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Opus #24

A deployable command resolution framework with modules for various domains.

Maven Information

Centurion is available from Kenzie.


It is split into domain-specific modules. These may contain particular behaviour or handling appropriate to that domain.



Creating a Command

Commands are created in and executed from a Command class.
This has some kind of 'Sender' object that you pass when executing a command, typically to send the feedback to the correct place.
The sender could be a system output or log for command-line applications, or a player or user if this is deployed in a game or some kind of interface.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {


Creating Behaviour

This must override the create method, in which you detail the command's behaviour.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob");


Currently, this code generates an empty, behaviour-less blob command.
Executing this command with command.execute(user, "blob") will pass but give no feedback.

Adding Lapse Behaviour

Imagine our User sender object has a .reply(message) method for sending feedback.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob")
            .lapse(user -> {
                return CommandResult.PASSED;


We can set up 'lapse' behaviour, which will run by default if nothing else matches.
If there are no matched argument configurations, or special behaviour found for the input, our command will lapse to this function.

Adding Arguments

Most commands will want some sort of arguments to specify sub-functions.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob")
            .arg("hello", (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("Hello user!");
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .lapse(user -> {
                return CommandResult.PASSED;


This example would create the following command tree:

blob        -> Lapsed!
blob hello  -> Hello user!

If our first argument passed to blob is exactly hello then it will execute our argument function.
If we pass a different set of arguments (like foo or hello foo) it will lapse to our default function.

Adding Multiple Arguments

Commands can be specified to take multiple sub-arguments, including overloading.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob")
            .arg("hello", "there", (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("General Kenobi!");
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .arg("hello", "world", (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("Hello World!");
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .arg("hello", (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("Hello user!");
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .lapse(user -> {
                return CommandResult.PASSED;


This example would create the following command tree:

blob                -> Lapsed!
blob hello          -> Hello user!
blob hello there    -> General Kenobi!
blob hello world    -> Hello World!

These are called 'literal' arguments, because they match an exact input and nothing else.
They do not provide anything to the arguments parameter of the command function, since we know what the user wrote already.

Input Arguments

Commands can also pass an input to a sub-function.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob")
            .arg("hello", STRING, (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("Hello, " + arguments.get(0));
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .arg("hello", "there", (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("General Kenobi!");
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .arg("hello", (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("Hello user!");
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .lapse(user -> {
                return CommandResult.PASSED;


This example would create the following command tree:

blob                -> Lapsed!
blob hello          -> Hello user!
blob hello there    -> General Kenobi!
blob hello <string> -> Hello, %input%

These command patterns are automatically weighted according to their input. This means the literal pattern hello there will always be checked before the input pattern hello <string>.

Other Input Types

Raw text is not the only input that a command can take.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob")
            .arg("hello", STRING, (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("String " + arguments.get(0));
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .arg("hello", BOOLEAN, (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("Boolean " + arguments.get(0));
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .arg("hello", INTEGER, (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("Number " + arguments.get(0));
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .lapse(user -> {
                return CommandResult.PASSED;


This example would create the following command tree:

blob                 -> Lapsed!
blob hello <boolean> -> Boolean %boolean%
blob hello <int>     -> Number %int%
blob hello <string>  -> String %string%

There are several built-in input types available in the Arguments class, covering most of the appropriate primitive types.

These patterns are automatically weighted to reduce the chances of an unwanted parse. For example, an all-accepting STRING will always be checked after a more rigid BOOLEAN or INTEGER type.

Greedy Inputs

Arguments can be marked greedy, in order to take the entire remainder of the user input.

class MyCommand extends Command<User> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob")
            .arg("hello", "there", (user, arguments) -> {
                user.reply("General Kenobi!");
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .arg(STRING_END, (user, arguments) -> {
                return CommandResult.PASSED;
            .lapse(user -> {
                return CommandResult.PASSED;


This example would create the following command tree:

blob                -> Lapsed!
blob hello there    -> General Kenobi!
blob <string...>    -> %string...%

Greedy arguments will eat the entire remaining input - they cannot be followed by another argument since there is nothing left to parse.
These are weighted very heavily by default to try and arrange them as the last option to be checked, but due to their nature they are prone to unwanted false positives and should be used carefully.

Compound Arguments

The compound argument is a special feature of Centurion that allows a command input to function like a miniature grammar. A program may specify a compound argument, e.g. centurion-minecraft's vector, that is made from its own set of multi-argument structures.

This argument may be used as normal within a command, e.g.

class MyCommand extends Command<Player> {

    public Behaviour create() {
        return this.command("blob")
            .arg("teleport", VECTOR, (player, arguments) -> {
                final Vector vector = arguments.get(0);
                return CommandResult.PASSED;


This example would create the following command tree:

blob teleport <vector>  -> Teleports player

However, the compound vector argument may specify its own patterns, such as:

<number> meters <direction>
<x> <y> <z>

Both of these are verified and then converted to a Vector using their own functions. This Vector is then passed back as the input for the command.

In essence, the command's real tree would look like:

blob teleport <number> meters <direction>
blob teleport <x> <y> <z>

However, the command does not need to manually parse the number and direction or x, y and z to a vector.

This means that both the inputs teleport 10 meters north and teleport 4 32 17 would provide a single Vector input to the same function.

Compound Parsing Differences

Compound arguments have a similar design and structure to commands themselves, and function as a sort of sub-command. However, the compound argument does not care about trailing input at the end.

If a compound looks for <number> meters and the user inputs 10 meters south, the remaining south will be sent back to the command parser to check against the next argument.

Reading Patterns

The full set of command patterns generated from a command is available in command.patterns().

These follow a distinct structure:

label literal <required> [optional] <greedy...>

The label is the main command.
Literal arguments have no brackets.
Angle brackets are used for <required> inputs.
Square brackets are used for [optional] inputs, which will pass null to the function if not set.
An ellipsis is used for greedy... inputs.

Receiving Inputs

Command argument inputs are parsed and stored in the arguments function parameter.
These are available by zero-index, using arguments.get(index).

Literal arguments do not take up a slot in the argument container.
The command /blob hello <int> <string> would have its int input at index 0 and its string input at index 1. There is no index for the literal hello argument, since this is already known before execution.

Argument values are null if and only if the argument type was [optional] and no input was provided.

Argument values are automatically typed by the get method. If the type is somehow unknown (e.g. an argument type can give multiple result types), a type parameter should be specified and the result should be checked manually with arguments.<Object>get(2).

If the wrong type is asked for, the cast will fail and throw an error.

Command Results

Commands return a result with some information about its execution. These have a boolean successful() value and a CommandResult enum type() for switching.
They may also provide a Throwable error that occurred when trying to dispatch, parse or run the command function.


A failure result will be marked successful() == false. This means that the command failed in its regular execution in one of several ways.

Example failure standards:

  1. No lapse behaviour was defined for the command and the input matched no argument.
  2. An uncaught error was thrown during either parsing or execution. This error is provided in the result.
    • N.B. this may have halted a command part way through execution - safety checks are advised.
  3. A command function returned a failure result.

Input Validation

Functions may apply additional validation to inputs through the use of the WRONG_INPUT or LAPSE failure results. These results are a special case; they are not a failure condition for the command execution.

If the WRONG_INPUT result is returned, the line of argument parsing will be abandoned and the iteration will move on. If no subsequent argument patterns match the input this will fall to the lapse case.

Please note that this sort of fall-through can be dangerous and may lead to unexpected conditions being met.
Exempli gratia:

input    test hello there
case #1  test hello <string>  -> WRONG_INPUT // continues
case #1  test <string...>     -> PASSED      // accepted here
lapse                                        // never reaches lapse

Alternatively, the LAPSE result will break parsing and go straight to the lapse function.

input    test hello there
case #1  test hello <string>  -> LAPSE       // jumps
case #1  test <string...>     ->             // skipped
lapse                         -> PASSED      // accepted here


Centurion is the follow-on from Commander, my previous command framework.

While its structure is similar in some ways, it has a few key differences.

Commander had a core defect: it was originally built for 'Minecraft' and then extracted and republished as a standalone library. That meant a lot of its behaviour was either idiomatic or unnecessary for other environments.

Centurion was built first as a standalone framework and the 'Minecraft' and other modules were built on top of its core.

Centurion also has a more intuitive framework, avoiding the nesting structure that Commander relied on. Centurion also supports automatic typing when retrieving an argument.


class MyCommand extends Commander {

    public Command create() {
        return command("test")
                arg("there", sender -> {
                    System.out.println("General Kenobi!");
                arg((sender, args) -> {
                    System.out.println("Hello, " + args[0] + "!");
                }, new ArgString())



class MyCommand extends Command<Sender> {

    public Behaviour<Sender> create() {
        return command("test")
            .arg("hello", "there", (sender, arguments) -> {
                System.out.println("General Kenobi!");
            .arg("hello", STRING, (sender, arguments) -> {
                System.out.println("Hello, " + arguments.get(0) + "!");


Provided Domain Support

Centurion provides support for some domains out-of-the-box. This is not built in to the core library, but comes as separate modules that include the core. These modules can be used as dependencies in place of the core library.




The core of Centurion is available under MIT as seen in the repository.

Some classes in the 'Minecraft' submodule depend transitively on Bukkit and so are covered by GPL-3 instead.


Commands for Minecraft's Bukkit server are available. These are registered in the minecraft module and available through MinecraftCommand. Some basic argument types for the domain are available, along with placeholder formatting support and interaction utilities.

This support was built for a recent version of the game -- it will not support older versions, it may not support future versions without modification.


For integration with translation systems, centurion aims to use translatable messages internally. These can be edited or filled in via a client resource pack. If no pack is present they will default to English messages.

These are used only in built-in behaviour, which can be changed, overridden or removed entirely by resources using this.

Lang Key Default
centurion.tooltip.suggest Click to Suggest Click to Run Unknown command or insufficient permissions (Minecraft default)
centurion.argument.<label> (label)
centurion.text.usage Usage for %s:


Rudimentary support is provided for the following argument types.

Block Face

The block face argument accepts identifiers from org.bukkit.block.BlockFace, such as cardinal directions, up, down and partial directions.


The material argument accepts identifiers from org.bukkit.Material, which appear to correspond to the minecraft IDs, without the minecraft: namespace.

Entity Type

The entity type argument accepts identifiers from org.bukkit.entity.EntityType, corresponding to the minecraft entity IDs without their minecraft: namespace.


The color argument accepts the legacy named colours from net.kyori.adventure.text.format.NamedTextColor, as well as hash-preceded hex colour codes like #ff0000. These colour classes are provided from a third-party library included in PaperMC.

Block Data

The block data argument accepts a valid identifier in the form namespace:key[property=value], where the namespace and property sections are optional. This will only accept material types that are blocks, e.g. stone is acceptable but stick is not. This will only accept material types registered with the Minecraft server, so my_block will not be accepted unless a modification has registered it.


The player argument accepts the name of an online player. It may accept an unambiguous partial name.


The selector argument parses an entity selector that can be used to pick out one or more entities from a given context, e.g. the command sender.

This can also parse complex selectors (e.g. @e[distance=..10,limit=1]) which are evaluated from the perspective of the command sender where possible. These selectors are parsed by Minecraft's server.


The world argument accepts a world by name.


The key argument accepts a resource key, such as minecraft:stone or my_mod:resource/path.


Tag arguments (Material, Item, Entity) accept a set of built-in tags, which select multiple of a thing, such as materials or entity types. These can be used to provide blanket selection, e.g. #raiders picking out Pillager, Vindicator, Witch, etc.

Relative Number

Relative numbers come in the potential format ~X, where either the preceding tilde ~ or following number 0 are optional. A no-number value ~ equates to relative zero.

Relative numbers do not have to be relative, e.g. ~10 is marked as relative whereas 10 is not.

What the relativity of the number means depends entirely on the implementation of a command. Minecraft typically uses these for relativising a position.

Local Number

Local numbers must be preceded by a local marker circumflex ^. A no-number value ^ equates to local zero.

What the locality of the number means depends entirely on the implementation of a command. Minecraft typically uses these for localising a position.


A vector is a quantity with direction and magnitude, representing an offset from an origin, such as 10 5 -4. These are typically used to indicate position coordinates, or the length, width and height of an area, but they are not attached to a world.

The vector argument accepts either three numerical values, e.g. 3.5 0 -9, or a length with a direction, e.g. 10 meters north. Both will be evaluated to a three-value vector.

The origin of the vector is left up to the implementation of a command.


A location is a position within a world.

The location argument accepts any of the following:

<x> <y> <z> in <world>
spawn of <world>
bed of <player>
<offset> of <entity>
<offset> of <location>

Example inputs include:

10 64 -45 in world_nether
spawn of world
bed of Mackenbee
10 meters north of @p
5 meters east of spawn of world


An offset is a special relative form of the vector argument. It supports relative numbers as values, e.g. ~ ~10 ~5 instead of fixed coordinates. This relative vector can be mapped on to a position, in which case the relative ~ inputs will be added on to the new origin, whereas the non-relative numbers will replace the origin coordinates.

The offset argument accepts:

<x> <y> <z>
<number> meters <direction>

Example inputs include:

~ ~5 ~         // 5 meters above origin
10 ~ -42       // 10, height of origin, -42
5 meters down  // 5 meters below origin

Local Offset

A local offset represents a position relative to an origin's orientation, e.g. the direction an entity is looking in. This accepts only local ^x numbers.

<left> <up> <forwards>

Example inputs include:

^ ^ ^10
^-2 ^0 ^4


A deployable command framework.







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