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This is a small web system to create reminders. The back end is a Spring Boot Java API REST, and the front end was made with HTML, CSS and JavaScript using the JQuery library.


I tried to create docker containers to be easier to execute, but it didn't work out : (

If you want to check, it was supposed to work like this (the api was not connecting to the database service properly):

  cd ~/remindme
  chmod +x

Initial Setup

Since I couldn't make the docker container work, to execute the project, your system should have the JDK17 installed. You can install it on a linux system using the command:

  sudo apt install openjdk-17-jre-headless
  java --version

You also have to create the databases and start the mysql service. There are two databases you should create ("remindme" and "remindme_test"). To install the mysql on your system:

    sudo apt install mysql-server

It is necessary to configure the mysql root with the password "I98b7z5$" or you can use the second command I am going to present on the following part.

To start the api you can type:

    cd ~/remindme/container/api
    java -jar api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar


    cd ~/remindme/container/api
    java -DDATASOURCE_URL=jdbc:mysql:https://localhost:3306/remindme -DDATASOURCE_USERNAME={YOUR_USER} -DDATASOURCE_PASSWORD={YOUR_PASSWORD} -jar api-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Once you have started the api, you can access the front opening the HTML file on the browser: /remindme/container/index.html


It is possible to access the API documentation using the url: https://localhost:8080/swagger-ui/index.html/

This Swagger documentation allows you to test the endpoints and see the schemas being used.

There is also a json file on the repository that you can import to insomnia to check all the endpoints.

Project Details

  • The API was created using the Spring Boot Framework because it is simple and allows to integrate easily with other technologies. I used it alongside Maven that was managing the dependencies.

  • I created one unit test responsible to check if the post method returns 400 http code if invalid data is sent. I used the JUnit dependency to create it.

  • One import topic I tried to follow was the SOLID principles. They are very important, and allows our code to be easier to maintain and also prevents bugs from happening.

  • Some Desing Patterns were used in the project:

    • Data transfer object (DTO)
    • Repository pattern
    • Service pattern