Suppose you have a structure:
struct MyData {
int a, b, c;
float d, e, f;
bool myBool;
std::string str;
And it's instance:
MyData data;
You can set values in it:
data.a = 1;
data.b = 2;
data.myBool = true;
str = "Hello!";
With Lunada, you can easily serialize this structure and save it to a file:
Lunada::SerializeStruct<MyData>(data, "data_serialized.lunada");
After that, you can also easily read this structure from the file back:
MyData dataFromFile;
Lunada::DeserializeStruct<MyData>(dataFromFile, "data_serialized.lunada");
Note: Do not use data types with dynamic size in your struct, such as std::vector, std::unordered_map etc. since Lunada will not save them, and the rest of the data will be saved with errors. To save such types of data, refer to the methods below:
You can serialize std::vector< T > in the file. T - can be any fixed size data type or a structure that meets the requirements written earlier:
std::vector<MyData> myVector = {...};
Lunada::SerializeVector<MyData>(myVector, "serialized_vector.lunada");
std::vector<MyData> myVectorDeserialized;
Lunada::DeserializeVector<MyData>(myVector, "serialized_vector.lunada");
std::vector<int> myVector = {1, 2, 3...};
Lunada::SerializeVector<MyData>(myVector, "serialized_vector.lunada");
std::vector<int> myVectorDeserialized;
Lunada::DeserializeVector<MyData>(myVector, "serialized_vector.lunada");
There is also a similar method for std::unordered_map:
std::unordered_map<std::string, MyData> myMap;
myMap["first"] = {...};
myMap["second"] = {...};
Lunada::SerializeUnorderedMap<std::string, MyData>(myMap, "serialized_map.lunada");
std::unordered_map<std::string, MyData> myMapDeserialized;
Lunada::DeserializeUnorderedMap<std::string, MyData>(myMap, "serialized_map.lunada");
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> myMap;
myMap["first"] = 1;
myMap["second"] = 2;
Lunada::SerializeUnorderedMap<std::string, int>(myMap, "serialized_map.lunada");
std::unordered_map<std::string, int> myMapDeserialized;
Lunada::DeserializeUnorderedMap<std::string, int>(myMap, "serialized_map.lunada");