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EasyD committed Mar 9, 2017
1 parent 52d2723 commit 93f931d
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Showing 6 changed files with 202 additions and 0 deletions.
71 changes: 71 additions & 0 deletions r_visualization_with_power_bi/CustomerData.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,71 @@
# File: CustomerQuery.R
# Author: Dave Langer
# Description: This code illustrates querying a SQL Server database via the RODBC
# package for the "Introduction to R Visualization with Power BI " Meetup
# dated 03/15/2017. More details on the Meetup are available at:
# The code in this file leverages data from Microsoft's Wide World
# Importers sample database available at:
# NOTE - This file is provided "As-Is" and no warranty regardings its contents are
# offered nor implied. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

# Uncomment and run these lines of code to install required packages


# Open connection using Windows ODBC DSN
dbhandle <- odbcConnect("RConnection")

# Query database for a denormalized view of [Fact][Sale] data
dataset <- sqlQuery(dbhandle,
"SELECT [C].[CustomerID]
,[OL].[Quantity] * [OL].[UnitPrice] AS [LineTotal]
FROM [WideWorldImporters].[Sales].[Customers] C
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Sales].[CustomerCategories] CC ON ([C].[CustomerCategoryID] = [CC].[CustomerCategoryID])
LEFT OUTER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Sales].[BuyingGroups] BG ON ([C].[BuyingGroupID] = [BG].[BuyingGroupID])
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Sales].[Orders] O ON ([C].[CustomerID] = [O].[CustomerID])
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Sales].[OrderLines] OL ON ([O].[OrderID] = [OL].[OrderID])
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Warehouse].[StockItems] SI ON ([OL].[StockItemID] = [SI].[StockItemID])
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Purchasing].[Suppliers] S ON ([SI].[SupplierID] = [S].[SupplierID])
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Purchasing].[SupplierCategories] SC ON ([S].[SupplierCategoryID] = [SC].[SupplierCategoryID])
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Application].[Cities] CITY ON ([C].[DeliveryCityID] = [CITY].[CityID])
INNER JOIN [WideWorldImporters].[Application].[StateProvinces] P ON ([CITY].[StateProvinceID] = [P].[StateProvinceID])",
stringsAsFactors = FALSE)

#Close DB connection

# Save off data frame in .RData binary format
save(dataset, file = "CustomerData.RData")

Binary file added r_visualization_with_power_bi/CustomerData.RData
Binary file not shown.
Binary file added r_visualization_with_power_bi/CustomerData.sql
Binary file not shown.
Binary file not shown.
117 changes: 117 additions & 0 deletions r_visualization_with_power_bi/CustomerVisualizations.R
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,117 @@
# File: CustomerVisualizations.R
# Author: Dave Langer
# Description: This code illustrates R visualizaions used in the "Introduction to R
# Visualization with Power BI " Meetup dated 03/15/2017. More details on
# the Meetup are available at:
# The code in this file leverages data from Microsoft's Wide World
# Importers sample Data Warehouse available at:
# NOTE - This file is provided "As-Is" and no warranty regardings its contents are
# offered nor implied. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK!

# Uncomment and run these lines of code to install required packages

# NOTE - Change your working directory as needed

# Preprocessing to make dataset look like Power BI
dataset <- dataset %>%
mutate(BuyingGroupName = ifelse(, "", BuyingGroupName),
Year = year(dataset$OrderDate),
Month = month(dataset$OrderDate, label = TRUE))

# Visualization #1 - Aggregaed dynamic bar charts by Customer Category


# Get total revenue by Buying Group and Customer Catetory
customer.categories <- dataset %>%
group_by(BuyingGroupName, CustomerCategoryName) %>%
summarize(TotalRevenue = sum(LineTotal))

# Format visualization title string dynamically
title.str.1 <- paste("Total Revenue for",
"by Customer Category and Buying Group",
sep = " ")

# Plot
ggplot(customer.categories, aes(x = reorder(CustomerCategoryName, TotalRevenue), y = TotalRevenue, fill = BuyingGroupName)) +
theme_bw() +
coord_flip() +
geom_bar(stat = "identity") +
scale_y_continuous(labels = comma) +
labs(x = "Customer Category",
y = "Total Revenue",
fill = "Buying Group",
title = title.str.1)

# Visualization #2 - Aggregaed dynamic bar charts by Customer Category


Year1 <- min(dataset$Year)
Year2 <- max(dataset$Year)

totals <- dataset %>%
filter(Year == Year1| Year == Year2 ) %>%
group_by(Year, Month) %>%
summarize(TotalRevenue = sum(LineTotal)) %>%
mutate(Label = paste(Month, Year, sep = "-"))

# Make labels pretty with dummy vars
Revenue.Group.1 <- totals$TotalRevenue[1:12]
Revenue.Group.2 <- totals$TotalRevenue[13:24]

title.str <- paste("Process Behavior Chart - ", Year1, " and ", Year2, " ",
dataset$CustomerCategoryName[1], " Total Revnue for Buying Group '",
dataset$BuyingGroupName[1], "'", sep = "")

blank.super.qcc <- qcc(Revenue.Group.1, type = "",
newdata = Revenue.Group.2,
labels = totals$Label[1:12],
newlabels = totals$Label[13:24],
title = title.str,
ylab = "Total Revenue", xlab = "Month-Year")

14 changes: 14 additions & 0 deletions r_visualization_with_power_bi/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
# Introduction to R Visualizations in Microsoft Power BI

GitHub Repository for the 03/15/2017 Meetup titled "[Introduction to R Visualizations in Microsoft Power BI](".

These materials make extensive use of Microsoft's [Wide World Importers]( SQL Server 2016 sample database.

Additionally, the following are required to use the files for the Meetup:

* [Power BI Desktop](
* [The R programming language](
* The [dplyr](, [lubridate](, [ggplot2](, [scales](, and [qcc]( packages.

While not required, [RStudio]( is highly recommended.

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