Reporev is a GitHub repository review app built wit Ruby on Rails and React. This was created because GitHub does not allow users to review a repository. Reviews may be voted on by many users. Users can also leave comments under reviews.
git clone
rake db:create
rake db:migrate
rails s
- Users may search for an existing GitHub repository
- Each user can add 1 review per repository
- A review consist of a body and a rating from 1-5
- Users can vote on each review
- Users can add multiple comments to each review
- Users can see a profile page for each user
- Each profile page shows a users Name, their followers, who they are following, a bio, and an avatar picture
- User Functionality made with Devise
- User information imported from GitHub using Omni Auth
- Model testing with Rspec
- Feature testing with enzyme
- Styling framework with foundation and CSS
- Deployment on Heroku