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SoilR: Models of Soil Organic Matter Decomposition

This is the development version of SoilR. It is a rapidly evolving version that may be less stable than the official stable version in CRAN.


  • The latest build of the package documentation can be found here:.
  • To find examples you can also look at the workflows.


There are several options.

  1. To install the latest bleeding edge commit without cloning the repository, you can use the devtoolspackage. If it is not installed yet type:

After installing devtools, you only need to run

  1. Download package file (this might be slightly older) go to the package_builds directory and download the latest SoilR_*.tar.gz file and install it with

If you do not want to or cannot use devtools you can install the dependencies by copying the contents of the script install_dependencies.R

  1. Clone the repository Source possibly change files and install the package either
  • directly with devtools
  • or after building it with
    R CMD build path/to/SoilR/pkg

Source code and contributing

  1. You can download the source code of SoilR by cloning this repository
git clone
  1. If you are already contributing and want to update a vignette or correct a typo in the documentation look at the tools for package maintenance.

  2. If you want to contribute new functions or repair bugs, create a pull request.


To learn more about SoilR check the references below, and consult the workflows

  • Sierra, C. A., Müller, M., & Trumbore, S. E. (2014). Modeling radiocarbon dynamics in soils: SoilR version 1.1. Geoscientific Model Development, 7(5), 1919–1931. doi:10.5194/gmd-7-1919-2014
  • Sierra, C. A., Müller, M., & Trumbore, S. E. (2012). Models of soil organic matter decomposition: the SoilR package, version 1.0. Geosci. Model Dev., 5(4), 1045–1060. doi:10.5194/gmd-5-1045-2012