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ajzeigert edited this page Oct 8, 2016 · 5 revisions

Welcome to the bend_buildings wiki!

Discussion items for Oct. 6 meeting:

Why put buildings into OSM?

Improves the map, adding additional features. Addresses and building heights will make the Bend map more useful for routing and geocoding and visualization.

Why isn't it just File > Import?

The OSM community is a little wary of "bulk imports," because they can introduce sloppy or incorrect data. To reduce that, the community expects bulk importers to follow a rather strict set of guidelines. This includes documenting your data sources and process, getting "buy in" from the community, and most especially not duplicating or squashing data that was entered by a mapper with local knowledge. Local knowledge is the gold standard of OSM data.

What are our goals?

  • Add 2004 building footprints? Yes
    • If city acquires new data, we'll plan another import. City currently has no project scheduled, just ideas.
  • Addresses? Yes
    • Use county taxlot data and assessor records to assign address data to buildings.
    • Because only primary structure should actually have address, how do we reconcile taxlots with multiple structures?
      • Definitely include all buildings that have a 1:1 relationship with a taxlot.
      • Possibly include buildings with a Many:1 relationship with a taxlot, but include FIXME:address_needs_verified tag, to be dealt with during import mapathon.
  • Building heights? Maybe
    • Andy is doing some geomancing to derive building heights from lidar data. Once this is done, we'll need to do some ground-truthing samples to develop a confidence interval for the derivation process. If we're satisfied with our confidence level, we'll include the attribute in the import.
    • Additionally, it's possible that the county has data on number of floors for each taxlot, which could be used to derive rough building heights. Andy is going to investigate this and see how it could be done.
  • POI info? Maybe
    • Check Deschutes County data and see if there is a POI layer we can join with buildings.
  • License? TBD
    • Andy is going to figure out exactly what the OSM community expects from a release letter from the city, and I'll contact them when I get it.
  • Task management Yes
    • Once we have a final OSM XML file prepped, we'll need to break up the changeset into discrete chunks that can be verified by us during a mapathon, probably using the HOTOSM task manager.