Raspberry Pi mjpg-streamer using resin.io
First, create a resin.io application and write the image to an SD card.
In the resin.io dashboard, set two environment variables: USERNAME and PASSWORD
Then, run the following commands:
git clone https://github.com/NVBots/resin-mjpgstreamer.git
cd resin-mjpgstreamer
git remote add resin [email protected]:<username>/<project_name>.git
git push resin master
Boot a Raspberry Pi with the SD card.
To view on local network, go to https://<device_ip>
To view on internet, enable public ip through the resin dashboard and click on the link
There are several settings that can be configured via Environment Variables:
- USERNAME : username for authentication (setting this variable enables authentication and requires PASSWORD to be set)
- PASSWORD : password for authentication
- USE_RASPICAM : Setting this variable to any value enables streaming from a raspberry pi camera instead of a USB webcam
- RESOLUTION : set to desired resolution {width}x{height}. defaults to 1280x720
- FRAMERATE: set desired framerate. defaults to 10
Raspberry Pi Camera:
You'll need to edit the default image to enable the raspberry pi cam. Follow instructions from here: https://docs.resin.io/#/pages/hardware/i2c-and-spi.md#raspberry-pi-camera-module
mjpg-streamer from https://github.com/jacksonliam/mjpg-streamer
patched for mjpg support on raspberry pi based on https://www.raspberrypi.org/forums/viewtopic.php?t=97983
a good description of mjpg-streamer controls can be found here https://wolfpaulus.com/jounal/embedded/raspberrypi_webcam/
Project created by Forrest Pieper ([email protected]) with New Valence Robotics (www.nvbots.com)