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Tags: MikroElektronika/mikrosdk_v2



Toggle mikroSDK-2.11.0's commit message

+ released: 2024-04-02


+ As of mikroSDK version 2.11.0, XC32 v4.35 is officially supported.
+ All 187 PIC32 MCUs can now be used with the XC32 toolchain along with full mikroSDK functionality.
+ Linker scripts are included upon selecting adequate setup for your project so it can be easily edited on the fly.
+ All standard modules supported (GPIO, ADC, I2C, PWM, SPI, UART, OneWire, RTC, CAN, DMA and LCD)
+ Third party modules supported
  + TinyUSB (An open source cross-platform USB stack for embedded system)
  + LVGL (Light and Versatile Embedded Graphics Library)
  + FatFs (Generic FAT Filesystem Module)


+ As of mikroSDK version 2.11.0, XC16 v2.10 is officially supported.
+ All 531 dsPIC/PIC24 MCUs can now be used with the XC16 toolchain along with full mikroSDK functionality.
+ Linker scripts are included upon selecting adequate setup for your project so it can be easily edited on the fly.
+ All standard modules supported (GPIO, ADC, I2C, PWM, SPI, UART, OneWire, CAN and LCD)
+ Third party modules supported
  + FatFs (Generic FAT Filesystem Module)


+ As of mikroSDK version 2.11.0, XC8 v2.46 is officially supported.
+ Due to the complexity of mikroSDK, only PIC18xxQ43 family of MCUs is supported.
+ All standard modules supported (GPIO, ADC, I2C, PWM, SPI, UART, OneWire, CAN, DMA and LCD)
+ Third party modules supported
  + FatFs (Generic FAT Filesystem Module)


+ Fixed drv/lib/CMakeLists.txt to include the appropriate subdirectories.
  + Previously, lib_drv_i2c_master and lib_drv_port were switched. Now, the inclusion is based on their individual definitions – ensuring that each is included as intended.
+ Fixed all low level implementations for PIC32 MCUs to accommodate the release of XC32 toolchain.
+ Fixed issue with gl_text not drawing correct characters on XC compilers.
+ Fixed issue with tp not detecting TP_EVENT_PRESS_UP on tft7 boards.
+ Fixed wrong LCD_TFT_8BIT_CH0 port name for:
  + dsPIC33EP512MU810(./bsp/board/include/mcu_cards/easypic_fusion_v7_mcucard_with_dspic33ep512mu810/mcu_card.h)
  + PIC24EP512GU810(./bsp/board/include/mcu_cards/easypic_fusion_v7_mcucard_with_pic24ep512gu810/mcu_card.h)
  + dsPIC33FJ256GP710A(./bsp/board/include/mcu_cards/easypic_fusion_v7_mcucard_with_dspic33fj256gp710a/mcu_card.h)
  + PIC24FJ128GA310(./bsp/board/include/mcu_cards/easypic_fusion_v7_mcucard_with_pic24fj128ga310/mcu_card.h)
+ Fixed wrong HAL_LL_I2C_MAX_SPEED_VALUE for I2CxBRG register for dsPIC devices.
+ Fixed custom board inclusion into project
  + Custom board is not generated in mikroSDK BSP anymore, but in `MIKROE` app data


+ Added doxy style help generation files for mikroSDK
  + Additionally, a layout file has been added as well
+ Changed directory so it can be built as bare metal
  + Changed following files:
    + ./CMakeLists.txt(./CMakeLists.txt)
    + ./platform/CMakeLists.txt(./platform/CMakeLists.txt)
    + ./platform/conversions/lib/CMakeLists.txt(./platform/conversions/lib/CMakeLists.txt)
      + Changed name to Generic.Conversions
+ delays.h explicitly included in all files which use any delay API
+ Changed order of variables in ili9341.c for MikroC AI for dsPIC due to issue with W2 register.
+ Changed ./hal_ll_adc.c(./targets/pic_16bit/mikroe/dspic/src/adc/implementation_1/hal_ll_adc.c), added setting of pin analog functionality in hal_ll_adc_read function because of special case in tp_mikroe.c where we constantly change pin configuration.
+ Changed ./tsc2003.h(./middleware/tsc2003/lib/include/tsc2003.h), I2C slave address for touch controller is now defined in database.
+ Updated all tests to build with XC compilers
  + Additinally, added preinit routine to every test as well


+ Mikromedia 3 for PIC Resistive
+ Mikromedia 3 for PIC Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 3 for STM32 Resistive
+ Mikromedia 3 for STM32 Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 4 for kinetis Resistive
+ Mikromedia 4 for kinetis Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 4 for STM32 Resistive
+ Mikromedia 4 for STM32f2 Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 4 for STM32f4 Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 4 for STM32f7 Resistive
+ Mikromedia 5 for kinetis Resistive
+ Mikromedia 5 for kinetis Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 5 for STM32 Resistive
+ Mikromedia 5 for STM32f4 Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 5 for STM32f7 Resistive
+ Mikromedia 5 for STM32f7 Resistive FPI
+ Mikromedia 7 Resistive
+ Mikromedia 7 Resistive FPI


Toggle mikroSDK-2.10.2's commit message
### `2.10.2` Changes

1. **[Fixes](#2102-fixes)**
2. **[Improvements](#2102-improvements)**
3. **[NEW HARDWARE](#2102-new-hardware)**

#### `2.10.2` Fixes

+ Fixed an issue on TIVA, where the DMA transfer would not be realized, if the source data buffer was stored in flash memory
  + Configured flash memory to allow the DMA access to the whole flash memory space
+ Added guards for **tim_regs_map** array in dsPIC low-level PWM implementation

#### `2.10.2` Improvements

+ Removed option to choose receive buffer and filter config for FIFO1 in low level implementation for PIC18 CAN implementation
  + Receive buffers are not selectable due to HW restrictions. Filter and mask configuration for FIFO1 is going to be handled once CAN over interrupts is supported
+ Removed **NC** definition for not connected pins from MCU card headers for 61 MCU cards
  + Now user will have compile time error if he tries using pin that is not routed to mikroBUS
+ Added **NC** macro as **HAL_PIN_NC** to 20 PIM MCU card headers that didn't have it
+ Removed display support for **MCU CARD 2 FOR KINETIS** with MK20 MCUs as it doesn't have TFT pins

#### `2.10.2` NEW HARDWARE

+ [STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32F401RE MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32F030R8 MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32L073RZ MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32L476RG MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32F070RB MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32F091RC MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-64 development board with STM32L433RC-P MCU](
+ [Click Shield for Nucleo-64](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32L496ZG MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32L4R5ZI MCU](
+ [STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32F412ZG MCU](


Toggle mikroSDK-2.10.1's commit message

+ released: 2024-02-02


+ Fixed shield.h for shield_curiosity_nano_base_for_click_boards
  + Resolved macros mismatch with board.h
+ Fixed baud rate settings in low level CAN implementation for NXP
  + Default baud rate changed from 500k to 125k
  + Added checking in hal_ll_can_bit_timing() API if configured baud rate is the same as requested
+ Fixed guards for CAN PPS pins on PIC32
  + Resolved the problem where certain pins were unreachable due to undefined macros in "ifdef"
+ Transmit FIFO initialization for CAN on PIC32 moved from "hal_ll_can_filter_init" to "hal_ll_can_module_init"
  + Since filters are not needed for transmitting this change makes using CAN easier and more intuitive


Toggle mikroSDK-2.10.0's commit message

+ released: 2024-01-30


1. New Features
2. Improvements
3. Fixes

New Features

Support for DMA module!

> Direct Memory Access (DMA) is a module that allows peripherals,
> to directly transfer data to or from memory without the constant involvement of the processor.
> This enhances the efficiency and speed of data handling in embedded applications,
> allowing for more real-time processing and reducing processor workload.

+ Files added
  + Common files
    + drv_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + drv_dma.c - <>
    + hal_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_dma.c - <>
    + main.c - <>
    + main.c - <>
    + main.c - <>
    + main.c - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
  + STM32
    + hal_ll_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>
  + NXP
    + hal_ll_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>
  + TIVA
    + hal_ll_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>
  + Gigadevice
    + hal_ll_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>
  + PIC-8bit
    + hal_ll_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>
  + PIC-32bit
    + hal_ll_dma.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_dma.c - <>

Support added for CAN protocol!

> Controller Area Network (CAN) is a robust and widely used communication
> protocol in the field of automotive and industrial applications. CAN protocol
> is designed for high-speed, reliable communication between electronic
> control units in a network without a host computer. It enables real-time data
> exchange among different components of a system such as microcontrollers.

+ Files added
  + Common files
    + drv_can.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + drv_can.c - <>
    + hal_can.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_can.c - <>
    + main.c - <>
    + main.c - <>
    + main.c - <>
    + can_test.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
  + STM32
    + hal_ll_can.h - <>
    + hal_ll_can_pin_map.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_can.c - <>
  + NXP
    + hal_ll_can.h - <>
    + hal_ll_can_pin_map.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_can.c - <>
  + TIVA
    + hal_ll_can.h - <>
    + hal_ll_can_pin_map.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_can.c - <>
  + Gigadevice
    + hal_ll_can.h - <>
    + hal_ll_can_pin_map.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_can.c - <>
  + PIC-8bit
    + hal_ll_can.h - <>
    + hal_ll_can_pin_map.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_can.c - <>
  + PIC-16bit
    + hal_ll_can.h - <>
    + hal_ll_can_pin_map.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_can.c - <>
  + PIC-32bit
    + hal_ll_can.h - <>
    + hal_ll_can_pin_map.h - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + hal_ll_can.c - <>

Support added for RTC!

+ RTC implementation
  + Supported architectures
    + STM32
    + NXP
    + TIVA
    + GD32
    + PIC32
+ Included API's:
  + rtc_init - Initialize the RTC counter.
  + rtc_start - Continue the RTC module count from the stored value in the count register.
  + rtc_stop - Stop the RTC module count from the stored value in the count register.
  + rtc_restart - Reset the RTC counter to the default values for the time and date registers.
  + rtc_set_time - Configure the date and time of the RTC.
  + rtc_get_time - Get RTC counter register value.
  + rtc_system_reset - Resets the core and all on-chip peripherals except the Debug interface.

  + Files added:
    + drv_rtc.h - <>
    + drv_rtc.c - <>
    + hal_rtc.h - <>
    + hal_rtc.c - <>
    + ./nxp/include/hal_ll_rtc.h - <>
    + ./nxp/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./tiva/include/hal_ll_rtc.h - <>
    + ./tiva/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./tiva/src/rtc/implementation_2/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/include/hal_ll_rtc.h - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_2/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_3/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_4/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_5/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_6/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_7/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_8/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./pic32/include/hal_ll_rtc.h - <>
    + ./pic32/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + ./gigadevice/include/hal_ll_rtc.h - <>
    + ./gigadevice/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
    + main.c - <>

Moudle supported for:

|      MCU       |      MCU       |      MCU       |
| :------------: | :------------: | :------------: |
| TM4C1231C3PM   | TM4C1231D5PM   | TM4C1231D5PZ   |
| TM4C1231E6PM   | TM4C1231E6PZ   | TM4C1231H6PGE  |
| TM4C1231H6PM   | TM4C1231H6PZ   | TM4C1233C3PM   |
| TM4C1233D5PM   | TM4C1233D5PZ   | TM4C1233E6PM   |
| TM4C1233E6PZ   | TM4C1233H6PGE  | TM4C1233H6PM   |
| TM4C1233H6PZ   | TM4C1237D5PM   | TM4C1237D5PZ   |
| TM4C1237E6PM   | TM4C1237E6PZ   | TM4C1237H6PGE  |
| TM4C1237H6PM   | TM4C1237H6PZ   | TM4C123BH6PGE  |
| TM4C123BE6PM   | TM4C123BE6PZ   | TM4C123BH6ZRB  |
| TM4C123BH6PM   | TM4C123BH6PZ   | TM4C123GH6PGE  |
| TM4C123GE6PM   | TM4C123GE6PZ   | TM4C123GH6ZRB  |
| TM4C123GH6PM   | TM4C123GH6PZ   | TM4C1290NCZAD  |
| TM4C123GH6ZXR  | TM4C1290NCPDT  | TM4C1294KCPDT  |
| TM4C1292NCPDT  | TM4C1292NCZAD  | TM4C1297NCZAD  |
| TM4C1294NCPDT  | TM4C1294NCZAD  | TM4C129CNCPDT  |
| TM4C1299KCZAD  | TM4C1299NCZAD  | TM4C129DNCZAD  |

Moudle supported for:

|      MCU      |      MCU      |
| :-----------: | :-----------: |
| GD32VF103C4T6 | GD32VF103C6T6 |
| GD32VF103C8T6 | GD32VF103CBT6 |
| GD32VF103R4T6 | GD32VF103R6T6 |
| GD32VF103R8T6 | GD32VF103RBT6 |
| GD32VF103T4U6 | GD32VF103T6U6 |
| GD32VF103T8U6 | GD32VF103TBU6 |
| GD32VF103V8T6 | GD32VF103VBT6 |

Moudle supported for:

|        MCU        |        MCU        |        MCU        |        MCU        |        MCU        |
| :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: |
|   MK20DN128VFM5   |   MK20DN64VFM5    |   MK20DX32VFM5    |   MK20DX64VFM5    |   MK20DX128VFM5   |
|   MK20DN128VFT5   |   MK20DN32VLF5    |   MK20DX32VLF5    |   MK20DN64VLF5    |   MK20DX64VLF5    |
|   MK20DN128VLF5   |   MK20DX128VLF5   |   MK20DN32VFT5    |   MK20DX32VFT5    |   MK20DN64VFT5    |
|   MK20DX64VFT5    |   MK20DX128VFT5   |   MK20DN128VLH5   |   MK20DN32VLH5    |   MK20DX32VLH5    |
|   MK20DN64VLH5    |   MK20DX64VLH5    |   MK20DX128VLH5   |   MK20DN32VMP5    |   MK20DX32VMP5    |
|   MK20DN64VMP5    |   MK20DX64VMP5    |   MK20DN128VMP5   |   MK20DN32VFM5    |   MK22FN128CAH12  |
|   MK22FN128VDC10  |   MK22FN128VLL10  |   MK22FN128VMP10  |   MK22FN128VLH10  |   MK22FN1M0AVLH12 |
|   MK22FX512AVLH12 |   MK22FN1M0AVLK12 |   MK22FX512AVLK12 |   MK22FN1M0AVLL12 |   MK22FX512AVLL12 |
|   MK22FN1M0AVLQ12 |   MK22FX512AVLQ12 |   MK22FX512AVMD12 |   MK22FN1M0AVMD12 |   MK22FN1M0AVMC12 |
|   MK22FX512AVMC12 |   MK22FN1M0VLH12  |   MK22FX512VLH12  |   MK22FN1M0VLK12  |   MK22FX512VLK12  |
|   MK22FN1M0VLL12  |   MK22FX512VLL12  |   MK22FN1M0VLQ12  |   MK22FX512VLQ12  |   MK22FX512VMD12  |
|   MK22FN1M0VMD12  |   MK22FN1M0VMC12  |   MK22FX512VMC12  |   MK22FN256CAH12  |   MK22FN256VDC12  |
|   MK22FN256VLL12  |   MK22FN256VMP12  |   MK22FN256VLH12  |   MK22FN512CAP12  |   MK22FN512VDC12  |
|   MK22FN512VLL12  |   MK22FN512VLH12  |   MK22FN512VMP12  |   MK22FN512VFX12  |   MK51DN256CLQ10  |
|   MK51DN256CMD10  |   MK51DN512CLQ10  |   MK51DN512CMD10  |   MK51DN512CLL10  |   MK51DX256CLL10  |
|   MK51DN512CMC10  |   MK51DX256CMC10  |   MK51DX256CLK10  |   MK53DN512CLQ10  |   MK53DN512CMD10  |
|   MK53DX256CLQ10  |   MK53DX256CMD10  |   MK60DN256VLL10  |   MK60DX256VLL10  |   MK60DN512VLL10  |
|   MK60DN256VLQ10  |   MK60DX256VLQ10  |   MK60DN512VLQ10  |   MK60DN256VMD10  |   MK60DX256VMD10  |
|   MK60DN512VMD10  |   MK60DN256VMC10  |   MK60DX256VMC10  |   MK60DN512VMC10  |   MK64FN1M0CAJ12  |
|   MK64FN1M0VDC12  |   MK64FN1M0VLL12  |   MK64FN1M0VLQ12  |   MK64FN1M0VMD12  |   MK64FX512VDC12  |
|   MK64FX512VLL12  |   MK64FX512VLQ12  |   MK64FX512VMD12  |   MK65FN2M0CAC18  |   MK65FX1M0CAC18  |
|   MK65FN2M0VMI18  |   MK65FX1M0VMI18  |   MK66FN2M0VLQ18  |   MK66FN2M0VMD18  |   MK66FX1M0VMD18  |
|   MK66FX1M0VLQ18  |   MK80FN256VDC15  |   MK80FN256VLL15  |   MK80FN256VLQ15  |   MK82FN256VDC15  |
|   MK82FN256VLL15  |   MK82FN256VLQ15  |

Moudle supported for:

|        MCU        |        MCU         |        MCU         |        MCU         |        MCU         |
| :---------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: |
| PIC32MX110F016B   |  PIC32MX110F016C   |  PIC32MX110F016D   |  PIC32MX120F032B   |  PIC32MX120F032C   |
| PIC32MX120F032D   |  PIC32MX120F064H   |  PIC32MX130F064B   |  PIC32MX130F064C   |  PIC32MX130F064D   |
| PIC32MX130F128H   |  PIC32MX130F128L   |  PIC32MX130F256B   |  PIC32MX130F256D   |  PIC32MX150F128B   |
| PIC32MX150F128C   |  PIC32MX150F128D   |  PIC32MX150F256H   |  PIC32MX150F256L   |  PIC32MX170F256B   |
| PIC32MX170F256D   |  PIC32MX170F512H   |  PIC32MX170F512L   |  PIC32MX210F016B   |  PIC32MX210F016C   |
| PIC32MX210F016D   |  PIC32MX220F032B   |  PIC32MX220F032C   |  PIC32MX220F032D   |  PIC32MX230F064B   |
| PIC32MX230F064C   |  PIC32MX230F064D   |  PIC32MX230F128H   |  PIC32MX230F128L   |  PIC32MX230F256B   |
| PIC32MX230F256D   |  PIC32MX250F128B   |  PIC32MX250F128C   |  PIC32MX250F128D   |  PIC32MX250F256H   |
| PIC32MX250F256L   |  PIC32MX270F256B   |  PIC32MX270F256D   |  PIC32MX270F256DB  |  PIC32MX270F512H   |
| PIC32MX270F512L   |  PIC32MX320F032H   |  PIC32MX320F064H   |  PIC32MX320F128H   |  PIC32MX320F128L   |
| PIC32MX330F064H   |  PIC32MX330F064L   |  PIC32MX340F128H   |  PIC32MX340F128L   |  PIC32MX340F256H   |
| PIC32MX340F512H   |  PIC32MX350F128H   |  PIC32MX350F128L   |  PIC32MX350F256H   |  PIC32MX350F256L   |
| PIC32MX360F256L   |  PIC32MX360F512L   |  PIC32MX370F512H   |  PIC32MX370F512L   |  PIC32MX420F032H   |
| PIC32MX430F064H   |  PIC32MX430F064L   |  PIC32MX440F128H   |  PIC32MX440F128L   |  PIC32MX440F256H   |
| PIC32MX440F512H   |  PIC32MX450F128H   |  PIC32MX450F128L   |  PIC32MX450F256H   |  PIC32MX450F256HB  |
| PIC32MX450F256L   |  PIC32MX460F256L   |  PIC32MX460F512L   |  PIC32MX470F512H   |  PIC32MX470F512L   |
| PIC32MX470F512LB  |  PIC32MX530F128H   |  PIC32MX530F128L   |  PIC32MX534F064H   |  PIC32MX534F064L   |
| PIC32MX550F256H   |  PIC32MX550F256L   |  PIC32MX564F064H   |  PIC32MX564F064L   |  PIC32MX564F128H   |
| PIC32MX564F128L   |  PIC32MX570F512H   |  PIC32MX570F512L   |  PIC32MX575F256H   |  PIC32MX575F256L   |
| PIC32MX575F512H   |  PIC32MX575F512L   |  PIC32MX664F064H   |  PIC32MX664F064L   |  PIC32MX664F128H   |
| PIC32MX664F128L   |  PIC32MX675F256H   |  PIC32MX675F256L   |  PIC32MX675F512H   |  PIC32MX675F512L   |
| PIC32MX695F512H   |  PIC32MX695F512L   |  PIC32MX764F128H   |  PIC32MX764F128L   |  PIC32MX775F256H   |
| PIC32MX775F256L   |  PIC32MX775F512H   |  PIC32MX775F512L   |  PIC32MX795F512H   |  PIC32MX795F512L   |
| PIC32MZ0512EFE064 |  PIC32MZ0512EFE100 |  PIC32MZ0512EFE124 |  PIC32MZ0512EFE144 |  PIC32MZ0512EFF064 |
| PIC32MZ0512EFF100 |  PIC32MZ0512EFF124 |  PIC32MZ0512EFF144 |  PIC32MZ0512EFK064 |  PIC32MZ0512EFK100 |
| PIC32MZ0512EFK124 |  PIC32MZ0512EFK144 |  PIC32MZ1024ECG064 |  PIC32MZ1024ECG100 |  PIC32MZ1024ECG124 |
| PIC32MZ1024ECG144 |  PIC32MZ1024ECH064 |  PIC32MZ1024ECH100 |  PIC32MZ1024ECH124 |  PIC32MZ1024ECH144 |
| PIC32MZ1024ECM064 |  PIC32MZ1024ECM100 |  PIC32MZ1024ECM124 |  PIC32MZ1024ECM144 |  PIC32MZ1024EFE064 |
| PIC32MZ1024EFE100 |  PIC32MZ1024EFE124 |  PIC32MZ1024EFE144 |  PIC32MZ1024EFF064 |  PIC32MZ1024EFF100 |
| PIC32MZ1024EFF124 |  PIC32MZ1024EFF144 |  PIC32MZ1024EFG064 |  PIC32MZ1024EFG100 |  PIC32MZ1024EFG124 |
| PIC32MZ1024EFG144 |  PIC32MZ1024EFH064 |  PIC32MZ1024EFH100 |  PIC32MZ1024EFH124 |  PIC32MZ1024EFH144 |
| PIC32MZ1024EFK064 |  PIC32MZ1024EFK100 |  PIC32MZ1024EFK124 |  PIC32MZ1024EFK144 |  PIC32MZ1024EFM064 |
| PIC32MZ1024EFM100 |  PIC32MZ1024EFM124 |  PIC32MZ1024EFM144 |  PIC32MZ2048ECG064 |  PIC32MZ2048ECG100 |
| PIC32MZ2048ECG124 |  PIC32MZ2048ECG144 |  PIC32MZ2048ECH064 |  PIC32MZ2048ECH100 |  PIC32MZ2048ECH124 |
| PIC32MZ2048ECH144 |  PIC32MZ2048ECM064 |  PIC32MZ2048ECM100 |  PIC32MZ2048ECM124 |  PIC32MZ2048ECM144 |
| PIC32MZ2048EFG064 |  PIC32MZ2048EFG100 |  PIC32MZ2048EFG124 |  PIC32MZ2048EFG144 |  PIC32MZ2048EFH064 |
| PIC32MZ2048EFH100 |  PIC32MZ2048EFH124 |  PIC32MZ2048EFH144 |  PIC32MZ2048EFM064 |  PIC32MZ2048EFM100 |
| PIC32MZ2048EFM124 |  PIC32MZ2048EFM144 |

Moudle supported for:

|        MCU        |        MCU        |        MCU        |        MCU        |        MCU        |
| :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: | :---------------: |
|    STM32L4S9ZI    |    STM32L4S9VI    |    STM32L4S9AI    |    STM32L4S7ZI    |    STM32L4S7VI    |
|    STM32L4S7AI    |    STM32L4S5ZI    |    STM32L4S5VI    |    STM32L4S5QI    |    STM32L4S5AI    |
|    STM32L4R9ZI    |    STM32L4R9ZG    |    STM32L4R9VI    |    STM32L4R9VG    |    STM32L4R9AI    |
|    STM32L4R9AG    |    STM32L4R7ZI    |    STM32L4R7VI    |    STM32L4R7AI    |    STM32L4R5ZI    |
|    STM32L4R5ZG    |    STM32L4R5VI    |    STM32L4R5VG    |    STM32L4R5QI    |    STM32L4R5QG    |
|    STM32L4R5AI    |    STM32L4R5AG    |    STM32L4A6ZG    |    STM32L4A6VG    |    STM32L4A6RG    |
|    STM32L4A6QG    |    STM32L4A6AG    |    STM32L496ZG    |    STM32L496ZE    |    STM32L496VG    |
|    STM32L496VE    |    STM32L496RG    |    STM32L496RE    |    STM32L496QG    |    STM32L496QE    |
|    STM32L496AG    |    STM32L496AE    |    STM32L486ZG    |    STM32L486VG    |    STM32L486RG    |
|    STM32L486QG    |    STM32L486JG    |    STM32L476ZG    |    STM32L476ZE    |    STM32L476VG    |
|    STM32L476VE    |    STM32L476VC    |    STM32L476RG    |    STM32L476RE    |    STM32L476RC    |
|    STM32L476QG    |    STM32L476QE    |    STM32L476MG    |    STM32L476ME    |    STM32L476JG    |
|    STM32L476JE    |    STM32L475VG    |    STM32L475VE    |    STM32L475VC    |    STM32L475RG    |
|    STM32L475RE    |    STM32L475RC    |    STM32L471ZG    |    STM32L471ZE    |    STM32L471VG    |
|    STM32L471VE    |    STM32L471RG    |    STM32L471RE    |    STM32L471QG    |    STM32L471QE    |
|    STM32L462VE    |    STM32L462RE    |    STM32L462CE    |    STM32L452VE    |    STM32L452VC    |
|    STM32L452RE    |    STM32L452RC    |    STM32L452CE    |    STM32L452CC    |    STM32L451VE    |
|    STM32L451VC    |    STM32L451RE    |    STM32L451RC    |    STM32L451CE    |    STM32L451CC    |
|    STM32L443VC    |    STM32L443RC    |    STM32L443CC    |    STM32L442KC    |    STM32L433VC    |
|    STM32L433RC    |    STM32L433RB    |    STM32L433CC    |    STM32L433CB    |    STM32L432KC    |
|    STM32L432KB    |    STM32L431VC    |    STM32L431RC    |    STM32L431RB    |    STM32L431KC    |
|    STM32L431KB    |    STM32L431CC    |    STM32L431CB    |    STM32L162ZE    |    STM32L162ZD    |
|    STM32L162VE    |    STM32L162VD    |    STM32L162VC_A  |    STM32L162VC    |    STM32L162RE    |
|    STM32L162RD    |    STM32L162RC_A  |    STM32L162RC    |    STM32L162QD    |    STM32L152ZE    |
|    STM32L152ZD    |    STM32L152ZC    |    STM32L152VE    |    STM32L152VD_X  |    STM32L152VD    |
|    STM32L152VC_A  |    STM32L152VC    |    STM32L152VB_A  |    STM32L152VB    |    STM32L152V8_A  |
|    STM32L152V8    |    STM32L152RE    |    STM32L152RD    |    STM32L152RC_A  |    STM32L152RC    |
|    STM32L152RB_A  |    STM32L152RB    |    STM32L152R8_A  |    STM32L152R8    |    STM32L152R6_A  |
|    STM32L152R6    |    STM32L152QE    |    STM32L152QD    |    STM32L152QC    |    STM32L152CC    |
|    STM32L152CB_A  |    STM32L152CB    |    STM32L152C8_A  |    STM32L152C8    |    STM32L152C6_A  |
|    STM32L152C6    |    STM32L151ZE    |    STM32L151ZD    |    STM32L151ZC    |    STM32L151VE    |
|    STM32L151VD_X  |    STM32L151VD    |    STM32L151VC_A  |    STM32L151VC    |    STM32L151VB_A  |
|    STM32L151VB    |    STM32L151V8_A  |    STM32L151V8    |    STM32L151UC    |    STM32L151RE    |
|    STM32L151RD    |    STM32L151RC_A  |    STM32L151RC    |    STM32L151RB_A  |    STM32L151RB    |
|    STM32L151R8_A  |    STM32L151R8    |    STM32L151R6_A  |    STM32L151R6    |    STM32L151QE    |
|    STM32L151QD    |    STM32L151QC    |    STM32L151CC    |    STM32L151CB_A  |    STM32L151CB    |
|    STM32L151C8_A  |    STM32L151C8    |    STM32L151C6_A  |    STM32L151C6    |    STM32L100RC    |
|    STM32L100RB_A  |    STM32L100RB    |    STM32L100R8_A  |    STM32L100R8    |    STM32L100C6_A  |
|    STM32L100C6    |    STM32L083VZ    |    STM32L083VB    |    STM32L083V8    |    STM32L083RZ    |
|    STM32L083RB    |    STM32L083CZ    |    STM32L083CB    |    STM32L082KZ    |    STM32L082CZ    |
|    STM32L081KZ    |    STM32L081CZ    |    STM32L073VZ    |    STM32L073VB    |    STM32L073V8    |
|    STM32L073RZ    |    STM32L073RB    |    STM32L073CZ    |    STM32L073CB    |    STM32L072VZ    |
|    STM32L072VB    |    STM32L072V8    |    STM32L072RZ    |    STM32L072RB    |    STM32L072KZ    |
|    STM32L072KB    |    STM32L072CZ    |    STM32L072CB    |    STM32L071VZ    |    STM32L071VB    |
|    STM32L071V8    |    STM32L071RZ    |    STM32L071RB    |    STM32L071KZ    |    STM32L071KB    |
|    STM32L071K8    |    STM32L071CZ    |    STM32L071CB    |    STM32L071C8    |    STM32L063R8    |
|    STM32L063C8    |    STM32L062K8    |    STM32L053R8    |    STM32L053R6    |    STM32L053C8    |
|    STM32L053C6    |    STM32L052T8    |    STM32L052T6    |    STM32L052R8    |    STM32L052R6    |
|    STM32L052K8    |    STM32L052K6    |    STM32L052C8    |    STM32L052C6    |    STM32L051T8    |
|    STM32L051T6    |    STM32L051R8    |    STM32L051R6    |    STM32L051K8    |    STM32L051K6    |
|    STM32L051C8    |    STM32L051C6    |    STM32L041K6    |    STM32L041G6    |    STM32L041F6    |
|    STM32L041E6    |    STM32L041C6    |    STM32L031K6    |    STM32L031K4    |    STM32L031G6    |
|    STM32L031G4    |    STM32L031F6    |    STM32L031F4    |    STM32L031E6    |    STM32L031E4    |
|    STM32L031C6    |    STM32L031C4    |    STM32L021K4    |    STM32L021G4    |    STM32L021F4    |
|    STM32L021D4    |    STM32L011K4    |    STM32L011K3    |    STM32L011G4    |    STM32L011G3    |
|    STM32L011F4    |    STM32L011F3    |    STM32L011E4    |    STM32L011E3    |    STM32L011D4    |
|    STM32L011D3    |    STM32H753ZI    |    STM32H753XI    |    STM32H753VI    |    STM32H753II    |
|    STM32H753BI    |    STM32H753AI    |    STM32H750XB    |    STM32H750VB    |    STM32H750IB    |
|    STM32H743ZI    |    STM32H743XI    |    STM32H743VI    |    STM32H743II    |    STM32H743BI    |
|    STM32H743AI    |    STM32G081RB    |    STM32G081KB    |    STM32G081GB    |    STM32G081EB    |
|    STM32G081CB    |    STM32G071RB    |    STM32G071R8    |    STM32G071R6    |    STM32G071KB    |
|    STM32G071K8    |    STM32G071K6    |    STM32G071GB    |    STM32G071G8    |    STM32G071G6    |
|    STM32G071EB    |    STM32G071CB    |    STM32G071C8    |    STM32G071C6    |    STM32G070RB    |
|    STM32G070KB    |    STM32G070CB    |    STM32G041Y8    |    STM32G041K8    |    STM32G041K6    |
|    STM32G041J6    |    STM32G041G8    |    STM32G041G6    |    STM32G041F8    |    STM32G041F6    |
|    STM32G041C8    |    STM32G041C6    |    STM32G031Y8    |    STM32G031K8    |    STM32G031K6    |
|    STM32G031K4    |    STM32G031J6    |    STM32G031J4    |    STM32G031G8    |    STM32G031G6    |
|    STM32G031G4    |    STM32G031F8    |    STM32G031F6    |    STM32G031F4    |    STM32G031C8    |
|    STM32G031C6    |    STM32G031C4    |    STM32G030K8    |    STM32G030K6    |    STM32G030J6    |
|    STM32G030F6    |    STM32G030C8    |    STM32G030C6    |    STM32F779NI    |    STM32F779II    |
|    STM32F779BI    |    STM32F779AI    |    STM32F777ZI    |    STM32F777VI    |    STM32F777NI    |
|    STM32F777II    |    STM32F777BI    |    STM32F769NI    |    STM32F769NG    |    STM32F769II    |
|    STM32F769IG    |    STM32F769BI    |    STM32F769BG    |    STM32F769AI    |    STM32F767ZI    |
|    STM32F767ZG    |    STM32F767VI    |    STM32F767VG    |    STM32F767NI    |    STM32F767NG    |
|    STM32F767II    |    STM32F767IG    |    STM32F767BI    |    STM32F767BG    |    STM32F765ZI    |
|    STM32F765ZG    |    STM32F765VI    |    STM32F765VG    |    STM32F765NI    |    STM32F765NG    |
|    STM32F765II    |    STM32F765IG    |    STM32F765BI    |    STM32F765BG    |    STM32F756ZG    |
|    STM32F756VG    |    STM32F756NG    |    STM32F756IG    |    STM32F756BG    |    STM32F746ZG    |
|    STM32F746ZE    |    STM32F746VG    |    STM32F746VE    |    STM32F746NG    |    STM32F746NE    |
|    STM32F746IG    |    STM32F746IE    |    STM32F746BG    |    STM32F746BE    |    STM32F745ZG    |
|    STM32F745ZE    |    STM32F745VG    |    STM32F745VE    |    STM32F745IG    |    STM32F745IE    |
|    STM32F733ZE    |    STM32F733VE    |    STM32F733IE    |    STM32F732ZE    |    STM32F732VE    |
|    STM32F732RE    |    STM32F732IE    |    STM32F723ZE    |    STM32F723ZC    |    STM32F723VE    |
|    STM32F723IE    |    STM32F723IC    |    STM32F722ZE    |    STM32F722ZC    |    STM32F722VE    |
|    STM32F722VC    |    STM32F722RE    |    STM32F722RC    |    STM32F722IE    |    STM32F722IC    |
|    STM32F479ZI    |    STM32F479ZG    |    STM32F479VI    |    STM32F479VG    |    STM32F479NI    |
|    STM32F479NG    |    STM32F479II    |    STM32F479IG    |    STM32F479BI    |    STM32F479BG    |
|    STM32F479AI    |    STM32F479AG    |    STM32F469ZI    |    STM32F469ZG    |    STM32F469ZE    |
|    STM32F469VI    |    STM32F469VG    |    STM32F469VE    |    STM32F469NI    |    STM32F469NG    |
|    STM32F469NE    |    STM32F469II    |    STM32F469IG    |    STM32F469IE    |    STM32F469BI    |
|    STM32F469BG    |    STM32F469BE    |    STM32F469AI    |    STM32F469AG    |    STM32F469AE    |
|    STM32F446ZE    |    STM32F446ZC    |    STM32F446VE    |    STM32F446VC    |    STM32F446RE    |
|    STM32F446RC    |    STM32F446ME    |    STM32F446MC    |    STM32F439ZI    |    STM32F439ZG    |
|    STM32F439VI    |    STM32F439VG    |    STM32F439NI    |    STM32F439NG    |    STM32F439II    |
|    STM32F439IG    |    STM32F439BI    |    STM32F439BG    |    STM32F439AI    |    STM32F437ZI    |
|    STM32F437ZG    |    STM32F437VI    |    STM32F437VG    |    STM32F437II    |    STM32F437IG    |
|    STM32F437AI    |    STM32F429ZI    |    STM32F429ZG    |    STM32F429ZE    |    STM32F429VI    |
|    STM32F429VG    |    STM32F429VE    |    STM32F429NI    |    STM32F429NG    |    STM32F429NE    |
|    STM32F429II    |    STM32F429IG    |    STM32F429IE    |    STM32F429BI    |    STM32F429BG    |
|    STM32F429BE    |    STM32F429AI    |    STM32F429AG    |    STM32F427ZI    |    STM32F427ZG    |
|    STM32F427VI    |    STM32F427VG    |    STM32F427II    |    STM32F427IG    |    STM32F427AI    |
|    STM32F427AG    |    STM32F423ZH    |    STM32F423VH    |    STM32F423RH    |    STM32F423MH    |
|    STM32F423CH    |    STM32F417ZG    |    STM32F417ZE    |    STM32F417VG    |    STM32F417VE    |
|    STM32F417IG    |    STM32F417IE    |    STM32F415ZG    |    STM32F415VG    |    STM32F415RG    |
|    STM32F415OG    |    STM32F413ZH    |    STM32F413ZG    |    STM32F413VH    |    STM32F413VG    |
|    STM32F413RH    |    STM32F413RG    |    STM32F413MH    |    STM32F413MG    |    STM32F413CH    |
|    STM32F413CG    |    STM32F412ZG    |    STM32F412ZE    |    STM32F412VG    |    STM32F412VE    |
|    STM32F412RG    |    STM32F412RE    |    STM32F412CG    |    STM32F412CE    |    STM32F411VE    |
|    STM32F411VC    |    STM32F411RE    |    STM32F411RC    |    STM32F411CE    |    STM32F411CC    |
|    STM32F410TB    |    STM32F410T8    |    STM32F410RB    |    STM32F410R8    |    STM32F410CB    |
|    STM32F410C8    |    STM32F407ZG    |    STM32F407ZE    |    STM32F407VG    |    STM32F407VE    |
|    STM32F407IG    |    STM32F407IE    |    STM32F405ZG    |    STM32F405VG    |    STM32F405RG    |
|    STM32F405OG    |    STM32F405OE    |    STM32F401VE    |    STM32F401VD    |    STM32F401VC    |
|    STM32F401VB    |    STM32F401RE    |    STM32F401RD    |    STM32F401RC    |    STM32F401RB    |
|    STM32F401CE    |    STM32F401CD    |    STM32F401CC    |    STM32F401CB    |    STM32F398VE    |
|    STM32F378VC    |    STM32F378RC    |    STM32F378CC    |    STM32F373VC    |    STM32F373VB    |
|    STM32F373V8    |    STM32F373RC    |    STM32F373RB    |    STM32F373R8    |    STM32F373CC    |
|    STM32F373CB    |    STM32F373C8    |    STM32F358VC    |    STM32F358RC    |    STM32F358CC    |
|    STM32F334R8    |    STM32F334R6    |    STM32F334K8    |    STM32F334K6    |    STM32F334K4    |
|    STM32F334C8    |    STM32F334C6    |    STM32F334C4    |    STM32F328C8    |    STM32F318K8    |
|    STM32F318C8    |    STM32F303ZE    |    STM32F303ZD    |    STM32F303VE    |    STM32F303VD    |
|    STM32F303VC    |    STM32F303VB    |    STM32F303RE    |    STM32F303RD    |    STM32F303RC    |
|    STM32F303RB    |    STM32F303R8    |    STM32F303R6    |    STM32F303K8    |    STM32F303K6    |
|    STM32F303CC    |    STM32F303CB    |    STM32F303C8    |    STM32F303C6    |    STM32F302ZE    |
|    STM32F302ZD    |    STM32F302VE    |    STM32F302VD    |    STM32F302VC    |    STM32F302VB    |
|    STM32F302RE    |    STM32F302RD    |    STM32F302RC    |    STM32F302RB    |    STM32F302R8    |
|    STM32F302R6    |    STM32F302K8    |    STM32F302K6    |    STM32F302CC    |    STM32F302CB    |
|    STM32F302C8    |    STM32F302C6    |    STM32F301R8    |    STM32F301R6    |    STM32F301K8    |
|    STM32F301K6    |    STM32F301C8    |    STM32F301C6    |    STM32F217ZG    |    STM32F217ZE    |
|    STM32F217VG    |    STM32F217VE    |    STM32F217IG    |    STM32F217IE    |    STM32F215ZG    |
|    STM32F215ZE    |    STM32F215VG    |    STM32F215VE    |    STM32F215RG    |    STM32F215RE    |
|    STM32F207ZG    |    STM32F207ZF    |    STM32F207ZE    |    STM32F207ZC    |    STM32F207VG    |
|    STM32F207VF    |    STM32F207VE    |    STM32F207VC    |    STM32F207IG    |    STM32F207IF    |
|    STM32F207IE    |    STM32F207IC    |    STM32F205ZG    |    STM32F205ZF    |    STM32F205ZE    |
|    STM32F205ZC    |    STM32F205VG    |    STM32F205VF    |    STM32F205VE    |    STM32F205VC    |
|    STM32F205VB    |    STM32F205RG    |    STM32F205RF    |    STM32F205RE    |    STM32F205RC    |
|    STM32F205RB    |    STM32F107VC    |    STM32F107VB    |    STM32F107RC    |    STM32F107RB    |
|    STM32F105VC    |    STM32F105VB    |    STM32F105V8    |    STM32F105RC    |    STM32F105RB    |
|    STM32F105R8    |    STM32F103ZG    |    STM32F103ZF    |    STM32F103ZE    |    STM32F103ZD    |
|    STM32F103ZC    |    STM32F103VG    |    STM32F103VF    |    STM32F103VE    |    STM32F103VD    |
|    STM32F103VC    |    STM32F103VB    |    STM32F103V8    |    STM32F103TB    |    STM32F103T8    |
|    STM32F103T6    |    STM32F103T4    |    STM32F103RG    |    STM32F103RF    |    STM32F103RE    |
|    STM32F103RD    |    STM32F103RC    |    STM32F103RB    |    STM32F103R8    |    STM32F103R6    |
|    STM32F103R4    |    STM32F103CB    |    STM32F103C8    |    STM32F103C6    |    STM32F103C4    |
|    STM32F102RB    |    STM32F102R8    |    STM32F102R6    |    STM32F102R4    |    STM32F102CB    |
|    STM32F102C8    |    STM32F102C6    |    STM32F102C4    |    STM32F101ZG    |    STM32F101ZF    |
|    STM32F101ZE    |    STM32F101ZD    |    STM32F101ZC    |    STM32F101VG    |    STM32F101VF    |
|    STM32F101VE    |    STM32F101VD    |    STM32F101VC    |    STM32F101VB    |    STM32F101V8    |
|    STM32F101TB    |    STM32F101T8    |    STM32F101T6    |    STM32F101T4    |    STM32F101RG    |
|    STM32F101RF    |    STM32F101RE    |    STM32F101RD    |    STM32F101RC    |    STM32F101RB    |
|    STM32F101R8    |    STM32F101R6    |    STM32F101R4    |    STM32F101CB    |    STM32F101C8    |
|    STM32F101C6    |    STM32F101C4    |    STM32F100ZE    |    STM32F100ZD    |    STM32F100ZC    |
|    STM32F100VE    |    STM32F100VD    |    STM32F100VC    |    STM32F100VB    |    STM32F100V8    |
|    STM32F100RE    |    STM32F100RD    |    STM32F100RC    |    STM32F100RB    |    STM32F100R8    |
|    STM32F100R6    |    STM32F100R4    |    STM32F100CB    |    STM32F100C8    |    STM32F100C6    |
|    STM32F100C4    |    STM32F098VC    |    STM32F098RC    |    STM32F098CC    |    STM32F091VC    |
|    STM32F091VB    |    STM32F091RC    |    STM32F091RB    |    STM32F091CC    |    STM32F091CB    |
|    STM32F078VB    |    STM32F078RB    |    STM32F078CB    |    STM32F072VB    |    STM32F072V8    |
|    STM32F072RB    |    STM32F072R8    |    STM32F072CB    |    STM32F072C8    |    STM32F071VB    |
|    STM32F071V8    |    STM32F071RB    |    STM32F071CB    |    STM32F071C8    |    STM32F070RB    |
|    STM32F070F6    |    STM32F070CB    |    STM32F070C6    |    STM32F058T8    |    STM32F058R8    |
|    STM32F058C8    |    STM32F051T8    |    STM32F051R8    |    STM32F051R6    |    STM32F051R4    |
|    STM32F051K8    |    STM32F051K6    |    STM32F051K4    |    STM32F051C8    |    STM32F051C6    |
|    STM32F051C4    |    STM32F048T6    |    STM32F048G6    |    STM32F048C6    |    STM32F042T6    |
|    STM32F042K6    |    STM32F042K4    |    STM32F042G6    |    STM32F042G4    |    STM32F042F6    |
|    STM32F042F4    |    STM32F042C6    |    STM32F042C4    |    STM32F038K6    |    STM32F038G6    |
|    STM32F038F6    |    STM32F038E6    |    STM32F038C6    |    STM32F031K6    |    STM32F031K4    |
|    STM32F031G6    |    STM32F031G4    |    STM32F031F6    |    STM32F031F4    |    STM32F031E6    |
|    STM32F031C6    |    STM32F031C4    |    STM32F030RC    |    STM32F030R8    |    STM32F030K6    |
|    STM32F030F4    |    STM32F030CC    |    STM32F030C8    |    STM32F030C6    |

+ LVGL added to mikroSDK
  + A little something about LVGL:
    + Light and Versatile Graphics Library, is an open-source embedded graphics library designed to create high-quality, graphical user interfaces for various embedded systems and microcontrollers. It is actively maintained by a global community of developers and has gained popularity for its versatility and performance
  + Structure added to thirdparty directory in mikroSDK root
  + Intermediate applicative layer added for hardware related settings and configuration
    + Layer located in:
      + <./components/tft7/common>
      + <./components/tft8/common>
    + The layer contains routines for HW specific initialization and handling needed by LVGL
  + Project templates updated for NECTO studio as well
+ Added RTC (Real Time Clock) library support
  + Following APIs now supported
    + rtc_init
    + rtc_start
    + rtc_stop
    + rtc_reset
    + rtc_set_time
    + rtc_get_time
    + software_reset
+ Added LCD (Liquid-crystal display) library support
  + Following APIs now supported
    + lcd_configure_default
    + lcd_configure
    + lcd_init
    + lcd_write
    + lcd_write_text
    + lcd_shift_right
    + lcd_shift_left
    + lcd_set_row
    + lcd_turn_on
    + lcd_turn_off
    + lcd_clear
    + lcd_cursor_move_home
    + lcd_cursor_move_left
    + lcd_cursor_move_right
    + lcd_cursor_off
    + lcd_cursor_on
    + lcd_backlight_off
    + lcd_backlight_on
+ Added following test examples
  + lcd
+ SSD1963 now exports command header file to setup as well
  + File exported: ssd1963_cmd.h


+ GPIO DRV/HAL/HAL_LL implementations can now be flattened
  + Effectively, this means that GPIO related code execution is around 3 times faster
  + Note that flatten shall be set to level NONE by default, unless changed by NECTO setup
    + User can also change this manually in <./targets/CMakeLists.txt>
  + Code flatten levels:
    + HIGH (Flattens all levels)
    + MID (Flattens HAL and HAL_LL code)
    + LOW (Flattens only HAL_LL code)
    + NONE (No flatten done - Default setting for backwards compatible code)
+ SPI hal level implementation updated
  + Speed value checking has been added to function hal_spi_master_set_speed, returning error if zero
+ TinyUSB and CycloneTCP moved from API layer to Third-party
  + All future non-mikroe developed libraries shall be added here
+ GPIO module for TIVA MCUs updated
  + GPIO_PCTL register bits are now cleared when pin is initialized


+ Fixed STM32 PWM low level implementation 2
  + _hal_ll_tim_get_clock_speed function call in _hal_ll_tim_hw_init function was getting base address instead of module index
+ Fixed all low level PWM implementations for PIC MCUs
  + _hal_ll_tim_set_module_state function calls in hal_ll_tim_close function were getting module index instead of map structure pointer
+ Fixed enabling clock for ADC1 module for MK22 MCUs
  + Previous implementation caused general exception
+ MikroC.Core library is now linked for both MikroC and GCC compilers in MikroSDK project
  + Previously only linked for GCC resulting in MikroC.Core header files not being included adequately
  + Headers such as delays.h, interrupts.h, etc. can now be included
+ SPI NXP implementation now sets delay prescalers and scalers based on current clock
  + Values set:
    + PCS to SCK Delay Scaler
    + After SCK Delay Scaler
    + Delay After Transfer Scaler
  + Fix was manifested by frequently changing data before sending it while using SPI modes 1 and 3
+ SPI implementation for TIVA MCUs can now apply baud rate values lower than 2MHz
  + Previously the lowest possible value could be set to 2MHz
+ Fixed default ADC resolution for all PIC18FxxJ11 MCUs to be always 10 bit
  + Previously for PIC18F86J11 and PIC18F87J11 it was set to 12 bit
+ Fixed GPIO initialization issue for TIVA MCUs
  + GPIO_PCTL register retained a non-zero value after a reset, causing misconfiguration
    of user-set alternate functions for certain pins
+ Fixed mcu_card.h for MCU card for PIC32 and MCU card 10 for Kinetis
  + RIGHT_CN_PIN_043 and RIGHT_CN_PIN_044 were defined as NC but they have actual pins routed


+ STM32F4 Discovery Shield - <>
+ Discovery kit with STM32F407VG MCU - <>
+ STM32F3 Discovery Shield - <>
+ Discovery kit with STM32F303VC MCU - <>
+ Clicker 4 for PIC18F - <>
+ Click shield for Arduino MEGA - <>
+ Arduino Mega 2560 Rev3 - <>
+ Click Shield for Nucleo-144 - <>
+ STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32F722ZE MCU - <>
+ STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32F413ZH MCU - <>
+ STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32F446ZE MCU - <>
+ STM32 Nucleo-144 development board with STM32H743ZI MCU - <>


We would like to thank the following people for contributing:

+ @huchonar - <>
  + ./tiva/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./tiva/src/rtc/implementation_2/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_7/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>

+ @juickar‌ - <http:‌>
  + ./pic32/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_2/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_3/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_4/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_5/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>

+ @viziergr - <>
  + ./gigadevice/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_6/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>

+ @aymericbiard - <>
  + ./nxp/src/rtc/implementation_1/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>
  + ./stm32/src/rtc/implementation_8/hal_ll_rtc.c - <>



Toggle mikroSDK-2.9.0's commit message
`2.9.0` Changes

1. **[New Features](#290-new-features)**
2. **[Improvements](#290-improvements)**
3. **[Fixes](#290-fixes)**
4. **[NEW HARDWARE](#290-new-hardware)**

`2.9.0` New Features

+ Added support for USB by implementing an already tested and community driven project - [tinyUSB](
  + Lightweight and efficient, designed to be small in size and highly efficient in terms of memory and CPU usage
  + All GCC MCUs are supported
    + `STM32`
    + `NXP`
    + `TIVA`
    + `GD32`
  + Following classes added
    + `audio`
    + `bth`
    + `cdc`
    + `dfu`
    + `hid`
    + `midi`
    + `msc`
    + `net`
    + `usbtmc`
    + `vendor`
    + `video`
+ Added support for ETHERNET by implementing an open-source TCP/IP protocol stack library designed for embedded systems and IoT - [CycloneTCP](
  + Lightweight and resource-efficient in terms of memory and CPU usage
  + All GCC MCUs are supported
    + `STM32`
    + `NXP`
    + `TIVA`
    + `GD32`
  + Following modules added
    + `coap`
    + `dhcp`
    + `dhcpv6`
    + `dns`
    + `dns_sd`
    + `echo`
    + `ftp`
    + `http`
    + `icecast`
    + `igmp`
    + `ipv4`
    + `ipv6`
    + `lldp`
    + `llmnr`
    + `mdns`
    + `mibs`
    + `modbus`
    + `mqtt`
    + `mqtt_sn`
    + `netbios`
    + `ppp`
    + `smtp`
    + `snmp`
    + `sntp`
    + `syslog`
    + `tftp`
    + `web_socket`
+ Interrupt control added for all architectures and MCUs
+ Added HW initialization sequences for MikroE hardware
  + Sequences added for `USB` and `ETHERNET`
  + Files added as inline interface libraries in `./middleware/hw`
    + **8** files in total for `ETHERNET`
    + **16** files in total for `USB`
+ Added following test examples
  + **USB**
    + `cdc_msc`
    + `hid_generic_inout`
    + `midi`
  + **ETHERNET**
    + `http_client`
    + `ftp_client`

`2.9.0` Improvements

+ SPI low level implementation updated for all architectures
  + Low level `write` and `read` APIs transfer counter changed from `uint16_t` to `size_t`
    + Results in bigger buffers available for single data transfer

`2.9.0` Fixes

+ Fixed pins for USB_UART defined in `dip_socket.h` for packages DIP20 and DIP28 for EasyPIC v8 board
  + `USB_UART_TX` changed from `PC4` to `PC6`
  + `USB_UART_RX` changed from `PC5` to `PC7`
+ Fixed inadequate structure access in following libraries
  + `tft7`
  + `ili9341`
  + `tp_mikroe`


+ [SiBRAIN for ATmega2560](
+ [SiBRAIN for ATmega1280](
+ [Clicker 4 for STM32F4](


Toggle mikroSDK-2.8.0's commit message
+ Changes

1. dsPIC low level hal support
2. GCC ARM support
3. New Features
4. Improvements
5. Fixes

+ dsPIC

+ dsPIC MCUs supported

|        MCU         |        MCU         |        MCU         |        MCU         |        MCU         |
| :----------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: | :----------------: |
|    dsPIC30F3012    |   dsPIC30F3012E    |    dsPIC30F3013    |   dsPIC30F3013E    |    dsPIC30F3014    |
|   dsPIC30F3014E    |    dsPIC30F4011    |   dsPIC30F4011E    |    dsPIC30F4012    |   dsPIC30F4012E    |
|    dsPIC30F4013    |   dsPIC30F4013E    |    dsPIC30F5011    |   dsPIC30F5011E    |    dsPIC30F5013    |
|   dsPIC30F5013E    |    dsPIC30F5015    |   dsPIC30F5015E    |    dsPIC30F6010    |   dsPIC30F6010A    |
|    dsPIC30F6011    |   dsPIC30F6011A    |    dsPIC30F6012    |   dsPIC30F6012A    |    dsPIC30F6013    |
|   dsPIC30F6013A    |    dsPIC30F6014    |   dsPIC30F6014A    |    dsPIC30F6015    | dsPIC33EP128GM304  |
| dsPIC33EP128GM306  | dsPIC33EP128GM310  | dsPIC33EP128GM604  | dsPIC33EP128GM706  | dsPIC33EP128GM710  |
| dsPIC33EP128GP502  | dsPIC33EP128GP504  | dsPIC33EP128GP506  | dsPIC33EP128MC202  | dsPIC33EP128MC204  |
| dsPIC33EP128MC206  | dsPIC33EP128MC502  | dsPIC33EP128MC504  | dsPIC33EP128MC506  | dsPIC33EP256GM304  |
| dsPIC33EP256GM306  | dsPIC33EP256GM310  | dsPIC33EP256GM604  | dsPIC33EP256GM706  | dsPIC33EP256GM710  |
| dsPIC33EP256GP502  | dsPIC33EP256GP504  | dsPIC33EP256GP506  | dsPIC33EP256MC202  | dsPIC33EP256MC204  |
| dsPIC33EP256MC206  | dsPIC33EP256MC502  | dsPIC33EP256MC504  | dsPIC33EP256MC506  | dsPIC33EP256MU806  |
| dsPIC33EP256MU810  | dsPIC33EP256MU814  |  dsPIC33EP32GP502  |  dsPIC33EP32GP503  |  dsPIC33EP32GP504  |
|  dsPIC33EP32MC202  |  dsPIC33EP32MC203  |  dsPIC33EP32MC204  |  dsPIC33EP32MC502  |  dsPIC33EP32MC503  |
|  dsPIC33EP32MC504  | dsPIC33EP512GM304  | dsPIC33EP512GM306  | dsPIC33EP512GM310  | dsPIC33EP512GM604  |
| dsPIC33EP512GM706  | dsPIC33EP512GM710  | dsPIC33EP512GP502  | dsPIC33EP512GP504  | dsPIC33EP512GP506  |
| dsPIC33EP512GP806  | dsPIC33EP512MC202  | dsPIC33EP512MC204  | dsPIC33EP512MC206  | dsPIC33EP512MC502  |
| dsPIC33EP512MC504  | dsPIC33EP512MC506  | dsPIC33EP512MC806  | dsPIC33EP512MU810  | dsPIC33EP512MU814  |
|  dsPIC33EP64GP502  |  dsPIC33EP64GP503  |  dsPIC33EP64GP504  |  dsPIC33EP64GP506  |  dsPIC33EP64MC202  |
|  dsPIC33EP64MC203  |  dsPIC33EP64MC204  |  dsPIC33EP64MC206  |  dsPIC33EP64MC502  |  dsPIC33EP64MC503  |
|  dsPIC33EP64MC504  |  dsPIC33EP64MC506  | dsPIC33FJ128GP202  | dsPIC33FJ128GP204  | dsPIC33FJ128GP206  |
| dsPIC33FJ128GP206A | dsPIC33FJ128GP306  | dsPIC33FJ128GP306A | dsPIC33FJ128GP310  | dsPIC33FJ128GP310A |
| dsPIC33FJ128GP706  | dsPIC33FJ128GP706A | dsPIC33FJ128GP708  | dsPIC33FJ128GP708A | dsPIC33FJ128GP710  |
| dsPIC33FJ128GP710A | dsPIC33FJ128GP802  | dsPIC33FJ128GP804  | dsPIC33FJ128MC202  | dsPIC33FJ128MC204  |
| dsPIC33FJ128MC506A | dsPIC33FJ128MC510A | dsPIC33FJ128MC706A | dsPIC33FJ128MC708A | dsPIC33FJ128MC710A |
| dsPIC33FJ128MC802  | dsPIC33FJ128MC804  |  dsPIC33FJ16GP304  |  dsPIC33FJ16MC304  | dsPIC33FJ256GP506  |
| dsPIC33FJ256GP506A | dsPIC33FJ256GP510  | dsPIC33FJ256GP510A | dsPIC33FJ256GP710  | dsPIC33FJ256GP710A |
| dsPIC33FJ256MC510A | dsPIC33FJ256MC710A |  dsPIC33FJ32GP101  |  dsPIC33FJ32GP102  |  dsPIC33FJ32GP104  |
|  dsPIC33FJ32GP202  |  dsPIC33FJ32GP204  |  dsPIC33FJ32GP302  |  dsPIC33FJ32GP304  |  dsPIC33FJ32MC202  |
|  dsPIC33FJ32MC204  |  dsPIC33FJ32MC302  |  dsPIC33FJ32MC304  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP202  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP204  |
|  dsPIC33FJ64GP206  | dsPIC33FJ64GP206A  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP306  | dsPIC33FJ64GP306A  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP310  |
| dsPIC33FJ64GP310A  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP706  | dsPIC33FJ64GP706A  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP708  | dsPIC33FJ64GP708A  |
|  dsPIC33FJ64GP710  | dsPIC33FJ64GP710A  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP802  |  dsPIC33FJ64GP804  |  dsPIC33FJ64MC202  |
|  dsPIC33FJ64MC204  | dsPIC33FJ64MC506A  | dsPIC33FJ64MC508A  | dsPIC33FJ64MC510A  | dsPIC33FJ64MC706A  |
| dsPIC33FJ64MC710A  |  dsPIC33FJ64MC802  |  dsPIC33FJ64MC804  |  PIC24EP128GP202   |  PIC24EP128GP204   |
|  PIC24EP128GP206   |  PIC24EP128MC202   |  PIC24EP128MC204   |  PIC24EP128MC206   |  PIC24EP256GP202   |
|  PIC24EP256GP204   |  PIC24EP256GP206   |  PIC24EP256GU810   |  PIC24EP256GU814   |  PIC24EP256MC202   |
|  PIC24EP256MC204   |  PIC24EP256MC206   |   PIC24EP32GP202   |   PIC24EP32GP203   |   PIC24EP32GP204   |
|   PIC24EP32MC202   |   PIC24EP32MC203   |   PIC24EP32MC204   |  PIC24EP512GP202   |  PIC24EP512GP204   |
|  PIC24EP512GP206   |  PIC24EP512GP806   |  PIC24EP512GU810   |  PIC24EP512GU814   |  PIC24EP512MC202   |
|  PIC24EP512MC204   |  PIC24EP512MC206   |   PIC24EP64GP202   |   PIC24EP64GP203   |   PIC24EP64GP204   |
|   PIC24EP64GP206   |   PIC24EP64MC202   |   PIC24EP64MC203   |   PIC24EP64MC204   |   PIC24EP64MC206   |
|   PIC24F16KA102    |   PIC24F16KA301    |   PIC24F16KA302    |   PIC24F16KA304    |   PIC24F32KA301    |
|   PIC24F32KA302    |   PIC24F32KA304    |  PIC24FJ1024GA606  |  PIC24FJ1024GA610  |  PIC24FJ1024GB606  |
|  PIC24FJ1024GB610  |  PIC24FJ128DA106   |  PIC24FJ128DA110   |  PIC24FJ128DA206   |  PIC24FJ128DA210   |
|  PIC24FJ128GA006   |  PIC24FJ128GA008   |  PIC24FJ128GA010   |  PIC24FJ128GA106   |  PIC24FJ128GA108   |
|  PIC24FJ128GA110   |  PIC24FJ128GA202   |  PIC24FJ128GA204   |  PIC24FJ128GA306   |  PIC24FJ128GA308   |
|  PIC24FJ128GA310   |  PIC24FJ128GA406   |  PIC24FJ128GA410   |  PIC24FJ128GA412   |  PIC24FJ128GA606   |
|  PIC24FJ128GA610   |  PIC24FJ128GA702   |  PIC24FJ128GA704   |  PIC24FJ128GA705   |  PIC24FJ128GB106   |
|  PIC24FJ128GB108   |  PIC24FJ128GB110   |  PIC24FJ128GB202   |  PIC24FJ128GB204   |  PIC24FJ128GB206   |
|  PIC24FJ128GB210   |  PIC24FJ128GB406   |  PIC24FJ128GB410   |  PIC24FJ128GB412   |  PIC24FJ128GB606   |
|  PIC24FJ128GB610   |   PIC24FJ16GA002   |   PIC24FJ16GA004   |  PIC24FJ192GA106   |  PIC24FJ192GA108   |
|  PIC24FJ192GA110   |  PIC24FJ192GB106   |  PIC24FJ192GB108   |  PIC24FJ192GB110   |  PIC24FJ256DA106   |
|  PIC24FJ256DA110   |  PIC24FJ256DA206   |  PIC24FJ256DA210   |  PIC24FJ256GA106   |  PIC24FJ256GA108   |
|  PIC24FJ256GA110   |  PIC24FJ256GA406   |  PIC24FJ256GA410   |  PIC24FJ256GA412   |  PIC24FJ256GA606   |
|  PIC24FJ256GA610   |  PIC24FJ256GA702   |  PIC24FJ256GA704   |  PIC24FJ256GA705   |  PIC24FJ256GB106   |
|  PIC24FJ256GB108   |  PIC24FJ256GB110   |  PIC24FJ256GB206   |  PIC24FJ256GB210   |  PIC24FJ256GB406   |
|  PIC24FJ256GB410   |  PIC24FJ256GB412   |  PIC24FJ256GB606   |  PIC24FJ256GB610   |   PIC24FJ32GA002   |
|   PIC24FJ32GA004   |   PIC24FJ32GA102   |   PIC24FJ32GA104   |   PIC24FJ32GB002   |   PIC24FJ32GB004   |
|   PIC24FJ48GA002   |   PIC24FJ48GA004   |  PIC24FJ512GA606   |  PIC24FJ512GA610   |  PIC24FJ512GB606   |
|  PIC24FJ512GB610   |   PIC24FJ64GA002   |   PIC24FJ64GA004   |   PIC24FJ64GA006   |   PIC24FJ64GA008   |
|   PIC24FJ64GA010   |   PIC24FJ64GA102   |   PIC24FJ64GA104   |   PIC24FJ64GA106   |   PIC24FJ64GA108   |
|   PIC24FJ64GA110   |   PIC24FJ64GA202   |   PIC24FJ64GA204   |   PIC24FJ64GA306   |   PIC24FJ64GA308   |
|   PIC24FJ64GA310   |   PIC24FJ64GA406   |   PIC24FJ64GA410   |   PIC24FJ64GA412   |   PIC24FJ64GA702   |
|   PIC24FJ64GA704   |   PIC24FJ64GA705   |   PIC24FJ64GB002   |   PIC24FJ64GB004   |   PIC24FJ64GB106   |
|   PIC24FJ64GB108   |   PIC24FJ64GB110   |   PIC24FJ64GB202   |   PIC24FJ64GB204   |   PIC24FJ64GB406   |
|   PIC24FJ64GB410   |   PIC24FJ64GB412   |   PIC24FJ96GA006   |   PIC24FJ96GA008   |   PIC24FJ96GA010   |
|   PIC24FV16KA301   |   PIC24FV16KA302   |   PIC24FV16KA304   |   PIC24FV32KA301   |   PIC24FV32KA302   |
|   PIC24FV32KA304   |  PIC24HJ128GP202   |  PIC24HJ128GP204   |  PIC24HJ128GP206   |  PIC24HJ128GP206A  |
|  PIC24HJ128GP210   |  PIC24HJ128GP210A  |  PIC24HJ128GP306   |  PIC24HJ128GP306A  |  PIC24HJ128GP310   |
|  PIC24HJ128GP310A  |  PIC24HJ128GP502   |  PIC24HJ128GP504   |  PIC24HJ128GP506   |  PIC24HJ128GP506A  |
|  PIC24HJ128GP510   |  PIC24HJ128GP510A  |   PIC24HJ16GP304   |  PIC24HJ256GP206   |  PIC24HJ256GP206A  |
|  PIC24HJ256GP210   |  PIC24HJ256GP210A  |  PIC24HJ256GP610   |  PIC24HJ256GP610A  |   PIC24HJ32GP202   |
|   PIC24HJ32GP204   |   PIC24HJ32GP302   |   PIC24HJ32GP304   |   PIC24HJ64GP202   |   PIC24HJ64GP204   |
|   PIC24HJ64GP206   |  PIC24HJ64GP206A   |   PIC24HJ64GP210   |  PIC24HJ64GP210A   |   PIC24HJ64GP502   |
|   PIC24HJ64GP504   |   PIC24HJ64GP506   |  PIC24HJ64GP506A   |   PIC24HJ64GP510   |  PIC24HJ64GP510A   |

Supported modules:

+ ADC (Full module support)
+ SPI (Full module support)
+ UART (Full module support)
+ I2C (Full module support)
+ PWM (Full module support)
+ GPIO (Full module support)
+ One Wire (Full module support)

Files added:

+ assembly.h - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./common/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./core/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/adc/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/gpio/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/hal_ll/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/i2c/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/one_wire/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/pps/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/spi_master/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/tim/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ ./dspic/src/uart/CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ common_macros.h - <>
+ hal_ll_adc.c - <>
+ hal_ll_adc.h - <>
+ hal_ll_analog_in_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_bit_control.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core.c - <>
+ hal_ll_core.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core_defines.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core_port.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio.c - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_constants.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_port.c - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_port.h - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.h - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_odcon_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_one_wire.c - <>
+ hal_ll_one_wire.h - <>
+ hal_ll_pin_names.h - <>
+ hal_ll_pps.c - <>
+ hal_ll_pps.h - <>
+ ./HAL_LL_PPS_DEFAULT/hal_ll_pps_connection_defs.h - <>
+ ./mcu_name/hal_ll_pps_connection_defs.h - <>
  + Added for MCUs with PPS modules only where mcu_name is actual chip full name, i.e. dsPIC33EP512MU814 etc.
+ hal_ll_pps_defines.h - <>
+ hal_ll_pps_port.c - <>
+ hal_ll_pps_port.h - <>
+ hal_ll_pps_struct_def.h - <>
+ hal_ll_slrcon_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master.h - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_target.h - <>
+ hal_ll_target_names.h - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.c - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.h - <>
+ hal_ll_tim_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_uart.c - <>
+ hal_ll_uart.h - <>
+ hal_ll_uart_pin_map.h - <>
+ ./mcu_name/mcu_definitions.h - <>
  + Added for all MCUs in mikroSDK where mcu_name is actual chip full name, i.e. dsPIC30F4013 etc.


+ As of mikroSDK version 2.8.0, GCC ARM v10.2 is officially supported.
+ All 1394 ARM MCUs can now be used with the GCC toolchain along with full mikroSDK functionality.
+ Linker scripts and startup files are included upon selecting adequate setup for your project so it can be easily edited on the fly.

+ New Features

+ Plot logger added
  + User is now able to log data to NECTO chart GUI
+ File System structure added to mikroSDK
  + Module imported from <http:>
  + Files added:
    + 00history.txt - <>
    + 00readme.txt - <>
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + dir.c - <>
    + dir.h - <>
    + diskio.h - <>
    + fatfs.c - <>
    + fatfs.h - <>
    + ff.c - <>
    + ff.h - <>
    + ff_types.h - <>
    + ffconf.h - <>
    + ffsystem.c - <>
    + ffunicode.c - <>
    + file.c - <>
    + file.h - <>
    + file_system.c - <>
    + file_system.h - <>
    + fs_common.h - <>
  + Added physical drive with sd spi implementation:
    + CMakeLists.txt - <>
    + pd_common.h - <>
    + physical_drive.c - <>
    + physical_drive.h - <>
    + sd_common.h - <>
    + sdspi_physical_drive.c - <>
    + sdspi_physical_drive.h - <>

+ Improvements

+ Plot included implicitly with the LOG library
  + Can be included as a standalone library as well
+ All DRIVER and HAL close APIs now return an error code
+ Following APIs now return error code:
  + digital_out_high
  + digital_out_low
  + digital_out_toggle
  + digital_out_write
  + port_init
  + port_write
  + port_read
+ Added port_read_input and port_read_output APIs
  + Previous port_read is defined as port_read_output for backwards compatibility
+ SPI write APIs now have a generic pointer typecast for 8-bit archicecture compatibility
  + ROM and RAM pointers are not the same on 8-bit architectures
+ All DRIVER and HAL APIs have added checks for passed data validity
+ ./tests/pwm/main.c
  + PWM test improved with multiple new cases
+ ./tests/CMakeLists.txt
  + gl tests are now included only if setup has a display

+ Fixes

+ Fixed PIC32MZ adc low level implementation
  + Setting internal VREF after previously setting external didn't work as bits in appropriate register werent cleared properly
+ Fixed all low level implementations for ARM MCUs to accommodate the relase of GCC ARM toolchain
+ Fixed uart_configure_default API
  + stop_bits previosuly set incorrectly
+ ring_buf8_init previously used sizeof( ring_buf8_t ) as last parameter which would delete all data starting from buf address all the way to the sizeof( ring_buf8_t ) which could produce problems if buf was shorter than sizeof( ring_buf8_t )
  + Fixed to clear data starting from buf all the way up to the capacity of buf
+ ./targets/arm/mikroe/nxp/src/tim/implementation_1/hal_ll_tim.c
  + Fixed issue with double frequency setting
    + Frequency is now set adequately
  + Fixed issue with inability to start the signal again after stopping it
+ ./targets/arm/mikroe/nxp/src/uart/implementation_2/hal_ll_uart.c
  + Fixed adequate error setting when calculated baud difference is 1% or higher
+ ./targets/arm/mikroe/nxp/src/uart/CMakeLists.txt
  + Adequate UART subimplemntation for MK8x MCUs is now propagated
+ ./targets/arm/mikroe/stm32/src/gpio/implementation_2/hal_ll_gpio_port.c
  + GPIO pins used for SWJTAG (debug mode) are now set in release build only, when debug is active these pins are not changed
    + This ensured uninterrupted debugging
+ All modules
  + Clock is now being set everytime before disabling the module and then being disabled again
    + This ensures proper module function without exceptions
+ ./targets/arm/mikroe/tiva/src/uart/implementation_1/hal_ll_uart.c
  + Data frame is now being checked for errors, i.e. parity errors, data bit error etc.
    + If error is present, read API shall return 0 as actual data
  + Uart module is now disabled completely before changing any register state
+ ./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/tim/implementation_1/hal_ll_tim.c
  + Fixed issue with inability to start the signal again after stopping it
+ ./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/tim/implementation_2/hal_ll_tim.c
  + Fixed issue with inability to start the signal again after stopping it
+ ./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/tim/implementation_3/hal_ll_tim.c
  + Fixed issue with inability to start the signal again after stopping it
+ ./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/uart/implementation_1/hal_ll_uart.c
  + Fixed adequate error setting when calculated baud difference is 1% or higher
+ ./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/uart/implementation_2/hal_ll_uart.c
  + Fixed adequate error setting when calculated baud difference is 1% or higher
+ ./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/i2c/implementation_1/hal_ll_i2c_master.c
  + Fixed function for calculating I2C baud rate
+ ./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/adc/implementation_1/hal_ll_adc.c
  + Fixed ADC channel selection for channels 8 to 15
+ ./targets/pic_8bit/mikroe/pic18/src/gpio/implementation_1/subimplementation_1/hal_ll_gpio_port.c
  + hal_ll_gpio_port_index API now returns adequate value
+ ./targets/riscv/mikroe/gigadevice/src/tim/implementation_1/hal_ll_tim.c
  + Timer module can now be started again after stopping the signal


Support added for following hardware:

+ Easy24-33 v6 - <>
+ EasyPIC v8 for dsPIC30 - <>
+ EasyPIC v8 for PIC24/dsPIC33 - <>
+ EasyPIC v7 for dsPIC30 - <>
+ Clicker 2 for PIC24 - <>
+ Clicker 2 for dsPIC33 - <>
+ mikromedia for PIC24 - <>
+ mikromedia for PIC24EP - <>
+ mikromedia for dsPIC33 - <>
+ mikromedia for dsPIC33EP - <>
+ Sibrain for dsPIC33EP512MU814 - <>
+ Sibrain for dsPIC33FJ256GP710A - <>
+ Sibrain for PIC24EP512GU814 - <>
+ Sibrain for PIC24HJ256GP610 - <>
+ EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with dsPIC33EP512MU810 - <>
+ EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with dsPIC33FJ256GP710A - <>
+ EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with PIC24EP512GU810 - <>
+ EasyPIC Fusion v7 MCUcard with PIC24FJ128GA310 - <>
+ PIC24FJ256GA7 Curiosity Development Board - <>
+ Curiosity PIC32MZ EF - <>
+ Explorer 16/32 Development board - <>
  + PIC24FJ64GB004 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC24FJ128GA310 PLUG-IN MODULE - <>
  + PIC24F32KA304 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC24F16KA102 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC24EP512GU810 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC24FJ256GB210 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC24FJ64GB004 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC24FJ64GA004 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC24FJ256GB110 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC32MX250F128D PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC32MX270F256D PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC32MX360F512L PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC32MX460F512L PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC32MX795F512L PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC32MX450/470 PLUG-IN-MODULE - <>
  + PIC32MZ EF PIM - <>


Toggle mikroSDK-2.7.2's commit message
mikroSDK v2.7.2

Released: 2023-03-09

New Features

+ mikroSDK logger modified
  + Added implementation for standard output to terminal
+ mikroSDK modified to include custom boards
  + Feature now allows users to add their own board definitions to mikroSDK seamlessly
  + Modified file - <>
+ Graphic library improved
  + Ellipse added to draw objects


+ ILI9341 setup build improved
  + Setup will now be buildable only for devices which have adequate pin connections


+ Fixed HAL layer array initialization for 8-bit architectures
  + Previously, MCUs with only one pin per module didn't function correctly
  + Fixed for following modules:
    + ADC
    + I2C
    + PWM
    + SPI
    + UART
+ Fixed uart_configure_default API
  + stop_bits previosuly set incorrectly


Support added for following hardware:

+ ATmega328P - <>
  + Fully supported in mikroSDK
+ Arduino Uno Rev3 - <>
  + Fully supported in mikroSDK
  + Added shield definitions for mikroBUS
    + Arduino UNO click shield - <>
+ UNI Clicker added to AVR mikroSDK - <>


We would like to thank the following people for contributing:

+ Nikola Hadzic - <>
  + Graphic Library
    + Added and tested ellipse algorithm
      + view file - <>


Toggle mikroSDK-2.7.1's commit message
mikroSDK v2.7.0

+ released: 2022-12-01

New Features:

+ One Wire implementation for AVR
  + Full module support
+ ILI9341 TFT implementation added
  + Added 8/16 bit implementation
+ MIKROE Touch Panel implementation added
  + Using transistor logic
+ API layer touch panel has reduced footprint if MIKROE Touch Panel implementation is used
+ Added header generation based on actual library name
  + For example, in order to include `MikroSDK.Driver.OneWire` library header, simply type
    + `#include "MikroSDK.Driver.OneWire"`
  + Implemented for whole SDK project for easier file access


+ Uart write/read APIs changed to use actual byte sized data
+ AVR low level UART IVT
  + Added option to switch between IVT and ORG mapping/access for interrupt service routines
+ Timer/PWM code optimised for AVR MCUs
  + Improved code readability
  + Added check for NULL pointers
  + Surplus code moved to MCU specific definition files
+ AVR ATmega UART implementation optimized for high-speed baud rate settings
  + High-speed mode used if regular speed mode error exceeds 2.5% as defined in documentation
+ `pin_af_t` redefinition issues
  + Reorganized for all ARM and RISC-V MCUs
+ CMake now sets defaults ADC resolution based on specific MCU, not only architecture
+ Added stop bit generation for AVR software I2C implementation


+ Fixed reported issue - <#4>
  + Instance handler now set correctly
+ `./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/src/tim`
  + Fixed register addresses
+ `./targets/avr_8bit/mikroe/avr/include`
  + Pin maps are no longer linked as weak
+ Added additional ports and pins to AVR GPIO implementation
+ AVR GPIO implementation now functions correctly for all GPIO ports
  + Previously, all ports after H ( I, J, K ... ) didn't work
+ Removed 14 MCUs from mikroSDK due to insufficient memory issues
  + `ATmega16`
  + `ATmega164A`
  + `ATmega164P`
  + `ATmega164PA`
  + `ATmega168`
  + `ATmega168A`
  + `ATmega168P`
  + `ATmega168PA`
  + `ATmega168PB`
  + `ATmega169A`
  + `ATmega169P`
  + `ATmega169PA`
  + `ATmega16A`
  + `ATmega16U4`
+ IVT redefined properly for ATXmega E5 MCU series
  + Resulted in addition of another USART module (USART2)
+ Opening existing click tests from mikroSDK project for EasyAVR v8 and v7 resulted in error
+ Opening mikroSDK as a project using a designer setup disables the option to switch to a regular type project
  + Now able to switch freely
+ One-Wire implementation for ARM used to overwrite read data bits/bytes
  + Fix implemented for all ARM MCUs
+ Unable to open specific `CMakeLists.txt` files from mikroSDK project


Support added for following hardware:

+ mikromedia for PIC18FJ - <>
+ mikromedia for PIC18FK - <>
+ mikromedia for XMEGA - <>
+ mikromedia for STM32 M3 - <>
+ mikromedia for STM32 M4 - <>
+ mikromedia for TIVA C Series - <>
+ Mikromedia 3 for PIC32MZ Capacitive FPI with Frame - <>
+ Mikromedia 3 for PIC32MZ Capacitive FPI with Bezel - <>
+ Mikromedia 5 for PIC32MZ Capacitive FPI with Bezel - <>
+ EasyMX PRO v7a for STM32 - <>
+ EasyPIC PRO v7 MCUcard with PIC18F8722 - <>
+ EasyPIC PRO v7 MCUcard with PIC18F8520 - <>
+ All new hardware has adequate clock schemes set as well.


Toggle mikroSDK-2.7.0's commit message
mikroSDK v2.7.0

AVR MCUs supported!

|      MCU      |      MCU       |      MCU      |
| :-----------: | :------------: | :-----------: |
|  AT90USB1286  |  AT90USB1287   |  AT90USB646   |
|  AT90USB647   |   ATmega128    |  ATmega1280   |
|  ATmega1281   |   ATmega1284   |  ATmega1284P  |
|  ATmega128A   |    ATmega16    |  ATmega164A   |
|  ATmega164P   |  ATmega164PA   |   ATmega168   |
|  ATmega168A   |   ATmega168P   |  ATmega168PA  |
|  ATmega168PB  |   ATmega16A    |  ATmega16U4   |
|  ATmega2560   |   ATmega2561   |   ATmega32    |
|  ATmega324A   |   ATmega324P   |  ATmega324PA  |
|  ATmega324PB  |   ATmega328    |   ATmega32A   |
|  ATmega32U4   |    ATmega64    |   ATmega640   |
|   ATmega644   |   ATmega644A   |  ATmega644P   |
|  ATmega644PA  |   ATmega64A    | ATxmega128A1U |
| ATxmega128A3  | ATxmega128A3U  | ATxmega128A4U |
| ATxmega128B1  |  ATxmega128B3  | ATxmega128D3  |
| ATxmega128D4  |  ATxmega16A4   | ATxmega16A4U  |
|  ATxmega16D4  |  ATxmega16E5   | ATxmega192A3  |
| ATxmega192A3U |  ATxmega192D3  | ATxmega256A3  |
| ATxmega256A3B | ATxmega256A3BU | ATxmega256A3U |
| ATxmega256D3  |  ATxmega32A4   | ATxmega32A4U  |
|  ATxmega32D3  |  ATxmega32D4   |  ATxmega32E5  |
| ATxmega384D3  |  ATxmega64A1U  |  ATxmega64A3  |
| ATxmega64A3U  |  ATxmega64A4U  |  ATxmega64B1  |
|  ATxmega64B3  |  ATxmega64D3   |  ATxmega64D4  |
|  ATmega328PB  |   ATmega169A   |  ATmega169P   |
|  ATmega169PA  |   ATmega325    |  ATmega3250   |
|  ATmega3250A  |  ATmega3250P   | ATmega3250PA  |
|  ATmega325A   |   ATmega325P   |  ATmega325PA  |
|   ATmega329   |   ATmega3290   |  ATmega3290A  |
|  ATmega3290P  |   ATmega329A   |  ATmega329P   |
|  ATmega329PA  |   ATmega645    |  ATmega6450   |
|  ATmega6450A  |  ATmega6450P   |  ATmega645A   |
|  ATmega645P   |   ATmega649    |  ATmega6490   |
|  ATmega6490A  |  ATmega6490P   |  ATmega649A   |
|  ATmega649P   |

Supported modules:

+ NEW Software I2C implemention for AVR MCUs
+ ADC (Full module support)
+ SPI (Full module support)
+ UART (Full module support)
+ I2C (Full module support)
+ PWM (Full module support)
+ GPIO (Full module support)

Files added:

+ assembly.h - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ common_macros.h - <>
+ hal_ll_adc.c - <>
+ hal_ll_adc.c - <>
+ hal_ll_adc.h - <>
+ hal_ll_analog_in_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_bit_control.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core.c - <>
+ hal_ll_core.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core_defines.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core_port.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio.c - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_constants.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_port.c - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_port.h - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.h - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_one_wire.c - <>
+ hal_ll_one_wire.h - <>
+ hal_ll_pin_names.h - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master.h - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_target.h - <>
+ hal_ll_target_names.h - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.c - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.c - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.c - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.h - <>
+ hal_ll_tim_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_uart.c - <>
+ hal_ll_uart.c - <>
+ hal_ll_uart.h - <>
+ hal_ll_uart_pin_map.h - <>


+ Improved Graphic Library implementation
  + Improvement for issue of bad conversion for special case
  + Added check if result is +Inf, or -Inf since cast to integer is undefined
  + Added max and min int instead
+ Added option to disable/enable whole module based on availability


+ Fixed VTFT imlplementation for PIC18F57Q43
  + API now returns adequate active instance for further use
+ Fixed I2C implementation 2 for PIC 8bit devices
  + Restart signal is now generated adequatelly
  + Fix impacts following devices:
    + PIC18F25K42
    + PIC18F26K42
    + PIC18F27K42
    + PIC18F45K42
    + PIC18F46K42
    + PIC18F47K42
    + PIC18F55K42
    + PIC18F56K42
    + PIC18F57K42
    + PIC18LF25K42
    + PIC18LF26K42
    + PIC18LF27K42
    + PIC18LF45K42
    + PIC18LF46K42
    + PIC18LF47K42
    + PIC18LF55K42
    + PIC18LF56K42
    + PIC18LF57K42
    + PIC18F57Q43
+ Fixed GPIO implementation for RISC-V devices
  + Unlock routine fixed for SWJ pins
  + User is now available to use SWJ pins
  + Affects all GIGADEVICE MCUs
+ Fixed TFT port setting for:
    + Set to adequate 8bit port
+ Fixed inclusion of adequate mcu_definitions header file for following MCUs:
  + STM32L100C6_AUx
  + STM32L100R8_ATx
  + STM32L100RB_ATx
  + STM32L151C6_ATx
  + STM32L151C6_AUx
  + STM32L151C8_ATx
  + STM32L151C8_AUx
  + STM32L151CB_ATx
  + STM32L151CB_AUx
  + STM32L151R6_AHx
  + STM32L151R6_ATx
  + STM32L151R8_AHx
  + STM32L151R8_ATx
  + STM32L151RB_AHx
  + STM32L151RB_ATx
  + STM32L151RC_ATx
  + STM32L151V8_AHx
  + STM32L151V8_ATx
  + STM32L151VB_AHx
  + STM32L151VB_ATx
  + STM32L151VC_ATx
  + STM32L152C6_ATx
  + STM32L152C6_AUx
  + STM32L152C8_ATx
  + STM32L152C8_AUx
  + STM32L152CB_ATx
  + STM32L152CB_AUx
  + STM32L152R6_AHx
  + STM32L152R6_ATx
  + STM32L152R8_AHx
  + STM32L152R8_ATx
  + STM32L152RB_AHx
  + STM32L152RB_ATx
  + STM32L152RC_ATx
  + STM32L152V8_AHx
  + STM32L152V8_ATx
  + STM32L152VB_AHx
  + STM32L152VB_ATx
  + STM32L152VC_ATx
  + STM32L162RC_ATx
  + STM32L162VC_ATx

Support added for following hardware:

+ EasyAVR PRO v8 - <>
+ EasyAVR v7 - <>

Planet Debug:

+ Incoming update with newly released AVR boards


Toggle mikroSDK-2.6.0's commit message
mikroSDK v2.6.0

RISV-V MCU architecture supported!

|      MCU      |      MCU      |
| GD32VF103C4T6 | GD32VF103C6T6 |
| GD32VF103C8T6 | GD32VF103CBT6 |
| GD32VF103R4T6 | GD32VF103R6T6 |
| GD32VF103R8T6 | GD32VF103RBT6 |
| GD32VF103T4U6 | GD32VF103T6U6 |
| GD32VF103T8U6 | GD32VF103TBU6 |
| GD32VF103V8T6 | GD32VF103VBT6 |

Supported modules:

+ ADC (Full module support)
+ SPI (Full module support)
+ UART (Full module support)
+ I2C (Full module support)
+ PWM (Full module support)
+ GPIO (Full module support)

Files added:

+ assembly.h - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ CMakeLists.txt - <>
+ common_macros.h - <>
+ hal_ll_adc.c - <>
+ hal_ll_adc.h - <>
+ hal_ll_adc_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_bit_control.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core.c - <>
+ hal_ll_core.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core_defines.h - <>
+ hal_ll_core_port.c - <>
+ hal_ll_core_port.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio.c - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_constants.h - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_port.c - <>
+ hal_ll_gpio_port.h - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_master.h - <>
+ hal_ll_i2c_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_one_wire.c - <>
+ hal_ll_one_wire.h - <>
+ hal_ll_pin_names.h - <>
+ hal_ll_rcu.h - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master.c - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master.h - <>
+ hal_ll_spi_master_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_target.h - <>
+ hal_ll_target_names.h - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.c - <>
+ hal_ll_tim.h - <>
+ hal_ll_tim_pin_map.h - <>
+ hal_ll_uart.c - <>
+ hal_ll_uart.h - <>
+ hal_ll_uart_pin_map.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>
+ mcu_definitions.h - <>

New Features

+ CMake build system with automated functionalities
  + Adding files
  + Removing files
  + Renaming files for the CMake project
  + Adding/removing libraries from the CMake project

With the addition of touch_controller libs, it is now possible to switch
mid DESIGNER project to any of the supported displays. There is no need
to create a new project. mikroSDK will take care of that for you.

Files added:

+ <>
+ <>
+ <>
+ <>

Support added for following hardware:

+ UNI-DS v8 - <
+ SIBRAIN FOR PIC24HJ256GP610 - <>
+ SIBRAIN FOR PIC24EP512GU814 - <>
+ EasyPIC FUSION v7 MCUcard with PIC24FJ128GA310 - <>
+ EasyPIC FUSION v7 MCUcard with PIC24EP512GU810 - <>
+ EasyPIC FUSION v7 MCUcard with dsPIC33FJ256GP710A - <>
+ EasyPIC FUSION v7 MCUcard with dsPIC33EP512MU810 - <>
+ Discovery kit with STM32L4R9AI MCU - <>

Planet Debug

+ All 80 PD systems updated
  + New setups added with CMake
  + Each PD system now has two separate setups
    + One for older NECTO Studio versions
    + One for NECTO Studio v2 and up

Development Kit Package

+ With the introduction of CMake build system in NECTO Studio, there is no need for the development kit anymore
+ Removed from repository

Test examples

All test examples have been revamped to work with CMake build system.