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Validation component for react forms

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Simple form validation component for react forms inspired by formsy-react

Default validation rules:

  • matchRegexp
  • isEmail
  • isEmpty
  • required
  • trim
  • isNumber
  • isFloat
  • isPositive
  • minNumber
  • maxNumber
  • minFloat
  • maxFloat
  • isString
  • minStringLength
  • maxStringLength
  • maxFileSize
  • allowedExtensions

Some rules can accept extra parameter, example:

   validators={['minNumber:0', 'maxNumber:255', 'matchRegexp:^[0-9]$']}


import React from 'react';
import { ValidatorComponent } from 'react-form-validator-core';

class TextValidator extends ValidatorComponent {

    render() {
        const { errorMessages, validators, requiredError, validatorListener, } = this.props;

        return (
                    ref={(r) => { this.input = r; }}

    errorText() {
        const { isValid } = this.state;

        if (isValid) {
            return null;

        return (
            <div style={{ color: 'red' }}>

export default TextValidator;
import { ValidatorForm } from 'react-form-validator-core';
render() {
    return (
                validators={['required', 'isEmail']}
                errorMessages={['this field is required', 'email is not valid']}
            <button type="submit">submit</button>
class FileValidator extends ValidatorComponent {
  render() {
    const { errorMessages, validators, requiredError, validatorListener, value, } = this.props;
    return (
        <input type="file" {}>

  errorText() {
    const { isValid } = this.state;

    if (isValid) {
      return null;

    return <div style={{ color: "red" }}>{this.getErrorMessage()}</div>;
export default FileValidator;

import { ValidatorForm } from 'react-form-validator-core';
render() {
    return (
                validators={['isFile', 'maxFileSize:' + 1 * 1024 * 1024, 'allowedExtensions:image/png,image/jpeg']}
                errorMessages={['File is not valid', 'Size must not exceed 1MB', 'Only png and jpeg']}
            <button type="submit">submit</button>

You can add your own rules

ValidatorForm.addValidationRule('isPasswordMatch', (value) => {
    if (value !== this.state.user.password) {
        return false;
    return true;

Get them


Remove them


And check is validation rule already in list


Migration guide

From 0.x to 1.x

Breaking changes was introduced in order to avoid legacy context. You should change render method of your input components to renderValidatorComponent.


import React from 'react';
import { ValidatorComponent } from 'react-form-validator-core';

class TextValidator extends ValidatorComponent {
    render() {
        // return your validated component

export default TextValidator;


import React from 'react';
import { ValidatorComponent } from 'react-form-validator-core';

class TextValidator extends ValidatorComponent {
    renderValidatorComponent() {
        // return your validated component

export default TextValidator;



  • Props
Prop Required Type Default value Description
onSubmit true function Callback for form that fires when all validations are passed
instantValidate false bool true If true, form will be validated after each field change. If false, form will be validated only after clicking submit button.
onError false function Callback for form that fires when some of validations are not passed. It will return array of elements which not valid.
debounceTime false number 0 Debounce time for validation i.e. your validation will run after debounceTime ms when you stop changing your input
  • Instance methods (via ref)
Name Params Return Description
resetValidations Reset validation messages for all validated inputs
isFormValid dryRun: bool (default true) Promise Get form validation state in a Promise (true if whole form is valid). Run with dryRun = false to show validation errors on form
  • Static methods (via class)
Name Params Return Description
addValidationRule name: string, callback: function Add new validation rule
getValidationRule name: string function Get validation rule by name
hasValidationRule name: string bool Check if rule exsits
removeValidationRule name: string Remove validation rule

All validated fields (ValidatorComponent)

  • Props
Prop Required Type Default value Description
validators false array Array of validators. See list of default validators above.
errorMessages false array Array of error messages. Order of messages should be the same as validators prop.
name true string Name of input
validatorListener false function It triggers after each validation. It will return true or false
withRequiredValidator false bool Allow to use required validator in any validation trigger, not only form submit
containerProps false object Allow to customize input wrapper div
  • Methods
Name Params Return Description
getErrorMessage Get error validation message
validate value: any, includeRequired: bool Run validation for current component
isValid bool Return current validation state
makeInvalid Set invalid validation state
makeValid Set valid validation state



This component covers all my needs, but feel free to contribute.