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ReefNet's predictions after each training epoch

Training Metrics are available in this Weights and Biases report.


ReefNet is a RetinaNet implementation written in pure Keras developed to detect Crown-of-Thorns Starfish on the Great Barrier Reef, which pose an existential threat to the Great Barrier Reef due to a population decline of their most common predator. The traditional way of surveying Crown-of-Thorns Starfish is the “Manta Tow” method, where divers are towed along the reef, pausing ever so often to dive down and record how many COTS are visible. With such a large ocean bed, this method is clearly inefficient, unreliable, and costly.

More information about the problem Crown-of-Thorns Starfish pose to the Great Barrier Reef as well as efforts to control their population can be found in our project write up.

ReefNet constists of custom loader, a keras.Model subclass implementation of RetinaNet, train test splitting for the dataset, integration with the keras_cv.COCOMeanAveragePrecision and keras_cv.COCORecall metrics, and a Keras callback to visualize predictions.


To get up in and running, you should run:

python develop

Next, you will need to download the dataset:


To test that you are properly setup, try running:

python entrypoints/

This script should show two images: one with no annotations and one with annotations.


To train, first follow the "Quickstart" section.

After following quickstart, you should be able to run the following:

python entrypoints/ --wandb --artifact_dir=artifacts


Below are the learning curves of Loss, Mean Average Precision (MaP), and Recall.

Full results are available in our project write up

Generating the Training Videos

In order to generate the training videos, you will need to first run a training run with an --artifact_dir specified. This will produce a directory such as artifacts/train/ that will contain a series of images.

Next, you will need to ensure you have ffmpeg installed. ffmpeg is available in every major package manager on every major Unix based distribution.

Following this, you may use the following script to re-generate the shell/ script:

./shell/ {your_artifacts_dir}/train/ {some_video_name}

This will output the video to media/{some_video_name}.mp4 and media/{some_video_name}.gif.

Future Efforts

Currently, the model does not achieve strong performance. The following steps should be taken to improve the model performance:

  • experiment with multiple AnchorBox configurations
  • experiment with transfer learning
  • include image augmentation techniques


If you'd like to contribute, feel free to open a PR improving the cleanliness of the codebase, experimenting with new anchorbox configurations, or including more data augmentation techniques.


Thanks for checking out ReefNet