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Security: Mihir-Ai-lab/Ostrich_solutions


Ostrich Solutions Security Policy

Reporting a Vulnerability

If you discover a security vulnerability in Ostrich Solutions, please send an E-mail. All security vulnerabilities will be promptly addressed.

When reporting a vulnerability, please include the following information:

  • Description of the vulnerability.
  • Steps to reproduce the vulnerability.
  • Any potential impact of the vulnerability.
  • Any suggested mitigation steps.


  • Ostrich Solutions maintainers will respond to your report within 24 hours, and may ask for additional information or guidance.
  • Ostrich Solutions maintainers will work with you to understand and verify the vulnerability and its impact.
  • Ostrich Solutions maintainers will keep you informed of the progress towards fixing the vulnerability.
  • Ostrich Solutions maintainers will publicly acknowledge your responsible disclosure.
  • Ostrich Solutions maintainers will do their best to release a fix for the vulnerability in a timely manner.
  • If you have requested anonymity or have used an email address not associated with your GitHub account, Ostrich Solutions maintainers will still respond to your report in a timely manner.


This security policy applies to the Ostrich Solutions repository hosted on GitHub, and covers any publicly accessible software, code, documentation, and communication channels.


This security policy is adapted from the GitHub Security Policy, available at

There aren’t any published security advisories