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Mapping Python Classes to a Database

Learning Goals

  • Create Python objects using SQL database records.
  • Create SQL database records using Python objects.

Key Vocab

  • Object-Relational Mapping (ORM): a technique used to convert database records into objects in an object-oriented language.


When building an ORM to connect our Python program to a database, we equate a class with a database table and the instances that the class produces to rows in that table.

Why map classes to tables? Our end goal is to persist information regarding our objects to a database. In order to persist that data efficiently and in an organized manner, we need to first map or equate our Python class to a database table.

Writing an ORM

Let's say we are building a music player app that allows users to store their music and browse their songs by song.

NOTE: Remember to run pipenv install to install the dependencies and pipenv shell to enter your virtual environment before running your code.

This program will have a Song class. Each song instance will have a name and an album attribute. The starter code for this class is in the lib/ file:

class Song:

    def __init__(self, name, album): = name
        self.album = album

In order to "map" this Song class to a songs database table, we need to create our database, then we need to create our songs table. In building an ORM, it is convention to pluralize the name of the class to create the name of the table. Therefore, the Song class maps to the "songs" table.

Creating the Database

Before we can create a songs table we need to create our music database. Whose responsibility is it to create the database? It is not the responsibility of our Song class. Remember, classes are mapped to tables inside a database, not to the database as a whole. We may want to build other classes that we equate with other database tables later on.

It is the responsibility of our program as a whole to create and establish the database. Accordingly, you'll see that Python packages have modules solely for configuration of reused (constant) variables:

# lib/
import sqlite3

CONN = sqlite3.connect('music.db')
CURSOR = CONN.cursor()

Here we set up a constant, CONN, that is equal to a hash that contains our connection to the database, as well as a constant CURSOR that allows us to interact with the database. In our lib/ file, we can therefore access these constants like this:

from config import CONN, CURSOR

The starter code for these files is set up, so you can explore it and code along with the rest of this lesson.

Which constant will we use to execute SQL statements: CONN or CURSOR?


sqlite3.Connection objects represent our connection to the database, but sqlite3.Cursor objects are necessary to execute most statements.

Creating the Table

According to the ORM convention in which a class is mapped to or equated with a database table, we need to create a songs table. We will accomplish this by writing a class method in our Song class that creates this table.

To "map" our class to a database table, we will create a table with the same name as our class and give that table column names that match the instance attributes of the class.

Update the Song class as follows so that it maps instance attributes to table columns:

class Song:

    def __init__(self, name, album): = None = name
        self.album = album

    def create_table(cls):
        sql = """
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS songs (
                id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                name TEXT,
                album TEXT


Let's break down this code.

The id Attribute

Notice that we are initializing an individual Song instance with an id attribute that has a default value of None. Why are we doing this? First of all, songs need an id attribute only because they will be saved into the database and we know that each table row needs an id value which is the primary key.

When we create a new song, we do not set that song's id. A song gets an id only when it gets saved into the database (more on inserting songs into the database later). We therefore set the default value of the id argument for the __init__ method equal to None, so that we can create new song instances that do not have an id value. We'll leave that up to the database to handle later on.

Why leave it up to the database? Remember that in the world of relational databases, the id of a given record must be unique. If we could replicate a record's id, we would have a very disorganized database. Only the database itself, through the magic of SQL, can ensure that the id of each record is unique.

The create_table() Method

Above, we created a class method, create_table(), that crafts a SQL statement to create a songs table and give that table column names that match the attributes of an individual instance of Song. Why is the create_table() method a class method? Well, it is not the responsibility of an individual song to create the table it will eventually be saved into. It is the job of the class as a whole to create the table that it is mapped to.

Now that our songs table exists, we can learn how to save data regarding individual songs into that table.

You can try out this code now to create the table in the music.db file. Check out the code in the file:

#!/usr/bin/env python3

from config import CONN, CURSOR
from song import Song

import ipdb; ipdb.set_trace()

In this file, we're importing in the sqlite3.Connection and sqlite3.Cursor objects that we instantiated in lib/ We're also importing the Song class so that we can use its methods during our pdb session.

Run python to enter pdb, then run the create_table() method:


Creating a table doesn't return any data, so SQLite returns None. If you'd like to confirm that the table was created successfully, you can run a special PRAGMA command to show the information about the songs table:

CURSOR.execute("PRAGMA table_info(songs)").fetchall()
# => [(0, 'id', 'INTEGER', 0, None, 1), (1, 'name', 'TEXT', 0, None, 0), (2, 'album', 'TEXT', 0, None, 0)]

The output isn't easy to read, but you'll see the different column names (id, name, album) along with their data types (INTEGER, TEXT, TEXT). Success!

If we wanted to make a method to DROP a table, should we make an instance method or a class method?

A class method.

Instance methods should only include behaviors that affect instances or are carried out by instances- these map to rows in a table. As a DROP command affects the table itself, it should be carried out by a class method.

Mapping Class Instances to Table Rows

When we say that we are saving data to our database, what data are we referring to? If individual instances of a class are "mapped" to rows in a table, does that mean that the instances themselves, these individual Python objects, are saved into the database?

Actually, we are not saving Python objects in our database. We are going to take the individual attributes of a given instance, in this case a song's name and album, and save those attributes that describe an individual song to the database as one, single row.

For example, let's say we have a song:

blinding_lights = Song("Blinding Lights", "After Hours")
# => "Blinding Lights"

# => "After Hours"

This song has its two attributes, name and album, set equal to the above values. In order to save the song blinding_lights into the songs table, we will use the name and album of the song to create a new row in that table. The SQL statement we want to execute would look something like this:

INSERT INTO songs (name, album)
VALUES ("Blinding Lights", "After Hours");

What if we had another song that we wanted to save?

hello = Song("Hello", "25")
# => "Hello"

# => "25"

In order to save hello into our database, we do not insert the Python object stored in the hello variable. Instead, we use hello's name and album values to create a new row in the songs table:

INSERT INTO songs (name, album)
VALUES ("Hello", "25");

We can see that the operation of saving the attributes of a particular song into a database table is common enough. Every time we want to save a record, though, we are repeating the same exact steps and using the same code. The only things that are different are the values that we are inserting into our songs table. Let's abstract this functionality into an instance method, save().

Inserting Data into a table with the save() Method

Let's build an instance method, save(), that saves a given instance of our Song class into the songs table of our database.

class Song:

    # ... rest of Song methods

    def save(self):
        sql = """
            INSERT INTO songs (name, album)
            VALUES (?, ?)

        CURSOR.execute(sql, (, self.album))

Let's break down the code in this method a bit further.

The save() Method

In order to INSERT data into our songs table, we need to craft a SQL INSERT statement. Ideally, it would look something like this:

INSERT INTO songs (name, album)
VALUES songs_name, songs_album

Above, we used the heredoc to craft our multi-line SQL statement. How are we going to pass in, or interpolate, the name and album of a given song into our Python string?

We use something called bound parameters.

Important: using f-strings or the str.format() method will not work with statements sent through the sqlite3 module. sqlite3 will interpret any values interpolated in this fashion as columns. Weird!

Bound Parameters

Bound parameters protect our program from getting confused by SQL injections and special characters. Instead of interpolating variables into a string of SQL, we are using the ? characters as placeholders. Then, the special magic provided to us by the sqlite3 module's Cursor.execute() method will take the values we pass in as an argument and apply them as the values of the question marks.

How save() works

So, our save() method inserts a record into our database that has the name and album values of the song instance we are trying to save. We are not saving the Python object itself. We are creating a new row in our songs table that has the values that characterize that song instance.

Important: Notice that we didn't insert an ID number into the table with the above statement. Remember that the INTEGER PRIMARY KEY datatype will assign and auto-increment the id attribute of each record that gets saved.

Creating Instances vs. Creating Table Rows

The moment in which we create a new Song instance with the __init__ method is different than the moment in which we save a representation of that song to our database. The __init__ method creates a new instance of the song class, a new Python object. The save() method takes the attributes that characterize a given song and saves them in a new row of the songs table in our database.

At what point in time should we actually save a new record? While it is possible to save the record right at the moment the new object is created, i.e. in the __init__ method, this is not a great idea. We don't want to force our objects to be saved every time they are created, or make the creation of an object dependent upon/always coupled with saving a record to the database. As our program grows and changes, we may find the need to create objects and not save them. A dependency between instantiating an object and saving that record to the database would preclude this or, at the very least, make it harder to implement.

So, we'll keep our __init__ and save() methods separate:

class Song:

    def __init__(self, name, album): = None = name
        self.album = album

    def create_table(cls):
        sql = """
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS songs (
                id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                name TEXT,
                album TEXT

    def save(self):
        sql = """
            INSERT INTO songs (name, album)
            VALUES (?, ?)

        CURSOR.execute(sql, (, self.album))

Now, we can create and save songs like this. Try this out by running python and running this code in the pdb session (make sure to exit out of pdb with exit() or ctrl+D in order to reload the code if you left it open earlier):

hello = Song("Hello", "25")

despacito = Song("Despacito", "Vida")

That last line of the save() method returns an empty array once more since INSERTing new rows in a database doesn't return any data, but you can check if all the records were indeed saved by running this in pdb:

songs = CURSOR.execute('SELECT * FROM songs')
[row for row in songs]
# => [(1, 'Hello', '25'), (2, 'Despacito', 'Vida')]

Giving Our Song Instance an id

When we INSERT the data concerning a particular Song instance into our database table, we create a new row in that table. That row would look something like this:

id name album
1 Hello 25

Notice that the database table's row has a column for name, album and also id. Recall that we created our table to have a column for the primary key, ID, of a given record. So, as each record gets inserted into the database, it is given an ID number automatically.

In this way, our hello instance is stored in the database with the name and album that we gave it, plus an ID number that the database assigns to it.

We want our hello instance to completely reflect the database row it is associated with so that we can retrieve it from the table later on with ease. So, once the new row with hello's data is inserted into the table, let's grab the ID of that newly inserted row and assign it to be the value of hello's id attribute.

class Song:

    # ... rest of Song methods

    def save(self):
        sql = """
            INSERT INTO songs (name, album)
            VALUES (?, ?)

        CURSOR.execute(sql, (, self.album))
        CONN.commit() = CURSOR.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid() FROM songs").fetchone()[0]

At the end of our save() method, we use a SQL query to grab the value of the id column of the last inserted row, and set that equal to the given song instance's id attribute. Don't worry too much about how that SQL query works for now, we'll learn more about it later. The important thing to understand is the process of:

  • Instantiating a new instance of the Song class.
  • Inserting a new row into the database table that contains the information regarding that instance.
  • Grabbing the id of that newly inserted row and assigning the given Song instance's id attribute equal to the id of its associated database table row.

Let's revisit our code that instantiated and saved some songs by running python and entering the following code:

hello = Song("Hello", "25")

despacito = Song("Despacito", "Vida")
# => 1
# => 2

Here we:

  • Create the songs table.
  • Create two new song instances.
  • Use the save() method to persist them to the database.

This approach still leaves a little to be desired, however. Here, we have to first create the new song and then save it, every time we want to create and save a song. This is repetitive and tedious. As programmers (you might remember), we are lazy. If we can accomplish something with fewer lines of code we do it. Any time we see the same code being used again and again, we think about abstracting that code into a method.

Since first creating an object and then saving a record representing that object is so common, let's write a method that does just that.

The create() Method

This class method will wrap the code we used above to create a new Song instance and save it. We use a class method here because our instance does not exist at the time the method is called.

class Song:

    # ... rest of Song methods

    def create(cls, name, album):
        song = Song(name, album)
        return song

Here, we use keyword arguments to pass a name and album into our create() method. We use that name and album to instantiate a new song. Then, we use the save method to persist that song to the database.

Notice that at the end of the method, we are returning the Song instance that we instantiated. The return value of create() should always be the object that we created. Why? Imagine you are working with your program and you create a new song:

Song.create("Hello", "25")

Now, we would have to run a separate query on our database to grab the record that we just created. That is way too much work for us. It would be much easier for our create() method to simply return the new object for us to work with:

song = Song.create("Hello", "25")
# => "Hello"
# => "25"

Excellent! Run pipenv install and pipenv shell if you have not yet to set up your virtual environment. Run pytest -x now to pass the tests, then submit the assignment using git.

Note: You may have to delete your existing database for all of the tests to pass- SQLite sometimes "locks" databases that have been accessed by multiple modules.


The important concept to grasp here is the idea that we are not saving Python objects into our database. We are using the attributes of a given Python object to create a new row in our database table.

Think of it like making butter cookies. You have a cookie cutter, which in our case would be our class. It describes what a cookie should look like. Then you use it to cut out a cookie, or instantiate a class object. But that's not enough, you have to show it to your friends. So you take a picture of it and post to your MyFace account and share it with everybody else, like how your database can share information with other parts of your program.

The picture doesn't do anything to the cookie itself, but merely captures certain aspects of it. It's a butter cookie, it looks fresh and delicious, and it has little sprinkles on it. Those aspects are captured in the picture, but the cookie and the picture are still two different things. After you eat the cookie, or in our case after you delete the Python object, the database will not change at all until the record is deleted, and vice versa.

Solution Code

from config import CONN, CURSOR

class Song:

    def __init__(self, name, album): = None = name
        self.album = album

    def create_table(cls):
        sql = """
            CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS songs (
                id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY,
                name TEXT,
                album TEXT


    def save(self):
        sql = """
            INSERT INTO songs (name, album)
            VALUES (?, ?)

        CURSOR.execute(sql, (, self.album))
        CONN.commit() = CURSOR.execute("SELECT last_insert_rowid() FROM songs").fetchone()[0]

    def create(cls, name, album):
        song = Song(name, album)
        return song



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