A simple Mandelbrot set generator
- Tweak the following settings in
to achieve your desired illustration.
final double POINTSIZE = 0.3; //Domain of depends on graphPrecision
final double windowSize = 500; //Adjust the window size
final double scale = 1.4; //Adjust scale for graph: scale = a ---> x : [-a,a], y : [-a,a]
final double graphPrecision = 0.3; //Precision of points. 1/graphPrecision = # of points on unit line
- Compile & run with the following commands
export PATH_TO_FX=javafx-sdk-21.0.1/lib
javac --module-path $PATH_TO_FX --add-modules javafx.controls Mandel.java
java --module-path $PATH_TO_FX --add-modules javafx.controls Mandel
Feel free to Use .vscode/settings.json for intelliCode.
To learn more about the mandelbrot set, click here.
- Optimse, optimise, optimise.
- Iteractable GUI to allow new set generations without re-compilation.
- An iterative zoom, allowing users to pick a point and zoom in on it.