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(Industrial Project) Flask microservice / computer vision repository for analysing traffic footage.


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MEng-Team-Project-ML contains the microservice which performs analysis of recorded and live video streams to extract information relating to the identity, count and travelled route of motor vehicles, bikes and people. This repo also contains notebooks with analysis of real data extracted using real-world datasets. The main real-world testing dataset used throughout this repository are the TFL JamCam videos which are almost real-time videos provided by Transport for London (TfL) across 100s of locations across london. They are useful for this project as they cover many different types of locations which helps validate the robustness of our proposed solution. This repository is provided as an installable python module as many command-line utilities are provided, most important of which is the microservice which the accompanying frontend and backend rely on. Refer to the Web repository for more information.

Quick Start Guide

Install the Python Package

You can install this python package from a local clone of the git repo by doing the following:

# Clone and install this repository
git clone
python -m pip install -e MEng-Team-Project-ML/

# Get yolov8_tracking and yolov8 tensorrt submodule(s)
git submodule init
git submodule update

# Get yolov8 submodule for yolov8_tracking
cd yolov8_tracking
git submodule init
git submodule update

Run the Microservice

To run the microservice, run the following code:

python -m traffic_ml.bin.microservice --analysis_dir "PATH_TO/MEng-Team-Project-Web/server/analysis"


Use the following code to verify the unit tests for the utility functions passes:

python -m traffic_ml.bin.run_tests

Source File Formats

  • Accepts .mp4 source files. This is enforced during video stream upload by only accepting .mp4 files and live streams should be converted using either ffmpeg dynamically, or when yolov8 outputs a video it also needs ffmpeg to convert it to a lower bit-rate .mp4.
  • Also accepts .m3u8 playlist files or .ts HLS livestream video segment files for analysing realtime IP video streams.

Annotate a Video

Video annotation assumes ground truth annotations are Darwin 2.0 format from V7 and implicitly converts it into our format. The predicted annotations are assumed to be in our own internal format. To render a video with annotations overlaid, run the following:

python -m traffic_ml.bin.annotate_vid \
--source "PATH/TO/VID.mp4" \
--gt_annot "PATH/TO/ANNOTATION.json" \
--pred_annot "PATH/TO/ANNOTATION.db" \
--save_dir "./OUT_DIR/"


This section refers to automatically finding an ML pipeline which performs best for a given set of conditions. In practice, all provided combinations are run and all of the benchmarks, model validation and run time performance statistics, are stored so the best model can be decided.

To run these tests, you first need to create a file called test.json with the following format (only include the fields you want to test, all possible fields are provided for completeness):

   "imgsz": [320, 480, 640], // Input resolution to YOLO model
   "vid_stride": [1, 2, 3, 4, 5], // Detect objects every `n` frames
   "yolo": {
      "batch_size": [1], // No. of frames per inference
      "model": [ // YOLOv8 model size
   "tracker": [ // Algorithm used to track objects after detection

To run the script, use the following command:

python -m traffic_ml.bin.benchmark
--source "/PATH/TO/VID.mp4"
--gt_annot "/PATH/TO/DARWIN_2_0.json"
--save_dir "OUT_PATH/"
--test_path "test.json"


This section contains a detailed explanation for the contents and purpose of each notebook.

1. JSON Attempt.ipynb

Analysis of the initial JSON files produced in the original draft version of our proposed model. Notebook contains code used to determine road routes, code used to calculate counts of object types along routes, etc.

2. SQLite3 Attempt.ipynb

Changed recording of analytics from YOLOv7 and ClassySORT to use SQLite3 as the recorded format. This saved information was extremely raw and ill conceived as it required complex and difficult post-processing to get any kind of useful information from.

3. SQLite3 StrongSORT.ipynb

Switched from YOLOv7 to YOLOv8 and switched object tracking algorithm from SORT to StrongSORT which gigantically improves performance. StrongSORT has a lower IDs (identity switching) rate compared to SORT of 4470 compared to 1066, respectively on MOT20 ref. This means that the SORT algorithm is identifying 4.19x more objects than StrongSORT so it's association between detections and tracking the same object across time is highly unstable.

4. Model Validation.ipynb

Contains a demonstration of how to validate the predictions (pred) of our ML pipeline against ground truth (GT) annotations. GT and pred data converted to MOT16 format and formally evaluated and compared using motmetrics lib.


This section contains each of the HTTP endpoints for the microservice, with an explanation for each endpoint, along with it's expected and optional parameters.

Initialise stream analysis

POST: http:https://localhost:6000/api/init

   Body Parameters: 
   stream - Absolute video stream path
Retrieve existing high-level analytics

POST: http:https://localhost:6000/api/analysis

   Body Parameters: 
   stream  - Stream ID to get data for. 
   raw     - (Optional) Provide the raw detection information in the result 
   start   - (Optional) Start frame 
   end     - (Optional) End frame 
   classes - (Optional) List of COCO class labels to filter detections by 
   trk_fmt - (Optional) Either `first_last` or `entire`. This will either 
             include the first and last anchor points for an object in the 
             route, or it will include the entire route for the requested 
             portion of the video. By default, returns `first_last`
Retrieve existing low-level granular, route related analytics

POST: http:https://localhost:6000/api/routes

   Body Parameters: 
   stream  - Stream ID to get data for. 
   regions - Route region polygon information 
   start   - (Optional) Start frame 
   end     - (Optional) End frame 
   classes - (Optional) List of COCO class labels to filter detections by

TensorRT (YOLOv8 and StrongSORT)


It is essential to export and test TensorRT using Linux. It is possible to run TensorRT on Windows using the .zip package found on the website, by the tensorrt module for Python is not really supported.


1. Export Engine

To export a model, use this command to export the PyTorch .pt model to ONNX format .onnx:

python3 YOLOv8-TensorRT/ \
--weights \
--iou-thres 0.65 \
--conf-thres 0.25 \
--topk 100 \
--opset 11 \
--sim \
--input-shape 32 3 640 640 \
--device cuda:0

Then you need to build a TensorRT engine with static settings which will perform inference later. The execution device also needs to be fixed here (GPU or CPU).

python3 YOLOv8-TensorRT/ \
--weights yolov8l.onnx \
--iou-thres 0.65 \
--conf-thres 0.25 \
--topk 100 \
--fp16  \
--input-shape 32 3 640 640 \
--device cuda:0
2. Inference

To test run inference of the detection model and get timing profiling data, run the following command:

python3 YOLOv8-TensorRT/ \
--engine yolov8l.engine \
--source vid \
--batch-size 32
Profiling (Benchmark Performance)

To profile every single component of the TensorRT engine with an existing model, run the following command:

python3 YOLOv8-TensorRT/ --engine yolov8s.engine --device cuda:0


This export requires version 8.0.20 of the ultralytics module.

pip install ultralytics==8.0.20

And then run the following command:

python3 yolov8_tracking/trackers/ \
--device 0 \
--verbose \
--include engine \
--batch-size 32 \


(Industrial Project) Flask microservice / computer vision repository for analysing traffic footage.







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