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Project configuration

Juho Inkinen edited this page Jan 20, 2023 · 20 revisions

Annif projects are used to set up backends and configure them with a specific vocabulary and parameters. By default project settings are looked in (in this order)

  1. projects.cfg file (in INI format)
  2. projects.toml file (in TOML format)
  3. projects.d directory (containing *.cfg and/or *.toml files).

These configuration files and the directory are searched in the current working directory by default, but you can specify another path using the ANNIF_PROJECTS environment variable or the --projects option after a command.

In the case of a configuration directory all the configuration files in that directory (filenames matching the patterns *.cfg or *.toml) are read and their contents catenated; this can ease the deployment of independently developed projects. The files are read in alphanumeric order, so in project listings the projects defined 0-projects.toml appear before the projects defined in1-projects.cfg, for example.

Below is an example project configuration in INI format. Each project is represented as a section, with the identifier of the project as the section name. Note that the TOML format differs essentially from INI format by requiring string values to be quoted.

name=TF-IDF English

A project has the following attributes:

Setting Description
identifier An identifier consisting of alphanumeric characters and basic punctuation.
name A human-friendly name.
language IETF BCP 47 language code.
backend The backend (algorithm) that the project uses. See below for details.
analyzer The analyzer used to pre-process and tokenize text. See below for details.
limit The maximum number of results (subjects/concepts) to return.
transform The transformation to apply to text, by default no transformation is applied. See below for details.
vocab An identifier for the vocabulary used by this project
access Access level when project is accessed via the REST API. Can be public (default), hidden or private, see below.

Some backends also use additional parameters (tfidf doesn't), but if they are not present in the configuration file, default values are used.

For some commands it is possible to override a parameter set in the configuration file using the --backend-param option; the syntax for this is --backend-param <backend>.<parameter>=<value>.


For a list of supported backends, see Home.

The ensemble backends provide a way of combining results from multiple backends.


Analyzers are used by backends to pre-process text. For a list of supported analyzers, see Analyzers.


Before text pre-processing by an analyzer the text can modified by applying a transformation to it, see Transforms.


Most backends require a subject vocabulary. A vocabulary itself doesn't need any configuration, but the project must define an identifier for the vocabulary it uses. All projects with the same vocabulary identifier will share the same vocabulary, so the vocabulary only needs to be loaded (using the load-vocab command) for one of them.

A vocabulary can be multilingual, provided that it is loaded from a multilingual SKOS file. The language of the labels of subject suggestions is defined by the project's language setting, or it can be overridden in a project by giving the language code in parentheses after the vocabulary id (e.g. vocab=lcsh(en) in a Finnish language project).

Access levels

Access levels can be used to restrict which projects are available via the REST API. The default access level is public, meaning that the project is visible in the response for the projects method and can be used for suggesting concepts. The hidden level makes the project invisible, but it can still be accessed if the project ID is known. The private level means that the project is not available at all via the REST API.

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