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Security: Mu-L/flatpak


Security policy for Flatpak

Supported Versions

In stable branches and released packages, this table is likely to be outdated; please check the latest version.

Version Supported Status
1.15.x 🔨 Development branch, releases may include non-security changes
1.14.x Stable branch, recommended for use in distributions
1.13.x Old development branch, no longer supported
1.12.x ⚠️ Old stable branch, security fixes applied if feasible
1.11.x Old development branch, no longer supported
1.10.x ⚠️ Old stable branch, security fixes applied if feasible
<= 1.9.x Older branches, no longer supported

The latest stable branch (currently 1.14.x) is the highest priority for security fixes. If a security vulnerability is reported under embargo, having new releases for older stable branches will not always be treated as a blocker for lifting the embargo.

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you think you've identified a security issue in Flatpak, please DO NOT report the issue publicly via the GitHub issue tracker, mailing list, Matrix, IRC or any other public medium. Instead, send an email with as many details as possible to [email protected]. This is a private mailing list for the Flatpak maintainers.

Please do not create a public issue.

Security Announcements

The [email protected] email list is used for messages about Flatpak security announcements, as well as general announcements and discussions. You can join the list here.


This text was partially based on the security policy.

There aren’t any published security advisories