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API for Ġabra

Ġabra is an open lexicon for Maltese.

This repository contains the source code for the Ġabra API at http:


Web app

  • You need Node.js. After cloning the repo run npm install to install Node packages locally.
  • You will need a file server-config.js containing the relevant details for your host. Start by copying server-config.sample.js.



Use PM2: pm2 start processes.json or just run the file

You must set the environment variable NODE_ENV to production if relevant.


The tests use:

  1. mocha framework (describe, it, etc.)
  2. supertest for high-level HTTP testing (request etc.)
  3. should.js assertion library (x.should.equal(y) etc.)

Run all tests with npm test. Run an individual testsuite with npx mocha --exit test/schema.js or use the --grep flag. To stop on first failure, use --bail

Using test data

  1. Set DB URL in server-config.js to ...gabra-test (or something else)

node scripts/node/populate.js test/data/*.json node scripts/node/resolve-lexeme-ids.js node scripts/node/create-indexes.js (cd scripts/node && ./run.js update-glosses-collection.js)

## Repository

- `master` branch is used for development.
- `production` branch is kept in sync with live version on MLRS.


Pushing to production will trigger a deploy via GitHub actions.

Assuming production can be fast-forwarded:

git push . master:production git push origin production