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#libGitHubIssues Integrate GitHub's Issues system into your app to use as a bugtracker. A single public view controller is provided to present modally, and supports a native OAuth application flow for users to login. Existing issues can be viewed without the user needing to log in.


Issues Overview Issue Detail Login UI Comment Composer Issue Composer


You can install libGitHubIssues into your application in two ways: via CocoaPods, or as a dependancy in a jailbroken package.

###REQUIRED: GitHub Application

To utilise this project, you will first need to create an OAuth2 application for GitHub here; fill in the homepage URL with your website, as it won't be needed for functionality.

Make a note of the client ID and secret; you will need these when using this project.



pod "libGitHubIssues", "~> 0.0.1"

to your Podfile.

###Jailbroken Package

Please note that libGitHubIssues is not yet available via a default Cydia repository, due to cirumstances beyond my control. This should be resolved soon. In the meantime, please download a copy in a .deb format from the Releases tab.

When using libGitHubIssues in a jailbroken package:

  1. On your device, download and install libGitHubIssues from Cydia (found on the BigBoss repository).
  2. Copy libGitHubIssues.dylib from /usr/lib to your development machine's theos/lib directory.
  3. Copy libGitHubIssues.h from /usr/include/libGitHubIssues/ to your development machine's theos/include directory.
  4. Add -lGitHubIssues to your project makefile's LDFLAGS field
  5. Add a dependancy upon com.matchstic.libgithubissues to your project's control file.


#import <libGitHubIssues.h>


GIRootViewController *rootModal = [[GIRootViewController alloc] init];

[GIRootViewController registerClientID:@"<client_id>" andSecret:@"<client_secret>"];
[GIRootViewController registerCurrentRepositoryName:@"<repo_name>" andOwner:@"<repo_owner>"];

[self presentViewController:rootModal animated:YES completion:nil];


To work on this project, clone or fork it:

$ git clone

update CocoaPods:

$ pod update

and open libGitHubIssues.xcworkspace.

To build the libGitHubIssues-(Jailbreak) target you will need iOSOpenDev.


Released under the BSD 2-Clause license.