See "Testing models" sections below, but in short:
- format your data as "seq_id,sequence,label", where sequences are given in letters "ATCG...", labels are 1 or 0.
- for using the best model - ViraMiner with pre-trained branches and without fine-tuning: python2 --input_file your_test_data.csv --model_path final_ViraMiner/final_ViraMiner_beforeFT.hdf5 > test_output.txt
Overall workflow for results as described in the article "ViraMiner: Deep Learning for identifying viral genomes in human samples"
- DNA data for each metacenomic experiment separately is located at data/DNA_data/exp*
- Dataset including all experiments, shuffled and 80/10/10 split is called fullset and has been provided in the folder 2.1) you can generate new datasets with 80/10/10 split, by using Replace what exp numbers to include/exclude in the top of the file. MAKE SURE TO CHANGE OUTPUT NAME so you will not overwrite something. 2.2) you can generate train/val/test sets for leave-one-experiment-out by using
- The main dataset is located in data/DNA_data/fullset . The sets are named fullset_train.csv, fullset_validation.csv and fullset_test.csv
- There are 3 end-to-end models to choose from (full ViraMiner is trained in steps):, and (ViraMiner trained end-to-end)
- An example of how to train a model is given below. Notice for input_path you give dataset prefix only (without "_train.csv"). For other model types, just replace the python file you use.
python2 output_folder/output_model_name --input_path data/DNA_data/fullset --epochs 30 --filter_size 8 --layer_sizes 1000 --dropout 0.1 --learning_rate 0.001 --lr_decay None > output_folder/output_logfile.txt
- In the output log file you have VAL AUROC in the last lines, which is the only metric we care about when selecting models. There is also TEST AUROC a few lines above, but this value should be looked at only for the best model.
- Train a Pattern and a Frequency model as described in 3) just above. (or train many of them and select best ones)
- To merge the two models as branches of ViraMiner and retrain the output layer, do (for example): python2 output_folder/output_model_name --input_path data/DNA_data/fullset --pattern_model final_pattern/pattern_size1200_filter11_0.0001None_drop0.5.hdf5 --freq_model final_freq/freq_size1000_filter8_0.001None_drop0.1.hdf5 --finetuning True --epochs 30 --dropout 0.1 --learning_rate 0.001 --lr_decay None > output_folder/output_logfile.txt
- notice that with "finetuning True", also the best not-finetuned model is still saved separately.
- The main dataset is located at data/DNA_data/fullset
- You just need to tell the python script which model to load, load data and save the predictions (and true labels)
- IMPORTANT: you need to specify the test_set CSV file, not just the dataset prefix as above ("fullset_test.csv", not "fullset")
- Usage example
python2 --input_file data/DNA_data/fullset_test.csv --model_path final_freq/freq_size1000_filter8_0.001None_drop0.1.hdf5 > test_testing.txt
- This will create two files - predictions and true labels to the same folder as your model
data needs to be split into training and test files, named datasetname_train.csv and datasetname_test.csv. The data format is "feature1", "feature2", ......, "featureN,"label". Basically the n-mer counts and the virus/not-virus label, all separated with commas.
Run the :
2.1) To train Random Forest model: python2 --RF True --input_path data/datasetname > out_folder/output_log_filename.txt
2.2) To train Logistic Regression model:
python2 --LReg True --input_path data/datasetname > out_folder/output_log_filename.txt
2.3) To train Nearest Neighbour model (might be slow):
python2 --NN True --input_path data/datasetname > out_folder/output_log_filename.txt
2.4) To train Feedforward network model:
python2 --nmer n_mer_length --input_path data/datasetname --save_path models/out_model_name > out_folder/output_log_filename.txt
where n_mer_length is the length (1,2,3,4 or 5)
You canuse the main dataset as above, located in data/data_jan2019/0N_300/
To train a RandomForest run the code, for example:
python2 --input_path data/data_jan2019/0N_300/fullset > out_folder/baseline_on_seq_output.txt
notice the code trains 1) RF on not-one-hot-encoded sequences, 2) RF on one-hot-encoded sequences and 3) logistic regression. Make sure you read the good line in output file. 3.1) you can also try to train k-NearestNeighbor model (uncomment last part), but it takes very very long time.