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Splunk Ant Build Script

What is this?

This is a build script that will take source-code for a Splunk app and make it into a package. It also has other tasks for things like deploying the app to a Splunk install.

Why should I use this build script?

This build script will make developing and deploying Splunk apps easier by:

  • Creating installable Splunk packages (from a directory with the source code)
  • Providing a simple method to deploy the changes to an app to a Splunk instance in seconds; this is useful during development since it will tell the Splunk instance to refresh so that your new content can be tested in real-time
  • Providing mechanisms for deploying Splunk apps to a production box. This allows you to install the app remotely and restart the Splunk install accordingly using a Continuous Deployment system.
  • Improving the performance of apps with Javascript views by minifying the CSS and JS files

Here are some examples:

ant package

This will create a package of the app in the file "network_tools.tar.gz" (the network toolkit is used in this example):

      [tar] Building tar: /var/folders/61/4v1t_czj3m13m1wbhtlytc00r4lc79/T/lmurphey/network_tools.tar
     [gzip] Building: /Users/lmurphey/Downloads/network_tools.tar.gz
   [delete] Deleting directory /var/folders/61/4v1t_czj3m13m1wbhtlytc00r4lc79/T/lmurphey
     [echo] App network_tools build 1487971707 created: /Users/lmurphey/Downloads/network_tools.tar.gz

Total time: 0 seconds


You need the following to use this build script:

  1. Ant: this build script uses Apache Ant and thus you will need to install it (see instructions below for some more information)
  2. Java: Ant runs on Java and thus you will need to have Java installed (their is a good chance you already do)

Here are some optional dependencies:

  1. Git: this build script is based around git (e.g. Github, Gitlab, Atlassian Bitbucket) and will create a build number and date based off the latest git commit. If you don't have git, the script will make assign a build date and a build number based on the current date.

How do I use it?

Install Java and Ant

Install Java if you don't have it installed. There is a good chance you already have it so you may want to check.

Next, install Ant. See http: for details.

Download the build script

Download the file at Place the resulting file in the source-code repository (at the root of the directory).

Create a project

Now, initialize the project but running the following from your source-code directory:

ant -f basebuild.xml

This will run through a short wizard to initialize your project. The script will prompt you for a name for your project. The name should be the folder name of the app (like "website_monitoring"), not the human readable name (which would be something like "Website Monitoring").

Once it is done, it will create a series of files for you.

Run the following command to test the building of your app:


You should see something noting that your app package was created.

Put in your source code, build your app

Now, make or place your source-code for app in the src/ directory. The code in here should correspond to the contents within your app folder. Thus, your source-code directories will eventually have a structure something like this:

  • lib/ (this is where build dependencies will go, they will be downloaded automatically for you)
  • src/ (this is where you app code will go)
    • default/ (where conf files will go)
    • appserver/ (where static web resources go)
    • lookups/ (where lookup files go)
  • basebuild.xml (contains the main targets you need for building your app that will be used by build.xml)
  • build.xml (the main build script; place overrides of the build script in this file)
  • (where properties go that need to be included in the source-code repository)
  • (where properties go that should not be included in the source-code repository)

What else can I do?

Now that you have your script setup, let's consider some other things you can do with it.

To use these targets, you should define the home directory of your Splunk install.

To set this up, edit and define splunk_home. Something like this:


This will allow the build script to control Splunk via the CLI.

Alternatively, you can have the build script control your Splunk install by accessing it over splunkd's REST endpoints. By default, the build script will assume your Splunk install is running locally (IP address of You can customize this to have the build script control a non-local instance like such:



Copy your source-code to a running Splunk install

The build script can copy your app files to a running Splunk install. It will also bump SplunkWeb so that edited Javascript files, stylesheets, and html files will show up instantly.

Then, run "deploy" to copy your appto your Splunk install:

ant deploy

Control Splunk (start, restart, etc.)

You can use the build script to control your running Splunk install. For example, you can have the build restart your Splunk install by running:

ant splunk.restart

Here are some other related targets:

  • splunk.stop
  • splunk.start
  • splunk.restart
  • splunk.restart_web (restarts just SplunkWeb)
  • splunk.install (this builds your Splun app and installs your app into Splunk)
  • splunk.deploy_and_refresh (copies your files to your Splunk install and refreshes several conf files so that the changes show up instantly)
  • splunk.deploy_and_restart

There are also targets specific to whether you want to do the operation using Splunk CLI tools or whether you would prefer the build script to use the REST APIs. The build script automatically pick which ones to use based on your configuration but you can manually run the target to force the use of the API or CLI.

Here are the ones that are use the APIs specifically:

  • splunk.install_api
  • splunk.restart_api

Here are the ones that use the CLI specifically:

  • splunk.install_cli
  • splunk.restart_cli


An Ant build script for packaging and deploying Splunk apps








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