Hi 👋 My name is Marina. I`m a C++ developer.
🌱 I have been programming in C++ since 2020.
I work for a high-tech company. My dream is to develop self-driving cars. I am interested in the Sensor Fusion specialization. I am currently studying at the UDACITY Self-Driving Car Engineer program.
⚡ About me:
I like programming. I like math, logic tasks. I know algorithms and data structures, OOP, multithreading, unit testing, network protocols (TCP/IP, HTTP, websocket).
I choose the C++ language because of its complexity and almost limitless possibilities of application.
My stack: C++17, C, Qt, Boost, SQL, Visual Studio Code, Git, CMake, PostgreSQL, pgAdmin, DBeaver, Protobuf.
I like to read, especially autobiographies.
📫 How to reach me: [email protected]