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Releases: MuhammedKpln/chob


28 Apr 22:53
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Fetch snap application from snapcraft api.


01 Feb 14:40
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Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.2.0

Bug fixes

20 Mar 21:32
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Fixed #26

Chob is merged to Go!

20 Mar 14:05
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Chob is now rebased on Go. It is now much much faster than the JavaScript version.

The executable size decreased from 49mb to 6Mb, thanks to Go!

Chob now downloads AppImages automatically.

Added update support for chob

20 Jun 09:58
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You can now check for updates directly from chob utility.

chob check
To check for updates.

chob update
To updating the chob utility.

If your chob version is lower than the release tag, it will download the latest release to your chob folder.


  • Update system
  • Heavily optimized typescript.
  • Migrated to yargs from commander

Added API Endpoint Cache Feature

16 Jun 16:03
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As all of you know getting data from three diffrent apis takes some time, and for each search no one wants to bother with that wait time. So i come up with caching the api endpoint solution which makes search very very fast and you can now search while you are offline(I know you won't need it if you don't have any network connection. But hey, it's a feature not a bug)

To be able to use it you need to add --enableCache argument at the end of the command

Like this:
./chob vlc --enableCache

So this will create a chob folder on your home directory which contains 4 diffrent files. 3 for api endpoints and 1 is for updating the cache based on interval.

By default updating the cache value is 1 day, you can change it by adding updateInterval argument like this:

./chob vlc --enableCache --updateInterval 7
This will update .updateAt file to update your api endpoint caches every 7 days.

Here is a comparision:


  • Added cache manager to cache api endpoints for faster search

Added API Endpoint Cache Feature

14 Jun 21:02
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As all of you know getting data from three diffrent apis takes some time, and for each search no one wants to bother with that wait time. So i come up with caching the api endpoint solution which makes search very very fast and you can now search while you are offline(I know you won't need it if you don't have any network connection. But hey, it's a feature not a bug)

To be able to use it you need to add --enableCache argument at the end of the command

Like this:
./chob vlc --enableCache

So this will create a chob folder on your home directory which contains 4 diffrent files. 3 for api endpoints and 1 is for updating the cache based on interval.

By default updating the cache value is 1 day, you can change it by adding updateInterval argument like this:

./chob vlc --enableCache --updateInterval 7
This will update .updateAt file to update your api endpoint caches every 7 days.

Here is a comparision:


  • Added cache manager to cache api endpoints for faster search

Added app versions on request

14 Jun 15:52
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  • Migrated to node-fetch from request ( as request library is now deprecated )
  • Added application versions beside application name but AppImage is not supported ( #10 on request )
  • Fixed several bugs

Download AppImage applications automatically (Experimental)

28 Mar 15:13
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This release includes new feature for AppImage applications. you need to enable experimental features from the command line when you are searching for application.

! If you enable the experiemental features it will download appimages automatically, if you didn't enable it will work as usual.

For example

./chob vlc --enableExperiementalFeatures

Fix slow connection of snapcraft

13 May 10:52
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In this version we're getting scrapped snapcraft data to get performance boost.