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Fractal Engine

Made with Raylib.

Installed fractals:

  • Dragon curve
  • Mandelbrot set
  • Bifurcation diagram
  • Buddhabrot




Navigate to the folder where you want to install fractal engine.

cd <path to your installation folder>

Then run:

sudo apt install g++ git make libasound2-dev mesa-common-dev libx11-dev libxrandr-dev libxi-dev xorg-dev libgl1-mesa-dev libglu1-mesa-dev && git clone && git clone && cd raylib/src && make PLATFORM=PLATFORM_DESKTOP RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED && sudo make install RAYLIB_LIBTYPE=SHARED && cd ../../fractal_engine/src && g++ main.cpp -o ../fractal_engine -lraylib -lGL -lm -lpthread -ldl -lrt -lX11 -std=c++2a -O3 -ffast-math && ./../fractal_engine

To run the program after installing it in your installation folder, type:

cd ./fractal_engine/fractal_engine


Download the fractal_enigne source code and extract the .zip file. In the extracted folder, create a folder named include and a folder named lib in the src folder.

Download and compile Raylib:

Download w64devkit and unzip the folder. On your Windows system, type env in the search box and click Enter. Click on Environment Variables. Under System Variables, click the Path variable. In the new dialog window, copy the pathname of your extracted w64devkit/bin folder and paste it into a new path.

You should now have a finished g++ compiler. To prove this, run the w64devkit.exe and search for cmd in the Windows search box and press Enter. Run g++ --version.

Download and unzip Raylib.

From the command line, navigate to your raylib folder:

cd <path to your Raylib folder>/src

and run


Copy the libraylib.a file from the raylib/src folder to your initially created lib folder and copy the raylib.h file to your include folder.

To create the final fractal_engine.exe, navigate to your fractal_engine/src folder on the command line and run:

g++ main.cpp -o ../fractal_engine.exe -O1 -Wall -Wno-missing-braces -I include/ -L lib/ -lraylib -lopengl32 -lgdi32 -lwinmm -mwindows

Or just follow this tutorial.

Make your own fractal

All Raylib functions available. Use GetMousePositionScaled(Camera2D &cam) to get the mouse position (the window is scaled to the screen).

Template name.h:

#pragma once
#include "../src/fractal.h"

namespace name
	// constants / variables here

	std::vector<Slider> sliders = {
		// sliders depending on variables above

	std::vector<Switch> switches = {
		// switches depending on variables above

	CoordinateSystem coordinate_system;

	void RenderAdditional(Font &font, Camera2D &cam)
		// draw to hole screen

	bool Update(RenderTexture2D &canvas, Image &image) // will update timer if true returned
		// iterate and draw to the image!
		// only update canvas.texture if needed (see dragon.h example) using:
		Color *pixels = LoadImageColors(image);
		UpdateTexture(canvas.texture, pixels);

	void Reset(Image &image)
		// called when STRG + R is pressed

	// this passes the fractal to the main program
	Fractal fractal("name", sliders, switches, coordinate_system, RenderAdditional, Update, Reset);
  • move the created header file to fractal_engine/fractals
  • add include to fractal_engine/src/main.cpp, e.g. #include "../fractals/name.h"
  • recompile with installation command


  • autozoom box
  • only save file when it doesnt already exist


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