NiuTrans.SMT is an open-source statistical machine translation system developed by a joint team from NLP Lab. at Northeastern University and the NiuTrans Team. The NiuTrans system is fully develope…
NiuTensor is an open-source toolkit developed by a joint team from NLP Lab. at Northeastern University and the NiuTrans Team. It provides tensor utilities to create and train neural networks.
《机器翻译:基础与模型》肖桐 朱靖波 著 - Machine Translation: Foundations and Models
JSS is an authoring tool for CSS which uses JavaScript as a host language.
Short code snippets for all your development needs
Free and Open source Web Builder Framework. Next generation tool for building templates without coding
Provides support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Redis, a key-value store. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight reposito…
Provide support to increase developer productivity in Java when using Elasticsearch. Uses familiar Spring concepts such as a template classes for core API usage and lightweight repository style dat…
Spring Boot helps you to create Spring-powered, production-grade applications and services with absolute minimum fuss.
A powerful flow control component enabling reliability, resilience and monitoring for microservices. (面向云原生微服务的高可用流控防护组件)
Resilience4j is a fault tolerance library designed for Java8 and functional programming
A best practice for tensorflow project template architecture.
👨🎓 Java Core Sprout : basic, concurrent, algorithm
The monitoring system, develop their own powerful and flexible configuration
Models and examples built with TensorFlow
The world's simplest facial recognition api for Python and the command line
All Algorithms implemented in Python
Game Agent Framework. Helping you create AIs / Bots that learn to play any game you own!
A component for flip animation on Android, which is similar to the effect in Flipboard iPhone/Android
💯 Curated coding interview preparation materials for busy software engineers
An Open Source Machine Learning Framework for Everyone