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VQA-Rad with 🤗 BERT

  • BERT-version Bilinear Attn Networks on VQA-Rad
  • ⚠️ Very quick revision (done in 5 days 😅) so the overall code structure may look ugly. Thank you for your understanding and if you find any bugs, make a PR or open an issue.

Model Architecture

  1. Bilinear Attn Networks: BERT-version
    • Downstream tasks: VQA-Rad
    • Revised based on sarahESL/PubMedCLIP (2021)
    • Explanation: Original BAN model uses normal nn.Embeddings initialized with glove 300d and GRU as text encoder.
  2. Use pretrained Bio-Clinical BERT.
  3. Train with 2 optimizers, because BAN and BERT require very different learning rates.


  • Experiment stats show that pretrained CLIP visual encoder RN50x4 with our BERT-BAN and the preprocessed image outperforms the original PubMedCLIP ($71.62% \rightarrow 73.17%$). With original images, it achieves $72.28%$. Note that the $71.62%$ is our reproduced score of paper instead of paper's score ($71.8%$).
  • For more details, see 2023 MIS: Final Presentation Slides.
  • ⚠️ It is likely that some settings could still be changed to make the performance better.

Running Experiments

Download Data

  • From Awenbocc/med-vqa/data you can find the images and img pickles.
  • If you'd like to pickle the data from images on your own:
    • Open lib/utils/
    • Configure the IMAGEPATH.
    • Run lines to put the new image pickles underDATARADPATH.
    • The VQA script reads the image pickles from yourDATARADPATH so be sure they are placed correctly.

Prepare an Answer-type Classifier (closed/open)

  • This classifier is used in validation period, where a question is classified into Open or Close, and then sent to different answer pools for the 2nd stage answer classififcation.

  • Please download and unzip for a pretrained type classifier. The BERT model for this type classifier checkpoint is emilyalsentzer/Bio_ClinicalBERT.

  • If the type classifier is corrupted (it seems that uploading it anywhere corrupts it, only scp resolves the issue), run in the repo again to train a new one.

  • ⚠️ The config passed should be the one you will be using in the VQA training. Specifically, make sure the config variable DATASET/EMBEDDER_MODEL is consistent with the following experiments' config so that their vocab sizes match.

  • ⚠️ If you'd like to try out other BERT-based models, feel free to change config variable DATASET/EMBEDDER_MODEL to another huggingface model name, and then train and use your own type classifier.

Run Training

  • Create a virtual env and then pip install -r requirements.txt.
  • Install torch series packages following start locally|Pytorch.
  • Open a config that you'd like to use and check:
  • Copy the essentials to this folder from SarahESL/PubMedCLIP/QCR_PubMedCLIP if anything is missing.
  • Run python3 --cfg={config_path}


  • Be sure to use modified configs, namely configs/qcr_pubmedclip{visual_encoder_name}_ae_rad_nondeterministic_typeatt_2lrs.yaml.
  • The changed files from BAN to BERT-BAN are:
    • configs/
    • lib/config/
    • lib/BAN/
    • lib/lngauge/
    • lib/lngauge/
    • lib/dataset/
    • (May be more)
  • Beware of your disk space because 1 model checkpoint is roughly 3.6 GB; once your disk space is full the training stops.

Testing (Unsupported now)

We haven't written the test script (supposed to be used for creating the validation file). main/ is used for testing in original repo, so you could modify the eval loop by following main/, which should be workable.


Make a PR or open an issue for your questions and we may (or may not) deal with it if we find time.


111-2 Medical Imaging System Term Project: BERT version of PubMedCLIP








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