Softdesk is an API built in Django Rest framework. This works on website and mobile (ios & android).
Create a virtualenv for the project with Python 3.10.4
And install the depencies.
python -m venv venv
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Server can be run by this command :
python runserver
and open in browser this adress: http:/
Here the documentation of the Softdesk's API: postman documentation
The file .pylintrc contents parameters for checking Pylint.
It checks syntax, error, coding stadard of the code with this command:
From the terminal into the root folder 'Softdesk'
pylint softdesk
I learn how to create an API with Django Rest Framework. How to protect with authenticated and peermission some action of the CRUD. I learn to use view class and a nested router url.