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Homey: A home rental platform Tech stack Used: Next js, Express JS, Node JS, Mongo DB, JWT, Redux Toolkit Homey is a platform where we make it easy for travellers and tourist to search for Hotels, Villas, Resorts nearby and make them available at a cheap price. The app has a feature where a user can type a location, choose a range of dates in which he wants the hotel, book the rooms based on the availablity. It also has a dashboard where a user can check its listings.

It has a JWT authentication enabled where a user can sign up to the site, the session is store in the cookies, we use JWT token to create a session ID. There is an admin pannel where an admin can create, update, delete the users, hotels and rooms.



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  • Text Based Search, Filtering based on prices and dates
  • User sign up
  • Admin Pannel

API Reference

There are 3 main API end points

  • User endpoint
  • Hotel endpoint
  • Rooms endpoint

1. User

  GET /api/user
Parameter Type Description
none Returns all the users
  GET /api/user/:id
Parameter Type Description
id Number Returns individual User based on User_id
  PUT /api/user/:id
Parameter Type Description
id Number Updates the User with the data passed in the body
  DELETE /api/user/:id
Parameter Type Description
id Number Deletes the individual User based on User_id

1. Hotel

  POST /api/hotels
Parameter Type Description
  PUT /api/hotels/:id
Parameter Type Description
id Number Updates the hotel based on the hotel_id
  DELETE /api/hotels/:id
Parameter Type Description
id Number Deletes the individual hotel based on User_id
  GET /api/hotels/find/:id
Parameter Type Description
id Number Returns an individual hotel
  GET /api/hotels/search/:search
Parameter Type Description
search String Searches the db based on the text provided
  GET /api/hotels
Parameter Type Description
none Returns all hotel details

Run Locally

Clone the project

  git clone

Go to the project directory

  cd client

Install dependencies


Start the server

  yarn dev