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Common Lisp implementation of JSON Schema.




CL-JSCHEMA is available via the Ultralisp distribution:

(ql:quickload "cl-jschema")

CL-JSCHEMA is not yet in the Quicklisp distribution (but it's in the roadmap!).

From source

With ASDF, load the ASD file cl-jschema.asd and then load the system :cl-jschema.


  • Currently only supports JSON Schema draft 2020-12.
  • Currently only supports validating values which look like they were parsed by COM.INUOE.JZON:PARSE.
  • Does not support fetching JSON Schemas from the web.
  • The base URI is only considered with the $id at the root of the JSON Schema document. If you fetch a JSON Schema from the web and it does not include an $id at the root, then the JSON Schema will not be registered in the CL-JSCHEMA registry.

User guide



Parse a JSON Schema. Returns an instance of CL-JSCHEMA:JSON-SCHEMA or throws a condition of type CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-SCHEMA.

Allows parsing a string or a CL:STREAM. You may also supply it a previously parsed JSON that was parsed with COM.INUOE.JZON:PARSE. In any other case, a condition of type CL:ERROR is thrown.

Keyword arguments:

  • ALLOW-COMMENTS: defaults to NIL. Can be set to non-NIL to allow comments (//).
  • ALLOW-TRAILING-COMMA defaults to NIL. Can be set to non-NIL to allow trailing commas.

Upon successfully parsing and if the JSON Schema contained a base URI (an $id at the root of the JSON Schema document), then the root JSON Schema and any bundled JSON Schema Resources are registered in the CL-JSCHEMA registry.


Validate a value with an instance of CL-JSCHEMA:JSON-SCHEMA. Returns T or throws a condition of type CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-JSON.

Currently only supports validating values which look like they have been previously parsed by COM.INUOE.JZON:PARSE.

Keyword arguments:

  • IGNORE-UNRESOLVABLE-REFS: defaults to NIL, meaning a value meant to be validated by a $ref will be considered invalid if no JSON Schema is found when resolving $ref. Can be set to non-NIL to consider values as valid when $ref is not resolvable.

If a condition of type CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-JSON is thrown, then it's possible to access all of the validation errors found throughout the validation by using CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-JSON-ERRORS.


Clear the CL-JSCHEMA registry of parsed JSON Schemas.


Find an instance of CL-JSCHEMA:JSON-SCHEMA given a URI as a string or as an instance of PURI:URI. Can return NIL.

If the URI contains a fragment, then it will be used to find a JSON Schema inside the JSON Schema found by the URI without the fragment. It's assumed that the fragment is a JSON Pointer or the name of an $anchor.



A class representing a parsed JSON Schema. Use CL-JSCHEMA:PARSE to create a new one or CL-JSCHEMA:GET-SCHEMA to find a previously parsed one.



Conditions of this type are thrown when using CL-JSCHEMA:PARSE. This condition indicates that the JSON Schema being parsed is invalid.

Information about this condition can be accessed with:

  • CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-SCHEMA-ERROR-MESSAGE: the reason why the condition was thrown. Returns a string.
  • CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-SCHEMA-BASE-URI: the base URI, if any, of the JSON Schema being validated when the condition was thrown. Returns NIL or an instance of PURI:URI.
  • CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-SCHEMA-JSON-POINTER: the JSON Pointer to the value being validated in the JSON Schema when the condition was thrown. The JSON Pointer is relative to the base URI. Returns a string.


Conditions of this type are thrown when using CL-JSCHEMA:PARSE. This condition indicates that an error was encountered when trying to parse the JSON Schema JSON.

This condition is a subtype of CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-SCHEMA, meaning the same information can be accessed with the same accessors. Additionally:

  • CL-JSCHEMA:UNPARSABLE-JSON-ERROR: the condition caught when trying to parse the JSON Schema JSON. Returns an instance of a condition of type COM.INUOE.JZON:JSON-ERROR.


Conditions of this type are thrown when using CL-JSCHEMA:PARSE. This condition indicates that the JSON Schema is trying to use some property which is not implemented by CL-JSCHEMA.

This condition is a subtype of CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-SCHEMA, meaning the same information can be accessed with the same accessors.


Conditions of this type are thrown when using CL-JSCHEMA:VALIDATE. This condition indicates that the value supplied for validation is invalid.

Information about this condition can be accessed with:

  • CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-JSON-ERRORS: a list of all conditions of type CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-JSON-VALUE caught while validating the value supplied for validation.


Conditions of this type are thrown yet handled internally when using CL-JSCHEMA:VALIDATE. This condition indicates at a particular value inside the supplied value for validation is invalid.

  • CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-JSON-VALUE-ERROR-MESSAGE: the reason why the condition was thrown. Returns a string.
  • CL-JSCHEMA:INVALID-JSON-VALUE-JSON-POINTER: the JSON Pointer to the value being validated when the condition was thrown.


CL-USER> (let ((json-schema
                 (cl-jschema:parse "{
                                      \"properties\": {
                                        \"number\": {
                                          \"type\": \"number\",
                                          \"exclusiveMinimum\": -1,
                                          \"minimum\": 0
               (value (com.inuoe.jzon:parse "{\"number\": -1}")))
               (cl-jschema:validate json-schema value)
             (cl-jschema:invalid-json (e)
               (dolist (value-error (cl-jschema:invalid-json-errors e))
                 (format t "JSON Pointer: ~s~%~
                            Error: ~a~2%"
                         (cl-jschema:invalid-json-value-json-pointer value-error)
                         (cl-jschema:invalid-json-value-error-message value-error))))))
JSON Pointer: "/number"
Error: Number is less than 0

JSON Pointer: "/number"
Error: Number is less or equal to -1


Pro tip: check out CL-JSON-POINTER for using the JSON Pointers created by CL-JSCHEMA.

