- Qingdao, Shandong, P.R. China
(UTC -12:00)
A personal homepage website that includes blog, portfolio, courses, and photo wall display functions.
metasequoia-sql 是一款注重性能的 SQL 语法的解析和分析器,适用于 SQL 的格式化、执行和分析场景,致力于打造性能最高的 Python 版 SQL 解析器。
GodotJS - Add TypeScript/JavaScript Support for Godot 4.x with v8/QuickJS
A music player on android platform, developed by Andoroid composer
⭐️ 一个可爱且任性的 喜马拉雅专辑音频无限制下载器O(∩_∩)O
jy02404353 / btcposbal2csv
Forked from graymauser/btcposbal2csvList all bitcoin addresses with positive balance.
正方教务管理系统每隔 30 分钟自动检测一次成绩是否有更新,若有更新,将通过微信推送及时通知用户。| 正方教务系统 | 成绩推送 | 显示成绩提交时间 | 显示成绩提交人姓名 | 成绩信息按时间降序排序 | 计算 GPA | 计算百分制 GPA | 显示未公布成绩的课程
基于go-wire进行依赖注入重构的Golang Web骨架,方便进行web应用快速开发
AutoMQ is a cloud-first alternative to Kafka by decoupling durability to S3 and EBS. 10x Cost-Effective. No Cross-AZ Traffic Cost. Autoscale in seconds. Single-digit ms latency.
A simple and user-friendly underscore variable naming tool.
The script for selenium in python. Make automated testing easier! 使用json脚本驱动selenium
流媒体森林 - 全方位流媒体 观影指南 引领您进入五彩斑斓的视听世界,并涵盖了 Netflix 、Disney+ 、Spotify会员 和 YouTube会员 的精彩领域/日常记录/ESXI/OpenWrt/VPS指南/银河录像局/奈飞小铺-爱合租/FlyingBird/青云梯/飞兔云
Modern markdown editor application, Build fast and efficient workflows.
🐷 Seq logging module for Nest framework (node.js)
A browser extension for saving web documents locally, allowing you to access them offline and quickly search for webpage content without an internet connection, while also saving browser memory usage.
Goelect is an open-source, self-contained Golang library designed to facilitate leader election within a distributed system.
cms后台管理系统接口 使用nestjs+mysql+typeorm/prisma+docker+jwt+redis+apifox,实现了RBAC权限管理。
📛 Autoxsh is an open-source tool that utilizes OpenAI's API to automate the generation and publishing of content on Xiaohongshu (Little Red Book), including images, titles, text, and tags.