These are my test playgrounds for the book "RxSwift: Reactive Programming with Swift" 🔥
- Swift 4.2
- RxSwift 4.0
- RxCocoa 4.0
- Xcode 10.1
- Creating observables
- empty
- Never
- range
- Create()
- deffered
- Dispose/DisposeBag
- Subscribing to observables
- Subjects
- PublishSubject
- BehaviorSubject
- ReplaySubject
- Variable
- Creating observables
- Observables and Subjects in Practice (Combinestagram App)
- Filtering Operators:
- ignoreElements()
- elementAt()
- filter()
- skip()
- skipWhile()
- skipUntil()
- take()
- takeWhileWithIndex()
- takeUntil()
- distinctUntilChanged()
- distinctUntilChanged(_:)
- Filtering Operators:
- Transforming Operators:
- toArray()
- map()
- mapWithIndex()
- flatMap()
- flatMapLatest()
- Transforming Operators:
- Transforming Operators in Practice (GitFeed App)
- Combining Operators:
- startWith()
- concat()
- merge()
- combineLatest()
- zip()
- withLatestFrom()
- amb()
- switchLatest()
- reduce()
- scan()
- Combining Operators:
- Combining Operators in Practice (OurPlanet App)
- Chapter 12:
- Beginning RxCocoa (Wundercast app)
- Chapter 24:
- Building a Complete RxSwift App (QuickTodo App)
- ReactiveX official documentation
- RxSwift Community
- RxMarbles
- RxMarbles iOS app
- RxMarbles iOS app repo
Twitter: @alspirichev