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Moesif .NET Core Examples

Moesif is an API analytics and monitoring platform. Moesif.Middleware is a middleware that makes integration with Moesif easy for .NET applications.

The purpose of this project is to provide examples application with Moesif integrated. Each of these Examples are independent of each other

Example .NET Version
MoesifNet8Example .Net 8.0
MoesifNet6Example .Net 6.0
MoesifNet5Example .Net 5.0
MoesifNetCore3Example .Net Core 3.0
MoesifNetCore2Example .Net Core 2.0

For each example, the general steps to follow are:

  1. Update appsettings.json with Moesif Application Id
  2. Build the project using Microsoft dotnet command utility
  3. Run the newly built code giving it appsettings.json input. It launches a web app using the built in IISExpress web server.
  4. Browse to the homepage of that newly built web app: http:https://localhost:5000
  5. View the events show up in Moesif portal.

Get your Moesif Application Id

Your Moesif Application Id can be found in the Moesif Portal. After signing up for a Moesif account, your Moesif Application Id will be displayed during the onboarding steps.

You can always find your Moesif Application Id at any time by logging into the Moesif Portal, click on the top right menu, and then clicking Installation.

Key files

Moesif Middleware's github readme already documented the steps to setup Moesif Middleware. But here are the key file where the Moesif integration is added:

  • Startup.cs added the Moesif middleware to the pipeline.
  • Settings/MoesifOptions.cs added Moesif middleware related settings.
  • appsettings.json is required to be updated. Please ensure MoesifOptions ApplicationId is updated in this file, without which this app will fail.

How to build and run this example.

Each sample folder includes its own


See EmployeeController.cs for some sample URLs that you can test such as the below GET: Replace the port 5000 with the actual port your app is running on

GET http:https://localhost:5000/api/employee/42

You can also try a POST request:

POST http:https://localhost:5000/api/employee/
    "id": 123,
    "firstName": "first",
    "lastName": "last",
    "dateOfBirth": "0001-01-01T00:00:00"

The sample API calls should be logged to Moesif.


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