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Vodafone Station Exporter

Prometheus Exporter for the Vodafone Station (CGA4233DE) and (CGA6444VF)

Testet with Technicolor CGA6444VF Firmware: 19.3B57-1.0.41


Usage of ./vodafone-station-exporter:
  -log.level string
    	Logging level (default "info")
    	Show available metrics and exit
    	Print version and exit
  -vodafone.station-password string
    	Password for logging into the Vodafone station (default "How is the default password calculated? mhmm")
  -vodafone.station-url string
    	Vodafone station URL. For bridge mode this is (note: Configure a route if using bridge mode) (default "http:")
  -web.listen-address string
    	Address to listen on (default "[::]:9420")
  -web.telemetry-path string
    	Path under which to expose metrics (default "/metrics")

Exported metrics

  • vodafone_station_login_success_bool: 1 if the login was successfull
  • vodafone_station_login_message_info: Login message returned by the web interface
    • Labels: message
  • vodafone_station_user_info: User name as returned by the web interface
    • Labels: username
  • vodafone_station_uid_info: User id as returned by the web interface
    • Labels: uid
  • vodafone_station_default_password_bool: 1 if the default password is in use
  • vodafone_station_downstream_central_frequency_hertz: Central frequency in hertz
    • Labels: id, channel_id, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_downstream_power_dBmV: Power in dBmV
    • Labels: id, channel_id, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_downstream_snr_dB: SNR in dB
    • Labels: id, channel_id, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_downstream_snr_dB: SNR in dB
    • Labels: id, channel_id, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_ofdm_downstream_start_frequency_hertz: Start frequency
    • Labels: id, channel_id_ofdm, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_ofdm_downstream_end_frequency_hertz: End frequency
    • Labels: id, channel_id_ofdm, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_ofdm_downstream_central_frequency_hertz: Central frequency
    • Labels: id, channel_id_ofdm, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_ofdm_downstream_bandwidth_hertz: Bandwidth
    • Labels: id, channel_id_ofdm, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_ofdm_downstream_power_dBmV: Power
    • Labels: id, channel_id_ofdm, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_ofdm_downstream_snr_dB: SNR
    • Labels: id, channel_id_ofdm, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_ofdm_downstream_locked_bool: Locking status
    • Labels: id, channel_id_ofdm, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_upstream_central_frequency_hertz: Central frequency
    • Labels: id, channel_id_up, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_upstream_power_dBmV: Power
    • Labels: id, channel_id_up, fft, channel_type
  • vodafone_station_upstream_ranging_status_info: Ranging status
    • Labels: id, channel_id_up, fft, channel_type, status
  • vodafone_station_firewall_status_info: Firewall status
    • Labels: firewall_status
  • vodafone_station_lan_ip4_info: LAN IPv4 info
    • Labels: lan_ip4
  • vodafone_station_lan_mode_info: LAN mode info
    • Labels: mode
  • vodafone_station_lan_gateway_info: LAN gateway info
    • Labels: lan_gateway
  • vodafone_station_lan_dhcp_enabled_bool: LAN DHCP enabled info
  • vodafone_station_lan_mac_address_info: LAN MAC address
    • Labels: mac_address
  • vodafone_station_lan_port_up_bool: LAN port status
    • Labels: port
  • vodafone_station_lan_port_speed_bits_per_second: LAN port speed in bits/second
    • Labels: port
  • vodafone_station_wlan_enabled_bool: WLAN enabled info
    • Labels: frequency
  • vodafone_station_wlan_channel: WLAN channel
    • Labels: frequency
  • vodafone_station_wlan_bandwidth_hertz: WLAN bandwidth in Hertz
    • Labels: frequency
  • vodafone_station_wlan_max_speed_bits_per_second: Max WLAN speed in bits/seconds
    • Labels: frequency
  • vodafone_station_wlan_ssid_info: SSID information
    • Labels: frequency, ssid
  • vodafone_station_wlan_mac_address_info: WLAN MAC address
    • Labels: frequency, mac_address
  • vodafone_station_wlan_security_info: WLAN security
    • Labels: frequency, security_info
  • vodafone_station_dns_entries_count: DNS Entries count
  • vodafone_station_aftr_info: AFTR gateway information
    • Labels: aftr
  • vodafone_station_serialnumber_info: Serial number information
    • Labels: serial_number
  • vodafone_station_firmwareversion_info: Firmware vresion information
    • Labels: firmware_version
  • vodafone_station_hardware_type_info: Hardware type information
    • Labels: hardware_type
  • vodafone_station_uptime_seconds: Uptime in seconds
  • vodafone_station_internet_ip4_info: Internet IPv4
    • Labels: ip4
  • vodafone_station_delegated_prefix_info: Delegated prefix information
    • Labels: prefix
  • vodafone_station_ip_address_rt_info: IP address RT
    • Labels: ip
  • vodafone_station_ip_prefix_class_info: IP prefix class info
    • Labels: prefix_class
  • vodafone_station_call_end_time_epoch: Call endtime as unix epoch
    • Labels: port, id, external_number, direction, type
  • vodafone_station_call_start_time_epoch: Call starttime as unix epoch
    • Labels: port, id, external_number, direction, type
  • vodafone_station_status_led_enabled_bool: Status LEDs
  • vodafone_station_software_component_info: Information about software components
    • Labels: name, version, licsense
  • vodafone_station_sip_line_status_info: Information about SIP registration status
    • Labels: port, status
  • vodafone_station_sip_line_numbers_info: Information about phone numbers associated with SIP registration
    • Labels: port, number
  • vodafone_station_logout_success_bool: 1 if the logout was successfull
  • vodafone_station_logout_message_info: Logout message returned by the web interface
    • Labels: message

Reverse Engineering the login mechanism

I am not a Javascript engineer, but it works 🤷‍♂️

Logging into the PHP application running on the CGA4233DE is made as complicated as possible.

From the console we see:

curl 'http:' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-CSRF-TOKEN: ' \
  -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
  --data-raw 'username=admin&password=seeksalthash' \
  --compressed \

CSRF seems broken, lol. Whatever - we don't care.

reply is


For the actual login a derived token derived from the actual password is used:

curl 'http:' \
  -H 'Connection: keep-alive' \
  -H 'Accept: */*' \
  -H 'X-CSRF-TOKEN: ' \
  -H 'X-Requested-With: XMLHttpRequest' \
  -H 'Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8' \
  -H 'Cookie: <some PHP session cookie>' \
  --data-raw 'username=admin&password=<something that is not my password>' \
  --compressed \

Looking at the obfuscated JavaShit (login.js), we see something like follows:

doPbkdf2NotCoded(doPbkdf2NotCoded("<password>", "<salt>"), "<saltwebui>")

quick check reveals: Yes, that returns the token used for the login. ✔️

Ok, so what does doPbkdf2NotCoded do?

function doPbkdf2NotCoded(_0x365ad6, _0x470596) {
    var _0x51b261 = sjcl[_0x5bfa('0x10')][_0x5bfa('0x11')](_0x365ad6, _0x470596, 0x3e8, 0x80);
    var _0x279f24 = sjcl[_0x5bfa('0xc')][_0x5bfa('0x12')]['fromBits'](_0x51b261);
    return _0x279f24;

easy, isn't it? %) Turns out, sjcl is not yet another obfuscated JS function, but this thingie.

Translated to something slightly more human readable (using the JS console)

function whatTheFuck(param1, param2) {
    //                                a,      b,      c,     d
    var temp = sjcl["misc"]["pbkdf2"](param1, param2, 0x3e8, 0x80)
    return sjcl["codec"]["hex"]["fromBits"](temp)

From here, I started the GoLang implementation, which looks as follows:

// GetLoginPassword derives the password using the given salts
func GetLoginPassword(password, salt, saltWebUI string) string {
    return DoPbkdf2NotCoded(DoPbkdf2NotCoded(password, salt), saltWebUI)

// Equivalent to the JS doPbkdf2NotCoded (see 
func DoPbkdf2NotCoded(key, salt string) string {
    temp := pbkdf2.Key([]byte(key), []byte(salt), 0x3e8, 0x80, sha256.New)
    return hex.EncodeToString(temp[:16])

Oh BTW, Vodafone: Performing pbkdf2 twice won't secure an HTTP (non TLS) login.