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Cw721 NFT staking

NFT staking refers to the locking up of NFTs on a platform or protocol to receive staking rewards and other privileges. Most of NFT staking contracts are based ERC. This NFT staking contract is constructed of CW721 to make this work in other environments based on Cosmos-sdk. It is inspired by solidity contract of Animocabrands.


  1. Contract owner sends message to cw20 contract to execute send function in order to supply rewards token pool.


Store & Instantiate

To make a WASM file, run


After store wasm file, send instantiate message. The implementer contract's instantiate message needs to provide the following arguments.

  • cycle_length_in_seconds: Length of a cycle, in seconds.
  • period_length_in_cycles: Length of a period, in cycles.
  • white_listed_nft_contract: The CW721-metadata-onchain contract to whitelist for performing NFT staking operations.
  • rewards_token_contract: CW20-based token used as staking rewards.




If a staker wants to stake NFT, the staker should send message which includes address of the NFT staking contract with NFT token id to cw721 contract to execute send_nft function. NFT staking contract receives ReceiveNft message of cw721 at the same time, and execute staking function.

Unstake & Claim rewards

In order to unbond the staked NFT, a staker sends message that is unstake to the NFT staking contract. Similarly, the staker sends message is claim when the staker wants to claim his rewards. As unstaking time, balances of staker's rewards are transferred to cw20 token address of the staker from the NFT staking contract.

If the staker needs to replace recipient get claimed rewards, the staker is able to specify other recipient account address in the claim message as claim_recipient_address. Also, unstaking case is same.



Staking is the mechanism by-which a CW721-NFT is transferred to the NftStaking contract, to be held for a period of time, in exchange for a claimable CW20-based token payout (rewards). While staked, the NFT staking contract maintains ownership of the NFT and unlocks claimable rewards over time. When the owner decides to withdraw, or unstake, the NFT from the NFT staking contract, it will be transferred back to staker, but will stop generating rewards.

Cycles, Period and Rewards Schedule

Discrete units of time in staking are expressed in terms of periods and cycles A cycle is defined as a duration in time, measured in seconds. Periods are a larger duratino expressed in the number of cycles. When the contract starts, the first cycle of the first period begins. The length of cycles and periods are set at contract's deployment through cycle_length_in_seconds and period_length_in_cycles instantiate arguments.

Through executing functions are add_rewards_for_period and add_rewards_pool, the contract owner is able to set rewards schedule and amounts of pool. add_rewards_for_period function saves rewards per cycle even after contract starts. If rewards per cycle are replaced to new value, computing rewards are changed immediatly when staker claims rewards. add_rewards_pool function executes that the cw20 token amount of contract owner is transferred to NFT staking contract.


Rewards can be claimed at any moment by the stakers if they already accumulated some again. Claims are computed by periods, summing up the gains over the schedule, starting from the last unclaimed up until the previous period relative to now. This means that at least one period must elapse before the accumulated rewards for staking an NFT, in any given period, can be claimed. Or in other words, a staker can claim rewards once per payout period. If a staker stakes multi NFT, each NFT is managed by staker_tokenid_key which is key, mapping staker address and NFT token ID. So, staker is able to claim rewards about each NFT.

The NFT staking contract has a parameter is max_compute_period. The contract needs to avoid restriction about query gas limit of WASM module. A staker who attemps unstaking, claiming and estimating rewards should send the message includes periods parameter is less than max_compute_period.


Snapshots are historical records of changes staked/unstated over time. For every cycle in which an NFT is staked or unstaked, a new snapshot is created. This provides a means for calculating a staker's entitled proportion of rewards for every cycle of a period that they are claiming. A snapshot history for each staker_tokenid_key to track stake changes.

Snapshots have the following properties:

  • Spans at least one cycle.
  • Can span multiple cycles over multiple periods.
  • The span of one snapshot will never overlap with another (for any given staker).
  • Are arranged consecutively in sequence without skipping over cycles (i.e. there will never be a cycle in between two snapshots).
  • Are removed from a staker's snapshot history as soon as a rewards claim is made for the periods that cover the span of the snapshot.

Abuse prevention

Upon the initial staking of an NFT to the contract, the NFT will be "frozen" for a duration of up to 2 cycles before being allowed to be unstaked. As well, an NFT cannot be staked again during the same cycle after unstaking.


NFT staking contract of CW721 (CosmWasm)







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