |                        |          |                        |
             --------------------------          --------------------------

@par How to use it ?
In order to make the program work, you must do the following :
  - Open your preferred toolchain
  - Rebuild all files and load your image into target memory
  - Do the same for second board
  - Reset the two boards
  - Run the example on two boards
  - Open two Terminals, each connected to their respective PingPong Device
  - UART Config = 115200, 8b, 1 stopbit, no parity, no flow control

@par How to debug ?
  - make sure the flag DEBUGGER_ENABLED to 1 in sys_conf.h
  - simpler to define the flag LOW_POWER_DISABLE to 1 as well
  - compile, download and attach

@par How to use MX to modify some RF middleware and application settings
  This example is compatible (with some problems/limitations) with STM32CubeMX 
  and the RF application and middleware configuration can be modified via GUI. Few warnings and guidelines:
  - ioc file is provided in the project directory and can be opened with STM32CubeMX v6.7.0 or higher.
  - warning: when regenerating with the provided ioc file, 
    the IDE projects are regenerated and paths to HAL and MWs files from STM32Cube/Repository location are erroneously added; to avoid that, 
    user shall uncheck the "Use Default Firmware Location" in the GUI "Project-Manager" panel
    and shall replace "Firmware Relative Path" with the root directory of the STM32CubeWL firmware package  (e.g. C:\myDir\STM32Cube_FW_WL_V1.3.0\);
    problem will be fixed in next STM32CubeMX version.
  - .extSettings file allows to add to the generated IDE projects additional files not generated natively by MX (e.g. BSP files).
  - when regenerating on existing code and existing linker files:
    - STM32CubeMX updates the existing project content and preserves linker files.
    - STM32CubeMX does not update the USER CODE sections (lines between /* USER CODE BEGIN Xxx */ and /* USER CODE END Xxx */).
  - when regenerating after copying only the ioc file in an empty directory:
    - STM32CubeMX generates default project files and default linker files. (Please check original linker file from project directory)
    - it is up to the user to to fill the USER CODE sections with his application code.
  This SubGHz_Phy project is based on "Advanced template" (MX GUI Application). 
  USER CODE SECTION are filled to end up with "Switch_Fhss_Fsk_Lora" project.

@par How to use it with Azure ThreadX RTOS?
  This example can be combined with Azure ThreadX RTOS via STM32CubeMX. The video tutorial:
  "STM32WL - How to port an existing RF application on Azure ThreadX RTOS"
  is available on
  but not sufficient for the complete porting of this example.
  After following the video instructions the user shall open "subghz_phy_app.c" and manually:
  - delete "stm32_seq.h" inclusion
  - delete the line "UTIL_SEQ_RegTask((1 << CFG_SEQ_Task_SubGHz_Phy_App_Process), UTIL_SEQ_RFU, PingPong_Process);
  - call PingPong_Process(); function within /* USER CODE App_Main_Thread_Entry_Loop */
  - replace "UTIL_SEQ_SetTask(..) calls" with tx_thread_resume(&App_MainThread);

 * <h3><center>&copy; COPYRIGHT STMicroelectronics</center></h3>