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Grav plugin to provide a file browser / directory listing for website visitors


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Repository files navigation

Grav File Browser Plugin

The File Browser plugin for Grav is a highly-configurable solution for providing visitors with a file browser/directory listing.


The preferred method of installation is via the GPM, which makes it easy to keep the plugin up-to-date.

$ bin/gpm install file-browser

Manual installation

Alternatively, you can download the zip version of this repository, unzip to /your/site/grav/user/plugins and rename directory to file-browser.


To use this plugin, you need to create a page that uses the file_browser_plugin.html.twig template, which is referred to as "File browser plugin" in the Grav Admin panel. This will produce a page with the file browser embedded for your visitors to be able to use.

File browser navigation is achieved via javascript, and views for all available folders exist as elements which are hidden via CSS. This gives a very immediate responsiveness to the file browser, and eliminates risk of code injection revealing files outside of those you have made available.

If you want to be able to list vast numbers of files and folder, you may want to look at alternative solutions, since in this approach, the size of your webpage will scale with the total number of files and folders.


By default, the plugin is configured to source files from user:https://files, which doesn't usually exist and will need to be created. Typically this will resolve to user/files, but if you're using a multi-site setup, it will resolve to user/sites/{site-name}/files. You can configure the directory to be anywhere that is accessible via your PHP/webserver setup.


  • enabled: (bool) Plugin status.
  • built_in_css: (bool) Whether to load the built-in CSS.
  • load_font_awesome: (bool) Whether to load Font Awesome Free on the file browser page.
  • fa4_compatability: (bool) Whether to set the prefix to fa.
  • source: (text) URI for file directory (eg. user:https://files).
  • show_hidden_files: (bool) Whether to show hidden files.
  • default_view: (tile/list) Default view for the file browser.
  • base_to_extend: (text) Twig template to extend (eg. partials/base.html.twig).

Font Awesome Pro

  • use_alt_arrows: (bool) Whether to use fa-arrow-alt-* for navigation controls.
  • icon_weight: (fas/far/fal) Font Awesome variant to use.

File sorting

  • sort_show: (bool) Whether to use fa-arrow-alt-* for navigation controls.
  • sort_icon_asc: (text) FA icon to use for sorting ascending (A->Z).
  • sort_icon_desc: (text) FA icon to use for sorting descending (Z->A).

File icons

  • file_icon_default: (text) Default icon to use for files.
  • show_thumbnails: (bool) Whether to generate thumbnails.
  • thumbnail_types: (text, comma separated) File types to generate thumbnails for.
  • file_specific_icons: Whether to use specific icons for defined file types.
  • colourise_icons: (bool) Whether to colourise specific icon types.
  • file_icon_types: (list) Font Awesome icon: comma-separated list of extensions (eg. fa-file-video: 'mp4, mov').

Per-page configuration

All configuration options can be overridden on a per-page basis simply by adding the same keys to the template page under a key called file_browser:. For example:

title: Raw Pages
  source: "user:https://pages"

This is mostly for people to be able to have multiple pages with browsers for different directories.

Server configuration

Grav's default webserver configurations block access to specific file types for security reasons - you don't want people to be able to access arbitrary and potentially sensitive files! Therefore, if you want users to be able to access these file types, you will need to update your webserver configuration.


Open .htaccess in your grav root directory and find these line:

# Block access to specific file types for these user folders
RewriteRule ^(user)/(.*)\.(txt|md|yaml|yml|php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$ error [F]
# Block all direct access to .md files:
RewriteRule \.md$ error [F]

To enable access to files in your files folder, update the line as follows. The second rule is optional, but improves security by continuing to block access to scripts in your user/files folder.

# Block access to specific file types for these user folders
RewriteRule ^(user)/((?!files).*)\.(txt|md|yaml|yml|php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$ error [F]

# Block access to scripts in the user/files folder
RewriteRule ^(user)/(files)/.*\.(php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$ error [F]

# Block access to all .md files, except in user/files
RewriteRule ^(?!user/files/).*\.md$ error [F]


Open your nginx configuration file and find this line:

# deny running scripts inside user folder
location ~* /user/.*\.(txt|md|yaml|yml|php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$ { return 403; }

To enable access to files in your files folder, update the line as follows. The second rule is optional, but improves security by continuing to block access to scripts in your user/files folder.

# deny running scripts inside user folder
location ~* /user/(?!files).*\.(txt|md|yaml|yml|php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$ { return 403; }

# block access to scripts in the user/files folder
location ~* /user/files/.*\.(php|pl|py|cgi|twig|sh|bat)$ { return 403; }

To Do

  • Build an admin panel for managing files.
  • Make file-specific icon colouring configurable via the config file.
  • Include template for modular pages.
  • Implement shortcode insertion.
  • Add support for sourcing files from outside of Grav.
  • Translations: Please send me pull requests!


MIT license. See LICENSE