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This project is based on an eCommerce website built with React. The user can add items to the cart, increase or decrease the number of items on the cart, or even empty the cart. The user can also click on checkout from the cart and pay by entering his/her credit card number. The user will receive a confirmation message after successful paying. Use stripe's demo card number for testing 4242 4242 4242 4242 04/24 242 42424.



Live Demo Link

Built With

  • React
  • React-Create-App
  • React-DOM
  • Stripe
  • eCommerce.js
  • Material-UI

Getting Started

To get a copy up and running follow these simple example steps:-

  • Clone to your local machine.
  • Run npm install to install dependancies.
  • Run npm start to view the app live on your browser.

To make changes open e-shop folder in you favorite editor.

  • Navigate to src folder to make any changes.
  • Run npm start to preview changes live on your browser.
  • When you finish your changes, run npm run build to create the production files to the build folder.

Automated Test

No automated tests yet


👤 Mupa M'mbetsa Nzaphila

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!

Feel free to check the issues page.

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