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A simple Vanilla JS project to demonstrate HLS video player using HLS.js and custom controls and extra added feature on video.

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Video Player

This is a simple POC project for

  1. HLS (HTTP Live Streaming) player.
  2. Youtube chapters timeline UI.
  3. Loom comments and jump to timestamp of comment UI and Functionality.
  4. Participants of the call and their speaking timeline and seek within their timeline.
  5. Topics of video interaction like gong.

Project setup

  • This project is set up with vite
  • Download any video
  • use ffmpeg to get m3u8 for hls
    • Make sure to place this in public folder
    • In the below cmd replace your video files and output file <input.mp4> and <output.m3u8>
    • using cmd ffmpeg -i <input.mp4> -c:v h264 -c:a aac -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 <output.m3u8>
    • Please wait for some time to get all the required files.
  • Run yarn to install vite & hls.js
  • Now update the VIDEO_M3U8 in video.js file to the path of your file
  • Run yarn dev to start the app.
  • Run yarn build to get production build


  • If your machine don't have ffmpeg install it via brew or any other sources and ffprobe should come with it. If not install it.
  • To generate m3u8
    • Single size ffmpeg -i input.mp4 -c:v h264 -c:a aac -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 output.m3u8
    • Multiple sizes
    • -filter_complex "[0:v]scale=1920x1080[out1];[0:v]scale=1280x720[out2];[0:v]scale=854x480[out3]" \
      -map "[out1]" -map "[out2]" -map "[out3]" \
      -var_stream_map "v:0,v:1,v:2" \
      -f hls -hls_time 10 -hls_list_size 0 output.m3u8
  • For poster at the center of the video
    • Ge the middle timestamp
      • duration=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.mp4)
      • middle_timestamp=$(echo "scale=2; $duration / 2" | bc)
      • Just verify the middle_timestamp with echo $middle_timestamp
      • Get the dimensions of the video to get the poster in the same dimension
      • width=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=width -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.mp4)
      • height=$(ffprobe -v error -select_streams v:0 -show_entries stream=height -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.mp4)
      • Generate and save poster at middle_timestamp with width * height
      • ffmpeg -ss $middle_timestamp -i input.mp4 -frames:v 1 -vf "scale=${width}:${height}" poster.jpg
    • Poster with 5% difference from 0% to 95%
      • Get the duration duration=$(ffprobe -v error -show_entries format=duration -of default=noprint_wrappers=1:nokey=1 input.mp4)
      • Get posters
        • while [ $interval -lt 100 ]; do
          timestamp=$(echo "scale=2; $duration * $interval / 100" | bc)
          ffmpeg -ss $timestamp -i input.mp4 -frames:v 1 -vf "scale=${width}:${height}" $output_file
          interval=$((interval + 5))


  • This is POC done for conversation analytics for sellular
  • This POC also show the participants on the call and their speaking timelines and topics in the video.
  • The topics/chapters will be shown in the timeline UI of the video like youtube.
  • Keyboard shortcuts
    • k Pause/Play
    • j Skip back 10s
    • l Skip forward 10s
    • m Mute/Un-mute
    • i Picture in Picker
    • t Theater mode
    • f Full screen
    • s Cycle b/w playback speeds
    • n Start commenting at the current time of the video (video will pause)
  • Once user starts commenting the keyboard shortcuts won't work until user focus on some other element.
  • User can seek through the timeline of the video from participants timeline and also from topics timeline.


1.jpg 2.jpg 3.jpg
Hover on video timeline Hover on participants timeline Commenting started
4.jpg 6.jpg
Theater mode Full screen

This project is not for live-streaming purpose but to show the steaming of media file.


A simple Vanilla JS project to demonstrate HLS video player using HLS.js and custom controls and extra added feature on video.







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