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Tags: LudovicRousseau/liquidprompt



Toggle v2.0.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Rycieos Mark Vander Stel
Version 2.0.2

- git: Git worktrees not being detected (liquidprompt#658)

Thanks to:
* Andrei Matei (@andreimatei) for reporting Git worktree issue.


Toggle v2.0.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Rycieos Mark Vander Stel
Version 2.0.1

- docs: Example for `lp_terminal_format()` (liquidprompt#657, 954bace)
- tests: Tests for tools/ and
  tools/ (e121179)

- general: Unset errors in liquidprompt and theme-preview on
  Bash-3.2 (liquidprompt#656, e121179)
- general: Unset errors in liquidprompt in Zsh when no terminal
  attached (dc11eb4)
- general: Unset errors in liquidprompt on Windows (461f0ee)
- color: Background of path always black, ignoring terminal background
  setting (liquidprompt#657, 58693b0)
- tools: Make work in Zsh (e121179)

- color: `LP_COLOR_PATH` changed to `$NO_COL`, to follow terminal
  default foreground (58693b0)
  from light grey to grey, to be neutral on both light and dark
  backgrounds (58693b0)
  from bold white to `$BOLD`, to follow terminal default
  foreground (58693b0)

Thanks to:
* Ludovic Rousseau (@LudovicRousseau) for reporting unset crash on
  Bash-3.2, and reporting path color issue on light background


Toggle v2.0.0's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Rycieos Mark Vander Stel
Version 2.0.0

See the v2.0.0 release notes
for an overview of the improvements and features in this major version.


Note: these breaking changes are the only reason that this version is so
much faster. They are also on private functions and variables, which end
users were not supposed to use. If you were using them, see the upgrade
( for

- general: `$_LP_SHELL_bash` and `$_LP_SHELL_zsh` contain `1` or `0`
  instead of `true` or `false` (f681cdf)
- general: `_lp_color_map()` return changed from stdout to
  `$ret` (e843ccf)
- general: `_lp_escape()` renamed to `__lp_escape()` and return changed
  from stdout to `$ret` (f3404f9)
- general: `_lp_set_prompt()` renamed to
  `__lp_set_prompt()` (decaece)
- general: `_lp_source_config()` renamed to
  `__lp_source_config()` (decaece)
- battery: `_lp_battery()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_battery` (3f57231)
- battery: `_lp_battery_color()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_battery_color` (3f57231)
- env: `$lp_err` renamed to `$lp_error` (63b9f73)
- env: `_lp_connection()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_connection` (edc490f)
- git: `_lp_git_head_status()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_vcs_head_status` (7c21470)
- jobs: `_lp_jobcount_color()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_jobcount_color` (73f2057)
- load: `_lp_load_color()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_load_color` (8a987f4)
- path: `_lp_get_home_tilde_collapsed()` renamed to `__lp_pwd_tilde()`
  and return changed from stdout to `$lp_pwd_tilde` (28c13f2)
- path: `_lp_set_dirtrim()` renamed to `__lp_set_dirtrim()` (decaece)
- path: `_lp_shorten_path()` replaced by
  `_lp_path_format()` (decaece, a35032f, ae769dc)
- runtime: `_lp_runtime()` renamed to `_lp_runtime_color()` and return
  changed from stdout to `$lp_runtime_color` (0f0fd37)
- runtime: `_lp_runtime_after()` renamed to
  `__lp_runtime_after()` (decaece)
- runtime: `_lp_runtime_before()` renamed to
  `__lp_runtime_before()` (decaece)
- temperature: `_lp_temp_acpi()` renamed to `__lp_temp_acpi()` and
  return changed from `$temperature` to `$lp_temperature` (69c75a3)
- temperature: `_lp_temp_detect()` renamed to
  `__lp_temp_detect()` (69c75a3)
- temperature: `_lp_temp_sensors()` renamed to `__lp_temp_sensors()` and
  return changed from `$temperature` to `$lp_temperature` (69c75a3)
- temperature: `_lp_temperature()` changed to data function, replaced by
  `_lp_temperature_color()` and return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_temperature_color` (69c75a3)
- time: `_lp_time()` split into `_lp_time()`, `_lp_time_color()`,
  `_lp_analog_time()`, and `_lp_analog_time_color()` (8cb609d)
- vcs: `_lp_<vcs>_branch()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_vcs_branch` (f3404f9)
- vcs: `_lp_<vcs>_branch_color()` functions removed, replaced by
  `_lp_vcs_details_color()` (cafb8b2, bf2b9c6, 1a9fcd0, 4fff496,
- vcs: `_lp_smart_mark()` return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_smart_mark` (9c6d073)
- vcs: `_lp_upwards_find()` removed, replaced by
  `_lp_find_vcs()` (f434b6d)

See the full for details on deprecated, added, fixed,
changed, and removed changes.

Thanks to:

* Dimitrie Hoekstra (@dimitrieh) for requesting VCS root highlighting in
* Felix Schlitter (@felixSchl) for requesting VCS root highlighting in
* Fabien MARTY (@thefab) for reporting `sensors verbose error messages.
* Alessio Garzi (@Ozzyboshi) for reporting `sensors verbose error
* Mathieu MD (@mathieumd) for reporting `sensors verbose error messages.
* Mike Simonson (@mikeSimonson) for reporting `sensors verbose error
* Romano Giannetti (@Rmano) for reporting `sensors verbose error
* Paulo Cazarotto (@phcco) for reporting `sensors verbose error
* Jürgen Weigert (@jnweiger) for reporting `sensors verbose error
* Sven-Hendrik Haase (@svenstaro) for reporting `sensors verbose error
* Paul Lhussiez (@Depado) for reporting lacking documentation around
  path shortening to last directory.
* Cyril Bouthors (@cyril-bouthors) for reporting `set -u` issues.
* Christoph Burschka (@cburschka) for requesting a method to always
  display a matching Git tag.
* Iain Hallam (@iainhallam) for requesting 256 color support.
* @dreamcat4 for requesting Powerline support.
* Munif Tanjim (@MunifTanjim) for requesting and implementing an
  alternate VCS display theme.
* @ilovezfs for suggesting more detailed Git head statuses.
* Aleksey Tsalolikhin (@atsaloli) for suggesting an `LP_ENABLE_ERROR`
  config option.
* Micah Silverman (@dogeared) for reporting multipler lookup slowness.
* Rohan Kapadia (@kapad) for reporting terminal title issues on MacOS.
* Étienne Deparis (@milouse) for implementing Mercurial bookmark
* Jan Gorecki (@jangorecki) for requesting hot swappable themes.
* Otto Kekäläinen (@ottok) for requesting terminal title improvements.
* Hynek Vychodil (@pichi) for describing CPU load average issues.
* Tore Anderson (@toreanderson) for describing CPU load average issues
  and suggesting fixes.
* Sandro Jäckel (@SuperSandro2000) for updating the default template
* David Pape (@zyzzyxdonta) for implementing the dirstack feature.
* Aksel Sjögren (@akselsjogren) for fixing config variable usage in
  Powerline theme.
* Raina Otoni (@rotoni) for fixing an IFS bug.
* Viorel-Cosmin Miron (@uhlhosting) for reporting Zsh special variable
* Brad Beyenhof (@augmentedfourth) for consulting on packaging issues
  and adding documentation on machine specific configuration.
* Arturo Borrero Gonzalez (@aborrero) for consulting on packaging
* John Hamelink (@johnhamelink) for adding install instructions for
* Ned Batchelder (@nedbat) for reporting Zsh completion and VCS binary
  files issues.
* Gary Wolfman (@OldCrow) for reporting Zsh-5.0.X issues.
* @Orgams for requesting _lp_vcs_staged_files() / lines().
* @YouthfulIndiscretion for reporting issues with `LP_MARK_PREFIX`
* Imran Munshi (@imran27) for reporting issues with `LP_MARK_PREFIX`


Toggle v2.0.0-rc.1's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Rycieos Mark Vander Stel
Version 2.0.0 Release Candidate 1

This is marked as a release candidate as there will be no features or
changes added before the full release. This should be mostly stable, as
we have squashed quite a few bugs already.

Changes since v2.0.0-beta.2:

- path: `_lp_shorten_path()` replaced by `_lp_path_format()` (decaece,
  a35032f, ae769dc)

- path: `LP_PATH_DEFAULT` is replaced by `LP_PATH_METHOD` (ae769dc)

- general: Manual pages built from documentation (liquidprompt#637, 13e128b)
- git: `_lp_git_staged_files()` data function (liquidprompt#644, 9038ec8)
- git: `_lp_git_staged_lines()` data function (liquidprompt#644, 9038ec8)
- git: Caching for diff data functions that share targets (`files()` +
  `lines()`) (8bf1772)
- hostname: `__lp_hostname_hash()` internal function (8f730c8)
- load: `LP_LOAD_CAP` config option (liquidprompt#650, liquidprompt#530, e058b61)
- path: `LP_COLOR_PATH_LAST_DIR` config option (ae769dc)
- path: `LP_COLOR_PATH_SEPARATOR` config option (ae769dc)
- path: `LP_COLOR_PATH_SHORTENED` config option (ae769dc)
- path: `LP_COLOR_PATH_VCS_ROOT` config option (ae769dc)
- path: `LP_PATH_CHARACTER_KEEP` config option (ae769dc)
- path: `LP_PATH_METHOD` config option (ae769dc)
- path: `LP_PATH_VCS_ROOT` config option (ae769dc)
- path: `_lp_path_format()` data function (liquidprompt#648, liquidprompt#349, liquidprompt#149, ae769dc)
- path: `__lp_end_path_left_shortening()` internal function (ae769dc)
- path: `__lp_get_unique_directory()` internal function (ae769dc)
- terminal: `_lp_terminal_device()` data function (5076dbe)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_battery()`/`acpi` (cef9cb1)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_battery()`/`pmset` (c0e74b8, 9e205f5, 37db052)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_connection()`/`who`+`ps` (23eb3f2, 37db052,
- tests: Tests for `__lp_cpu_count()`/`ncpu` (37db052)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_cpu_load()`/`sysctl` (37db052)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_detached_sessions()`/`screen`+`tmux` (23eb3f2,
  37db052, cef9cb1)
- tests: Tests for `__lp_hostname_hash()` internal function (8f730c8,
- tests: Tests for `__lp_temp_sensors()`/`sensors` (23eb3f2, cef9cb1)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_terminal_device()` data function (5076dbe,
  37db052, cef9cb1)
- tests: Github Actions documentation linting (liquidprompt#649, 30f977b)
- theme: `_lp_default_theme_prompt()` theme function (40c4331, 45f8091,
- theme: `_lp_default_theme_prompt_data()` theme function (acb5430)
- theme: `_lp_default_theme_prompt_template()` theme function (acb5430)
- theme: `alternate_vcs`, the default theme with modified VCS display
  (liquidprompt#635, liquidprompt#524, 2d659f0)
- tools: `` script to generate test data
  (b699dea, 9a00ead, 4b7fd88)

- acpi: Temperature check printed each temp twice, slowing down check
- acpi: Temperature check used extended sed syntax without declaring
  extended language (eb30942)
- load: Display actual load average instead of normalized (liquidprompt#650, liquidprompt#530,
- load: `LP_LOAD_THRESHOLD` accepts floats of actual load average
  instead of integer centiload (liquidprompt#650, liquidprompt#530, e058b61)
- load: Default color scale cap from 1.0 to 2.0 (liquidprompt#650, liquidprompt#530, 5069c22)
- path: `LP_COLOR_PATH` default changed from `$BOLD` to
  `lp_terminal_format 255 0 0 0 7` (no longer bold) (ae769dc)
- vcs: Prompt provides no indication of changes for binary files (liquidprompt#647,
- zsh: Add check for Zsh >= 5.0, the versions now officially supported
- zsh: `local`/`typeset` errors on Zsh-5.0.X (liquidprompt#642,  7c4958b, 0f98dbb,
- zsh: Rename local variables that used Zsh protected names (liquidprompt#634,
- zsh: Activating would clobber completion options (liquidprompt#641, 762018c)

- tests: `` file, unit tests integrated into `acpi` tests above

Thanks to:
* Dimitrie Hoekstra (@dimitrieh) for requesting VCS root highlighting in
* Felix Schlitter (@felixSchl) for requesting VCS root highlighting in
* Munif Tanjim (@MunifTanjim) for requesting and implementing an
  alternate VCS display theme.
* Hynek Vychodil (@pichi) for describing CPU load average issues.
* Tore Anderson (@toreanderson) for describing CPU load average issues
  and suggesting fixes.
* Viorel-Cosmin Miron (@uhlhosting) for reporting Zsh special variable
* Brad Beyenhof (@augmentedfourth) for consulting on packaging issues.
* Arturo Borrero Gonzalez (@aborrero) for consulting on packaging
* Ned Batchelder (@nedbat) for reporting Zsh completion and VCS binary
  files issues.
* Gary Wolfman (@OldCrow) for reporting Zsh-5.0.X issues.


Toggle v2.0.0-beta.2's commit message


This tag was signed with the committer’s verified signature.
Rycieos Mark Vander Stel
Version 2.0.0 Beta 2

This is a beta version because there are still features and fixes
planned for v2.0.0. This version should be as stable as v1.12.

There are mostly bug fixes of bugs in v2.0.0-beta.1.
There is one new data source.

- cpu: Internal function `__lp_cpu_count()` to count CPU cores (e5047c0)
- dirstack: Directory stack data source (liquidprompt#625, f35d9ac)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_battery()`/`pmset` (c0e74b8, 9e205f5)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_connection()`/`who`+`ps` (23eb3f2)
- tests: Tests for `_lp_detached_sessions()`/`screen`+`tmux` (23eb3f2)
- tests: Tests for `__lp_temp_sensors()`/`sensors` (23eb3f2)
- tools: An external tool tester (b699dea, 9a00ead)

- tests: Make test suite not exit on first failing test (44e3a6f)
- tests: Make test suite use `set -u` (1fe1559)

- battery/MacOS: Non-quoted `$IFS` set command (liquidprompt#638, 4ebc26e)
- docs: Typos and confusing wording (3c0846a, 298693e)
- sensors: Redirect sensors error output to `/dev/null` (liquidprompt#445, 4a52696)
- theme: Non-usage of `$POWERLINE_PYTHON_ENV_MARKER` (liquidprompt#636, e908ec8)
- zsh: Zsh special variables (liquidprompt#634, 6f1dbcf)

- tests: `pmset-simulator` file, now integrated into `pmset` tests
  above (c0e74b8)


Toggle v2.0.0-beta.1's commit message


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.
Version 2.0.0 beta 1

This is a beta version because there are still features and fixes planned for
v2.0.0. This version should be as stable as v1.12.

The biggest features are general increased speed, the theme engine, and the new
documentation. See the release notes
for the most important changes.

If you are referencing `$lp_err`, setting `$LP_DISABLED_VCS_PATH`, or calling
`_lp_title()`, see the upgrade notes for help with upgrading.


Note: these breaking changes are the only reason that this version is so much
faster. They are also on private functions and variables, which the end user
was not supposed to use. If you were using them, see the upgrade notes for help.

- general: `$_LP_SHELL_bash` and `$_LP_SHELL_zsh` contain `1` or `0` instead of `true`
  or `false` (f681cdf)
- general: `_lp_color_map()` return changed from stdout to `$ret` (e843ccf)
- general: `_lp_escape()` renamed to `__lp_escape()` and return changed from stdout to
  `$ret` (f3404f9)
- general: `_lp_set_prompt()` renamed to `__lp_set_prompt()` (decaece)
- general: `_lp_source_config()` renamed to `__lp_source_config()` (decaece)
- battery: `_lp_battery()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_battery` (3f57231)
- battery: `_lp_battery_color()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_battery_color` (3f57231)
- env: `$lp_err` renamed to `$lp_error` (63b9f73)
- env: `_lp_connection()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_connection` (edc490f)
- git: `_lp_git_head_status()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_vcs_head_status` (7c21470)
- jobs: `_lp_jobcount_color()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_jobcount_color` (73f2057)
- load: `_lp_load_color()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_load_color` (8a987f4)
- path: `_lp_get_home_tilde_collapsed()` renamed to `__lp_pwd_tilde()` and return changed from
  stdout to `$lp_pwd_tilde` (28c13f2)
- path: `_lp_set_dirtrim()` renamed to `__lp_set_dirtrim()` (decaece)
- path: `_lp_shorten_path()` renamed to `__lp_shorten_path()` and return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_shorten_path` without formatting (decaece, a35032f)
- runtime: `_lp_runtime()` renamed to `_lp_runtime_color()` and return changed from stdout to
  `$lp_runtime_color` (0f0fd37)
- runtime: `_lp_runtime_after()` renamed to `__lp_runtime_after()` (decaece)
- runtime: `_lp_runtime_before()` renamed to `__lp_runtime_before()` (decaece)
- temperature: `_lp_temp_acpi()` renamed to `__lp_temp_acpi()` and return chagned from
  `$temperature` to `$lp_temperature` (69c75a3)
- temperature: `_lp_temp_detect()` renamed to `__lp_temp_detect()` (69c75a3)
- temperature: `_lp_temp_sensors()` renamed to `__lp_temp_sensors()` and return chagned from
  `$temperature` to `$lp_temperature` (69c75a3)
- temperature: `_lp_temperature()` changed to data function, replaced by
  `_lp_temperature_color()` and return changed from stdout to `$lp_temperature_color` (69c75a3)
- time: `_lp_time()` split into `_lp_time()`, `_lp_time_color()`, `_lp_analog_time()`, and
  `_lp_analog_time_color()` (8cb609d)
- vcs: `_lp_<vcs>_branch()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_vcs_branch` (f3404f9)
- vcs: `_lp_<vcs>_branch_color()` functions removed, replaced by
  `_lp_vcs_details_color()` (cafb8b2, bf2b9c6, 1a9fcd0, 4fff496, b523025)
- vcs: `_lp_smart_mark()` return changed from stdout to `$lp_smart_mark` (9c6d073)
- vcs: `_lp_upwards_find()` removed, replaced by `_lp_find_vcs()` (f434b6d)

- title: `_lp_title()` is replaced by `_lp_formatted_title()` (46df995, 9604203, liquidprompt#581)
- utils: `_lp_bool()` is replaced by manually storing return codes (82ee823).
- utils: `_lp_sb()` is replaced by data functions indicating if they
  returned data or not (82ee823).
- utils: `_lp_sl()` is replaced by data functions indicating if they
  returned data or not (82ee823).
- utils: `_lp_sr()` is replaced by data functions indicating if they
  returned data or not (82ee823).
- vcs: `$LP_DISABLED_VCS_PATH` variable is replaced by a
  `$LP_DISABLED_VCS_PATHS` array variable. A warning will be displayed at
  startup if your config still uses the old variable, but a compatibility shim
  is active. See the upgrade notes for help (cad6286)

- general: Sphinx documentation (0d420d2, c7b5003, b523025, f9fd12e)
- general: Command line flag `--no-activate` to skip auto shell activation when sourcing
  liquidprompt (e122d21)
- general: `lp_activate()` function to reload config without needing to re-source
  liquidprompt (e1f8bd5, 22dd760)
- general: `` script to generate standard prompt previews (0b94b74)
- bzr: `_lp_bzr_active()` data function (b523025)
- bzr: `_lp_bzr_commit_id()` data function (b523025)
- bzr: `_lp_bzr_stash_count()` data function (b523025)
- bzr: `_lp_bzr_tag()` data function (b523025)
- bzr: `_lp_bzr_uncommitted_files()` data function (b523025)
- bzr: `_lp_bzr_uncommitted_lines()` data function (b523025)
- bzr: `_lp_bzr_untracked_files()` data function (b523025)
- color: `lp_terminal_format()` util function (liquidprompt#486, 09cfced)
- env: `$LP_ENABLE_ERROR` config option (liquidprompt#543, 63b9f73)
- env: `_lp_chroot()` data function (c946155)
- env: `_lp_connected_display()` data function (c946155)
- env: `_lp_error()` data function (63b9f73)
- env: `_lp_hostname()` data function (8de1a72, 6ea54e9)
- env: `_lp_hostname_color()` theme function (c946155, 8de1a72, b1a3145)
- env: `_lp_http_proxy()` data function (78dee3c)
- env: `_lp_http_proxy_color()` theme function (78dee3c)
- env: `_lp_multiplexer()` data function (0200b99, 230c9d7)
- env: `_lp_python_env()` data function (03434d3)
- env: `_lp_python_env_color()` theme function (03434d3)
- env: `_lp_software_collections()` data function (f4afc5d)
- env: `_lp_software_collections_color()` theme function (f4afc5d)
- env: `_lp_sudo_active()` data function (9ba5d28)
- env: `_lp_sudo_active_color()` theme function (9ba5d28)
- env: `_lp_user()` data function (9ba5d28)
- env: `_lp_username()` data function (debb794)
- env: `_lp_username_color()` theme function (afe3195)
- fossil: `_lp_fossil_active()` data function (bf2b9c6)
- fossil: `_lp_fossil_commit_id()` data function (bf2b9c6)
- fossil: `_lp_fossil_head_status()` data function (bf2b9c6)
- fossil: `_lp_fossil_stash_count()` data function (bf2b9c6)
- fossil: `_lp_fossil_uncommitted_files()` data function (bf2b9c6)
- fossil: `_lp_fossil_uncommitted_lines()` data function (bf2b9c6)
- fossil: `_lp_fossil_untracked_files()` data function (bf2b9c6)
- git: `_lp_git_active()` data function (70b4ef6)
- git: `_lp_git_commit_id()` data function (70b4ef6)
- git: `_lp_git_commits_off_remote()` data function (309b443)
- git: `_lp_git_stash_count()` data function (fe9919f, bb19836)
- git: `_lp_git_tag()` data function (70b4ef6, liquidprompt#506)
- git: `_lp_git_uncommitted_files()` data function (67dc0a9)
- git: `_lp_git_uncommitted_lines()` data function (70b4ef6)
- git: `_lp_git_unstaged_files()` data function (67dc0a9)
- git: `_lp_git_unstaged_lines()` data function (70b4ef6)
- git: `_lp_git_untracked_files()` data function (fe9919f)
- hg: `_lp_hg_active()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- hg: `_lp_hg_bookmark()` data function (f4636e6)
- hg: `_lp_hg_commit_id()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- hg: `_lp_hg_head_status()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- hg: `_lp_hg_stash_count()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- hg: `_lp_hg_tag()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- hg: `_lp_hg_uncommitted_files()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- hg: `_lp_hg_uncommitted_lines()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- hg: `_lp_hg_untracked_files()` data function (1a9fcd0)
- jobs: `$LP_ENABLE_DETACHED_SESSIONS` config option, separate from jobs (f9038e0, 862dcfb, liquidprompt#552)
- jobs: `_lp_detached_sessions()` data function (73f2057, 862dcfb)
- jobs: `_lp_jobcount()` data function (73f2057)
- load: `_lp_load()` data function (8a987f4)
- path: `$lp_path` data variable (a35032f)
- path: `__lp_path()` internal function (a35032f)
- runtime: `_lp_runtime_format()` data function (0f0fd37)
- svn: `_lp_svn_active()` data function (4fff496)
- svn: `_lp_svn_commit_id()` data function (4fff496)
- svn: `_lp_svn_uncommitted_files()` data function (4fff496)
- svn: `_lp_svn_uncommitted_lines()` data function (4fff496)
- svn: `_lp_svn_untracked_files()` data function (4fff496)
- temperature: `_lp_temperature()` as data function (69c75a3)
- tests: Tests to check if a shell supports all features that Liquidprompt
  needs (liquidprompt#469, 46918f6, 5a9293d, cdb860)
- tests: Github Actions build file (liquidprompt#469, 05e0a50)
- theme: `__lp_theme_bash_complete()` to complete themes in Bash for `lp_theme()` (884c069)
- theme: `__lp_theme_list()` to list themes loaded in function memory (884c069)
- theme: `__lp_theme_zsh_complete()` to complete themes in Zsh for `lp_theme()` (884c069)
- theme: `_lp_default_theme_activate()` theme function (40c4331, 45f8091)
- theme: `_lp_default_theme_directory()` theme function (40c4331, 45f8091)
- theme: `_lp_default_theme_prompt()` theme function (40c4331, 45f8091)
- theme: `lp_theme()` to switch themes without resourcing any
  files (45f8091, 884c069, liquidprompt#592)
- theme: `powerline_full`, the default theme order in Powerline style (bcefaf3)
- theme: `powerline`, a clone of the Powerline prompt (af8382b, 8de1a72, 5ef795d, liquidprompt#520)
- time: `_lp_analog_time()` data function (8cb609d, bc120d5)
- time: `_lp_analog_time_color()` theme function (8cb609d, bc120d5)
- time: `_lp_time()` data function (bc120d5)
- time: `_lp_time_color()` theme function (bc120d5)
- title: `lp_formatted_title()` sets persistent title stripping terminal formatting
  sequences (46df995, 9604203)
- title: `_lp_raw_title()` sets persistent title without stripping terminal formatting
  sequences (46df995)
- title: `lp_title()` sets a manual title that overrides the theme set title (46df995, liquidprompt#609)
- utils: `__lp_is_function()` util function (9b40ca1)
- utils: `__lp_line_count()` util function (a314677)
- vcs: `_lp_find_vcs()` to quickly find nearest VCS repo (f434b6d, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_active()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_bookmark()` data function (f4636e6, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_branch()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_commit_id()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_commits_off_remote()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_details_color()` to format VCS details regardless of VCS
  type (cafb8b2, f4636e6, 5c56e65, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_head_status()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_stash_count()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_tag()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#506, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_uncommitted_files()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_uncommitted_lines()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_unstaged_files()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_unstaged_lines()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)
- vcs: `_lp_vcs_untracked_files()` data function (cafb8b2, liquidprompt#524)

- general: Issues with custom `$IFS` (e48856b)
- general: Liquidprompt is now `set -u` compatable (liquidprompt#354, a8aa8c9, cb9d71b)
- battery: Color display would break with custom `$LP_COLORMAP` array (f3f20ec)
- runtime: DEBUG trap was not unset if `$LP_ENABLE_RUNTIME_BELL` was disabled (cb9d71b)
- time: Add default value for `$LP_TIME_ANALOG` (f8c1c47)
- vcs: VCS display for new VCS works without needing to change directories (f434b6d)

- general: Exit if shell is in interactive mode (f2276fc)
- general: Load all functions at source time, not only ones enabled by the
  config (e1f8bd5, 8cb609d)
- general: Remove subshells to improve speed (liquidprompt#607, 9ba6e86, e2ba86e)
- general: Remove uses of eval improve speed and security (4fff496, 1a56d58)
- color: Better handling when `tput` is not found (09cfced)
- fossil: Remove `sed` call in `_lp_fossil_branch()` (6d94db6)
- git: `_lp_git_branch()` only returns a matching branch, not a fallback commit ID. Use
  `_lp_git_commit_id()` instead (70b4ef6)
- git: `_lp_git_head_status()` add more matches from official git prompt, as well as details
  for partial rebases (liquidprompt#527, 5c56e65)
- jobs: Use `__lp_line_count()` instead of `wc -l` for data function (fb123f4)
- runtime: Save bell escape sequence on startup to save time when sending bell to terminal
  with runtime bell (3e615cd)
- svn: `_lp_svn_branch()` prefixes tag with "tag/", no longer returns current directory if no
  match found (4fff496)

- vcsh: `$LP_ENABLE_VCSH` config option, which did nothing (f86a097)


Toggle v1.12.1's commit message


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.
Version 1.12.1

A small fix for fossil users. This is annoying enough that it needs a
fix now instead of in the rework.

- fossil: fossil 1.11+ maching any directory as a valid repo and
  printing 3 error messages (liquidprompt#626)

Thanks to:
* Felix Eckhofer (@tribut) for reporting the issue


Toggle v1.12.0's commit message


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.
Version 1.12.0

After more than 4 years, it's finally here. While the project needs much
more work, there were enough pending changes and needed small fixes that
a minor version release was needed. This release also sees the project
moving to true [Semantic Versioning](, which is why
this is a *.*.0 release. Bug fix releases between now and v2.0 will be
of the form 1.12.1 and following.

In general, this release contains mostly fixes, but there are a few
added features. Liquidprompt still has a lot of work to do with issues,
but this release should have a lot less of them than the previous

As we move towards breaking changes for 2.0, I would recommend users
stay targeting this tag, unless they want to help debug issues as we
work on 2.0, in which case you can follow master.

- color: Add `$MAGENTA`, `$BOLD_PURPLE`, and `$BOLD_MAGENTA` (3fadce9)
- color: Add warning when `tput` is not available (liquidprompt#615)
- path: Allow to customize the symbol before the path that shows if the
  directory is writable: `$LP_MARK_PERM` (liquidprompt#430)
- runtime: `$LP_RUNTIME_BELL` and `$LP_RUNTIME_BELL_THRESHOLD` to ring
  bell for slow commands (liquidprompt#571)

- general: use `LC_ALL=C` everywhere parsable output is needed (liquidprompt#548, liquidprompt#549)
- general: set specific `IFS` everywhere it is used (liquidprompt#613)
- bash: workaround broken .bashrc that export `$PROMPT_COMMAND`, we now
  unexport it on startup (liquidprompt#450, liquidprompt#463, liquidprompt#474)
- bash: handle unset `$_LP_RUNTIME_LAST_SECONDS` when `set -u` is set (liquidprompt#605)
- bash: use `$BASH_VERSINFO` for when there is a non-numeric
  suffix (liquidprompt#522, 0234a58)
- battery/OS X: newer versions of OS X failing to parse (liquidprompt#476, fefbe01)
- color: `$LP_COLORMAP` would break if customized with a different sized
  array (a70e80f)
- color: `_lp_color_map()` would return nothing if the passed in value
  was outside the scale range (a70e80f, liquidprompt#455, liquidprompt#499, liquidprompt#604)
- cpu/SunOS: failing math operation on load average (liquidprompt#479, liquidprompt#480)
- fossil: improve branch name detection, don't match tags (liquidprompt#497)
- git: remove `-E` from grep check for portablility (liquidprompt#508)
- git: modifications incorrectly showing as untracked files (liquidprompt#509)
- git: changed line check failing if file named "HEAD" existed (liquidprompt#517)
- hg: modifications incorrectly showing as untracked files (liquidprompt#509)
- hostname: regression in `$LP_ENABLE_FQDN` implementation (liquidprompt#472)
- hostname/SunOS: `$LP_COLOR_HOST_HASH` erroring (liquidprompt#461, liquidprompt#462, 9c1c8a3)
- jobs: mispelled variable local declaration (liquidprompt#564)
- root: `$LP_MARK_DEFAULT` being ignored if root (liquidprompt#501, 5ee3c53)
- runtime: when runtime enabled, `$_` would evaluate as
  `_lp_runtime_before` (liquidprompt#451)
- runtime: when running a multipart command line (with pipes or `;`),
  runtime would never show. Now shows runtime of whole pipeline (liquidprompt#614)
- tmux: tmux not showing as multiplexer if custom `$TERM` set (liquidprompt#563)

- battery: hide battery symbol when neither charging nor discharging (liquidprompt#582)
- color: optimize `tput` color gen (d62bf31)
- git: faster `git stash` check (liquidprompt#503, 93df016)

Thanks to:
* Olivier Mengué (@dolmen) for maintaining the project for the majority
  of this release window
* Felix Schlitter (@felixSchl) for cleaning up an awk script
* Bryce Jasmer (@b-jazz) for clearing up wording in the config file
* @nojhan for adding documentation to the README
* Philip Garrison (@pgarrison) for allowing the colon to be customized
* Étienne Deparis (@milouse) for improving Fossil branch name detection
* Matt Smith (@ncs-msmith) for optimizing git stash check
* François Schmidts (@jaesivsm) for fixing VCS file tracking regex
* @ste-fan for fixing battery issues
* Peter van Dijk (@Habbie) for fixing set -u issue in Bash
* Nolan Leake (@nolanl) for adding bell ringing on slow command complete
* Dmitry V. Drozdovich (@thrushcat) for fixing OS X battery issue
* Tristan Miller (@logological) for adding documentation to the README
* Markus Gebert (@mgeb) for suggested fixes in `_lp_color_map()`
* Tore Anderson (@toreanderson) for suggested fixes and documentation
  around CPU and `_lp_color_map()`
* Daniel Pinyol (@dpinol) for reporting git file named "HEAD" issue
* Alyssa Ross (@alyssais) for reporting CPU and color issue
* Gergo Szonyi (@gex) for reporting `$_` issue
* Joey Liu (@liujoey) for reporing Tmux detection issue
* Nolan Leake (@nolanl) for reporting pipeline runtime issue
* Éloi Rivard (@azmeuk) for reporting misleading message when `tput` not


Toggle v1.12-rc.1's commit message


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.
Version 1.12 Release candidate 1

1.12 is coming. There are only a few bugs left that I would say are in
scope for 1.12. They are liquidprompt#500, liquidprompt#511, liquidprompt#547, and liquidprompt#584. All related to
Unicode and inconsistant character sizes I think, but I can't reproduce

I won't commit to any timeline on the actual release, but unless I get
some bug reports or help with the above issues in the next week or so,
I'll probably release it.

Changes since v1.12-beta.1:

- general: set specific `IFS` everywhere it is used (liquidprompt#613)
- color: `$LP_COLORMAP` would break if customized with a different sized
  array (a70e80f)
- color: `_lp_color_map()` would return nothing if the passed in value was
  outside the scale range (a70e80f, liquidprompt#455, liquidprompt#499, liquidprompt#604)
- git: changed line check failing if file named "HEAD" existed (liquidprompt#517)
- runtime: when runtime enabled, `$_` would evaluate as
  `_lp_runtime_before` (liquidprompt#451)
- runtime: when running a multipart command line (with pipes or `;`),
  runtime would never show. Now shows runtime of whole pipeline (liquidprompt#614)
- tmux: tmux not showing as multiplexer if custom `$TERM` set (liquidprompt#563)

Thanks to:
* Markus Gebert (@mgeb) for suggested fixes in `_lp_color_map()`
* Tore Anderson (@toreanderson) for suggested fixes and documentation
  around CPU and `_lp_color_map()`
* Daniel Pinyol (@dpinol) for reporting git file named "HEAD" issue
* Alyssa Ross (@alyssais) for reporting CPU and color issue
* Gergo Szonyi (@gex) for reporting `$_` issue
* Joey Liu (@liujoey) for reporing Tmux detection issue
* Nolan Leake (@nolanl) for reporting pipeline runtime issue


Toggle v1.12-beta.1's commit message


This tag is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any tag attributed to them is signed.
Version 1.12 Beta 1

It has been over four years, but 1.12 is coming. There are only a
handful of changes here, but stretched out over four years, it is for
sure time for a release.

I couldn't make this a release candidate since there is at least one
important fix I am planning on including. I hopefully will get to it
soon, but I have been sitting on these changes long enough, and it's
time to get them out there.

- color: Add `$MAGENTA`, `$BOLD_PURPLE`, and `$BOLD_MAGENTA` (3fadce9)
- path: Allow to customize the symbol before the path that shows if the
  directory is writable: `$LP_MARK_PERM` (liquidprompt#430)
- runtime: `$LP_RUNTIME_BELL` and `$LP_RUNTIME_BELL_THRESHOLD` to ring
  bell for slow commands (liquidprompt#571)

- general: use `LC_ALL=C` everywhere parsable output is needed (liquidprompt#548, liquidprompt#549)
- bash: workaround broken .bashrc that export `$PROMPT_COMMAND`, we now
  unexport it on startup (liquidprompt#450, liquidprompt#463, liquidprompt#474)
- bash: handle unset `$_LP_RUNTIME_LAST_SECONDS` when `set -u` is set (liquidprompt#605)
- bash: use `$BASH_VERSINFO` for when there is a non-numeric
  suffix (liquidprompt#522, 0234a58)
- battery/OS X: newer versions of OS X failing to parse (liquidprompt#476, fefbe01)
- cpu/SunOS: failing math operation on load average (liquidprompt#479, liquidprompt#480)
- fossil: improve branch name detection, don't match tags (liquidprompt#497)
- git: remove `-E` from grep check for portablility (liquidprompt#508)
- git: modifications incorrectly showing as untracked files (liquidprompt#509)
- hg: modifications incorrectly showing as untracked files (liquidprompt#509)
- hostname: regression in `$LP_ENABLE_FQDN` implementation (liquidprompt#472)
- hostname/SunOS: `$LP_COLOR_HOST_HASH` erroring (liquidprompt#461, liquidprompt#462, 9c1c8a3)
- jobs: mispelled variable local declaration (liquidprompt#564)
- root: `$LP_MARK_DEFAULT` being ignored if root (liquidprompt#501, 5ee3c53)

- battery: hide battery symbol when neither charging nor discharging (liquidprompt#582)
- color: optimize `tput` color gen (d62bf31)
- git: faster `git stash` check (liquidprompt#503, 93df016)

Thanks to:
* Olivier Mengué (@dolmen) for maintaining the project for the majority
  of this release window
* Felix Schlitter (@felixSchl) for cleaning up an awk script
* Bryce Jasmer (@b-jazz) for clearing up wording in the config file
* @nojhan for adding documentation to the README
* Philip Garrison (@pgarrison) for allowing the colon to be customized
* Étienne Deparis (@milouse) for improving Fossil branch name detection
* Matt Smith (@ncs-msmith) for optimizing git stash check
* François Schmidts (@jaesivsm) for fixing VCS file tracking regex
* @ste-fan for fixing battery issues
* Peter van Dijk (@Habbie) for fixing set -u issue in Bash
* Nolan Leake (@nolanl) for adding bell ringing on slow command complete
* Dmitry V. Drozdovich (@thrushcat) for fixing OS X battery issue
* Tristan Miller (@logological) for adding documentation to the README