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The code repository for the CURLoRA research paper. Stable LLM continual fine-tuning and catastrophic forgetting mitigation.


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CURLoRA: Stable LLM Continual Fine-Tuning and Catastrophic Forgetting Mitigation


Research Preprint DOI:DOI


This repo contains the code for the CURLoRA research paper, a novel approach to fine-tuning large language models (LLMs) that leverages CUR matrix decomposition in the context of Low-Rank Adaptation (LoRA). Our method addresses two critical challenges in LLM fine-tuning: mitigating catastrophic forgetting during continual learning and reducing the number of trainable parameters. We propose a unique modification to the CUR decomposition process to enable a more efficient and stable way to adapt LLMs to new tasks without compromising any existing knowledge. We demonstrate through experiments on multiple datasets that CURLoRA outperforms standard LoRA in mitigating catastrophic forgetting. It maintains model stability and performance across tasks while significantly reducing the number of trainable parameters. Our results show that CURLoRA achieves superior accuracy and perplexity scores compared to LoRA, particularly in scenarios with limited data.


  • CURLoRA.pdf: The research paper detailing the CURLoRA approach.
  • code/: Directory containing the implementation of CURLoRA.

Quick Start

First we install the requirements

pip3 install -r code/requirements.txt

All CURLoRA helper functions and classes are defined in code/ and code/ So we only need to import the modules, load the model normally and apply CURLoRA on the layers we like.

Load the model

from utils import *

model_name = "mistralai/Mistral-7B-v0.3"
model, tokenizer, lm_head = load_model_and_tokenizer(model_name, type = "curlora")

Now you have the model with the CURLoRA layers applied to Attention layers (Key, Value and Query) which you can use for either fine-tuning or inference normally.

Please Note:

  1. Some variables and values are hardcoded either in code/ or code/ like the layers to apply to, rank, alpha, device etc.
  2. Ongoing work (contributions are welcome) on supporting quantization (QCURLoRA) i.e. so far you load the whole model not quantized.
  3. Ongoing work (contributions are welcome) to enable instruction fine-tuning with Trainer and/or SFTTrainer
  4. In code/ directory there are notebooks to run the research paper experiments


This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the LICENSE file for details.


If you find CURLoRA research or code helpful, please consider citing them.

Code Citation

  1. Bibtext
  author       = {Fawi, Muhammad},
  title        = {{CURLoRA: Leveraging CUR Matrix Decomposition for 
                   Stable LLM Continual Fine-Tuning and Catastrophic
                   Forgetting Mitigation}},
  month        = jul,
  year         = 2024,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  version      = {v2.0.0},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.12729738},
  url          = {}
  1. APA
Fawi, M. (2024). CURLoRA: Leveraging CUR Matrix Decomposition for Stable LLM Continual Fine-Tuning and Catastrophic Forgetting Mitigation (v2.0.0) [Computer software]. Zenodo.

Research Paper Citation

  1. Bibtext
  author       = {Fawi, Muhammad},
  title        = {{CURLoRA: Leveraging CUR Matrix Decomposition for 
                   Stable LLM Continual Fine-Tuning and Catastrophic
                   Forgetting Mitigation}},
  month        = jul,
  year         = 2024,
  publisher    = {Zenodo},
  doi          = {10.5281/zenodo.12730055},
  url          = {}
  1. APA
Fawi, M. (2024). CURLoRA: Leveraging CUR Matrix Decomposition for Stable LLM Continual Fine-Tuning and Catastrophic Forgetting Mitigation. Zenodo.

Contribution and ideas will be much appreciated