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NCU+ is a course feedback website for National Central University students. Allow students to view or submit their course feedbacks.


  • Course Search
  • Anonymous
  • Course Feedbacks
  • Course Comments
  • NCU Portal Login
  • Markdown Support


You must install pnpm first. If you have not installed it, please install it first.

npm install -g pnpm

Install dependencies:

pnpm i

Set environment variables:

# Edit .env file to fit your environment

# frontend
cp apps/frontend/.env.example apps/frontend/.env

# backend
cp apps/backend/.env.example apps/backend/.env
cp apps/backend/db.env.example apps/backend/db.env

Run test database:

cd backend && docker compose up -d --build

Database is bind to port 3306, and Adminer is bind to port 8080 by default.

Start development servers:

pnpm dev

You can view the frontend at http:https://localhost:3001 and the backend at http:https://localhost:3000. Frontend will proxy all requests which url starts with /open-api to backend.


Build the application for production:

pnpm build

Locally preview production build:

# server would be started at http:https://localhost:4000
pnpm start:preview


Unit Testing

pnpm test

E2E Testing

If databasee is started, you can run e2e tests.

pnpm build:frontend
pnpm start:e2e

# Run the following command if you need to run seeder
pnpm build:backend

# Run cypress test in cypress app
pnpm cypress open

# Run cypress test in terminal
pnpm cypress run

pnpm start:e2e will start a proxy server at http:https://localhost:4000. It would proxy all requests which url starts with /open-api to backend and other requests to frontend.


NCU Plus is AGPL licensed.