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AWS React App with Elasticsearch

A reference project to deploy a React app onto Amazon ECS on AWS Fargate, and Amazon Elasticsearch Service with Terraform

A todo app fetching data from Amazon Elasticsearch Service

AWS Architecture


  • Make sure you have installed Terraform, AWS CLI, and configured a default AWS CLI profile (see doc here)
terraform -help # prints Terraform options
which aws # prints /usr/local/bin/aws
aws --version # prints aws-cli/2.0.36 Python/3.7.4 Darwin/18.7.0 botocore/2.0.0
aws configure # configure your AWS CLI profile


  • Create a Github project, and generate a personal access token (see doc here)

  • Create an S3 bucket to store Terraform state. Populate bucket name in

  • Populate terraform.tfvars:
default_region      = "us-east-1"
docker_username     = "matlau"
github_username     = "MatthewCYLau"
github_project_name = "aws-react-elasticsearch-terraform"
app_name            = "aws-elasticsearch-app"
environment         = "staging"
upload_bucket_name  = "matlau-s3-es-upload"

Deploy Lambda packages

  • Create an S3 bucket to store your Lambda function packages

  • Navigate to /deploy/lambdas/<FUNCTION_NAME>

  • Update the deploy/lambdas/<FUNCTION_NAME>/ shell script with correct values i.e. Amazon S3 bucket name, and key. See documentation on AWS CLI update-function-code here

  • Run the script:

sh deploy/lambdas/<FUNCTION_NAME>/

Note, you may encounter Function not found error the first time running the script


cd deploy # change to deploy directory
terraform init # initialises Terraform
terraform apply # deploys AWS stack. See output for AWS loadbalancer DNS name
terraform destroy # destroys AWS stack

When prompted for github_token, provide the value and hit Return. Alternatively, create a local environment variable named TF_VAR_github_token


  • Upload deploy/lambdas/processS3Upload/data.csv to the upload_bucket_name S3 bucket to trigger Lambda
  • Then, visit app at aws_lb_dns_name to view todos

Local Development

  • Run docker-compose up to build, and run app in container


Pull requests are welcome. For major changes, please open an issue first to discuss what you would like to change.

Please make sure to update tests as appropriate.

If you find this project helpful, please give a ⭐ or even better buy me a coffee ☕ 👇 because I'm a caffeine addict 😅

Buy Me A Coffee




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