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openvpi / DiffSinger
Forked from MoonInTheRiver/DiffSingerAn advanced singing voice synthesis system with high fidelity, expressiveness, controllability and flexibility based on DiffSinger: Singing Voice Synthesis via Shallow Diffusion Mechanism
Unlock vGPU functionality for consumer grade GPUs
Unlock vGPU functionality for consumer grade GPUs.
Cross-platform FUSE library for Go - Works on Windows, macOS, Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD
Get any text on your screen into your clipboard.
A distributed transaction framework, supports workflow, saga, tcc, xa, 2-phase message, outbox patterns, supports many languages.
本系统是集工单统计、任务钩子、权限管理、灵活配置流程与模版等等于一身的开源工单系统,当然也可以称之为工作流引擎。 致力于减少跨部门之间的沟通,自动任务的执行,提升工作效率与工作质量,减少不必要的工作量与人为出错率。
Easy and fast file sharing from the command-line.
The best way to write secure and reliable applications. Write nothing; deploy nowhere.
Qt binding for Go (Golang) with support for Windows / macOS / Linux / FreeBSD / Android / iOS / Sailfish OS / Raspberry Pi / AsteroidOS / Ubuntu Touch / JavaScript / WebAssembly
2017年买房经历总结出来的买房购房知识分享给大家,希望对大家有所帮助。买房不易,且买且珍惜。Sharing the knowledge of buy an own house that according to the experience at hangzhou in 2017 to all the people. It's not easy to buy a own house, so…
Go implementation of the Ethereum protocol
A curated list of awesome Go frameworks, libraries and software
KMS Emulator in C (currently runs on Linux including Android, FreeBSD, Solaris, Minix, Mac OS, iOS, Windows with or without Cygwin)
一个PHP资源列表,内容包括:库、框架、模板、安全、代码分析、日志、第三方库、配置工具、Web 工具、书籍、电子书、经典博文等等